

“每日學英語”多平臺更新, 關注後, 讓英語學習成為一種習慣!

桌遊的類型有很多, 而撲克牌是最普遍、最受大眾接受和歡迎的桌遊之一。 那麼, 關於牌桌上的英文你都瞭解多少呢?今天就跟著小編一起來看看藏在撲克裡的英文習語吧~

1. Holding all the cards


When the Gates Foundation places a bet, they like to hold all the cards.

當蓋茨基金會下賭注時, 他們總想擁有能掌控全域的一切。

2. Have a good hand

拿到一手好牌, 有成功的可能

I must complain the cards are ill shuffled till I have a good hand.

直至我手上有好牌為止, 我得抗議紙牌洗得不好。

3. Poker face


In business a poker face can be very useful.

在生意場上, 不露聲色會非常有用的。

4. Wild card

萬能卡、無法預料的事, 未知數

The wild card in the picture is eastern Europe.


5. Lay one's cards on the table

徹底公開, 攤牌。

I don't want to keep any secrets from you. So, I'm going to lay my cards on the table and tell you that I'm no millionaire, and that if you marry me, you'll have to work for a while - at least until my business starts to grow.

我不想對你有任何保留, 所以我現在全都告訴你。 我不是什麼百萬富翁, 你如果嫁給我, 可能還得工作一段時間, 起碼要等到我的生意開始有些起色為止。

6. Play with a full deck

有頭腦的, 神志清醒的

Have you noticed that old man who sits on a park bench all day talking to himself? I overheard him today and he's just talking nonsense. I'm afraid the poor guy isn't playing with a full deck.



7. Tip one's hand

攤牌, 暴露自己, 洩露秘密

Don't let the land lord hear that I don't have any other options. Idon't want to tip my hand when we negotiate over the price.

不能讓房東聽見我沒有其他選擇。 我可不想在談租金的時候被房東知底。

娛樂消遣中, 打牌是相互交流、鍛煉頭腦的不錯方式, 不過小夥伴也要注意,打牌有節制,可別太貪玩哦~

好了,今天的英文學習就到這裡,我們下期再見,see u next time!


好了,今天的英文學習就到這裡,我們下期再見,see u next time!

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