
這部有關橫店的新聞專題片 獲美國電視界最高獎“艾美獎”提名

北京時間8月4日, 《東方崛起》新聞專題獲得2017年“艾美獎”提名。 這一獎項為美國電視界最高獎, 其地位同電影界“奧斯卡獎”和音樂界的“格萊美獎”一樣重要。

On August 4 Beijing Time,The special news program Rise of the East was nominated by 2017“Emmy”.The prize is the highest prize in American television and its status is as important as“Oscar”in film and“Grammy”in music.

《東方崛起》新聞專題由美國CBS(哥倫比亞廣播公司)專業團隊拍攝創作, 從橫店拉開鏡頭, 深度報導了中國影視產業的發展歷程和超乎想像的發展速度, 採訪了諸多影視界精英人物, 認為中國將超越美國成為世界最大的電影市場。

The special news program Rise of the East was created and finished by the professional team of American CBS(Columbia Broadcasting System).It started scenes from Hengdian and deeply reported the development history and unimaginable development speed of Chinese film industry.It interviewed many elites of film industry and it thought China would surpass the United States to become the world's largest film market.

在專訪橫店集團創始人、橫店四共委主席徐文榮的同時, 視頻以大量的鏡頭聚焦橫店, 展現了橫店繁忙的拍攝片場、大氣磅礴的明清宮苑、秦王宮等景點, 充分肯定了橫店對中國影視產業做出的重大貢獻。

When the founder of Hengdian Group and the chairman of Communist Party of Hengdian Xu Wenrong was interviewed exclusively,many lenses of the video focused on Hengdian,showed the busy filming sites of Hengdian and scenic spots like spectacular palatial gardens of Ming and Qing Dynasty,Qin Palace and so on.It fully admired the significant contributions of Hengdian to Chinese film industry.

這次的大獎提名, 對橫店的知名度、美譽度在國際上的提升將更上一層樓。

The nomination of the grand prize this time will promote the recognition and reputation of Hengdian to a higher level in the world.

(中國網實習生 金佳寧 綜合報導 翻譯 陳萍萍)

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