
BBC News:巴西舉行第二輪總統競選 車臣共和國發生自殺式人體襲擊事件

BBC News with David Austin.

David Austin為您播報BBC新聞。

As voting continues in Brazil's elections, the incumbent president Dilma Rousseff has acknowledged that she expected to have taken part in a runoff vote against one of her two rival candidates, the center-right candidate Aecio Neves and the popular environmentalist Marina Silva. From Rio de Janeiro, here is Julia Caneiro.

巴西總統選舉繼續舉行, 現任總統Dilma Rousseff已經承認將會與兩名候選人共同開始競選, 一位是右翼候選人Aecio Neves, 還有一位倍受歡迎的環保人士Marina Silva。 Rio de Janeiro從里約熱內盧發回報道。

The big question today is who would make it with her to a second round? If it's Marina Silva, the surprise of this race, she surged in opinion polls after the death of former candidate Eduardo Campos and seemed to have very big chances, and Aecio Neves was pushed back when she entered the race, but now has recovered positions and according to polls we saw last week, was threatening closing in on Marlina. It really seems like this will be decided vote by vote.

今天的問題是誰會在第二輪競選中與她一起展開爭奪。 如果是Marina Silva的話這場競賽將會充滿驚喜, 在前候選人坎波斯去世後她在民意調查中顯示支援率一路飆升, 前景一片大好。 Aecio Neves緊追其後, 現在已經穩定地位, 據上周的民意調查顯示Aecio Neves的支援率正對Marlina造成威脅。 最後結果還學要看投票結果。

A fierce gun battle has been taken place around the besieged Syrian town of Kobani near the border with Turkey. Kurdish fighters backed by US-led airstrikes had tried to hold back Islamic State militants. Paul Adams reports.


庫爾德戰士在美軍空襲的掩護下曾試圖阻止伊斯蘭武裝分子的進攻。 Paul Adams發回報道。

The battle for Kobani has intensified once more. From our position across the border, we watched a furious gun battle seem to engulf the eastern edge of the city. In the distance, we could see tanks moving and the muzzle flash of a heavy machine gun. And a war came briefly to the Turkish side as well. We found angry defiant Kurds clustered around the house that'd just been hit by a rocket fired from across the border. Several people have been injured. The Turkish authorities quickly evacuated nearby villages, firing volleys of teargas in an effort to hurt people away from the border. Once again, violence on the Turkish side had distracted it from a much more desperate struggle going on across the border.

Kobani附近再次發生激烈交鋒, 從我們所在的地點跨過邊界, 我們觀察了一場城市東部邊緣發生的激烈槍戰。 在遠處我們可以可以看到坦克在前進, 重機槍的槍口閃閃發光。 一場戰爭在土耳其邊境激烈展開。 我們發現憤怒的庫爾德人民正聚集在被火箭擊中的建築周圍, 幾人受傷。 土耳其當局很快撤離了附近村莊居民, 向居民發射催淚彈希望能離開這裡。 再次, 土耳其邊境暴力衝突可能已經越過邊境範圍。

There have been fierce clashes in eastern Lebanon between Islamist militants and the Lebanese Shiah group Hezbollah. Reports say the Islamist gunmen believed to be from the Islamic State and the Nusra Front crossed from Syria and attacked Hezbollah positions. Several people have died. Tension has risen in Lebanon since the army attacked Islamist forces who seized a border town last month.

在黎巴嫩東部地區伊斯蘭武裝分子與黎巴嫩什葉派真主党之間發生了激烈衝突。 據報導稱伊斯蘭槍擊人員為伊斯蘭恐怖組織,

來自敘利亞的努拉斯陣線襲擊了真主党據點, 並造成數人死亡。 自上月軍隊襲擊伊斯蘭佔據的邊境城鎮時候黎巴嫩境內局勢開始緊張。

World News from the BBC.


Somali government forces have taken the last coastal stronghold of the Al-Shabab Islamist militant group. A BBC reporter in Somalia says government soldiers are inside the town of Barawe while African Union troops supporting them with tanks and heavy artillery are outside.

索馬里政府勢力已經掌握了伊斯蘭基地組織最近的沿海據點。 索馬里本台記者稱政府士兵在Barawe城鎮內部, 而阿富汗聯盟部隊在外部向他們提供坦克課重型火炮支持。

Five police officers have been killed by a suicide bomber in Grozny, the capital of the Southern Russian Republic of Chechnya. Twelve other officers were wounded. The Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov told reporters that the bomber disguised as a policeman had blown himself up after he was stopped at the entrance to a concert hall. Separatist rebels who want independence from Russia have been blamed for previous attacks.

五名員警在俄羅斯南部車臣共和國首都格羅茲尼自殺式人體炸彈襲擊中喪生。 另外有12名工作人員受傷。 車臣領導人卡德羅夫告訴記者稱襲擊者把自己打扮成員警的樣子, 在進入音樂廳出口時被禁止入內然後點燃自身炸彈。 希望從俄羅斯分裂出去的獨立分子成為了此次事件指責對象。

Exit polls from Bulgaria snap election have pointed to a comeback for the former bodyguard Boiko Borisov and his right-wing Gerb Party. But the Party was not expected to secure a majority of votes, making another coalition government likely. From Sofia, here is Nick Hope.

來自保加利亞民調顯示其前保鏢伊科鮑裡索夫和其右翼公民黨派已經捲土重來, 但是政黨預計不會獲得更多票數的支持, 也不會有機會來重組政府內閣。 Nick Hope從索菲亞發回報道。

If the exit poll results are born out(證實) by the real count, Gerb, which stands for citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria, which led the country into February last year, looks set to head the next coalition government. But the task of the Gerb leader Boiko Borisov would be made more complicated by the plethoric parties expected to cross the 4% threshold and to enter the new parliament. The next government will be the fifth in under two years in Bulgaria. It would have to decide rapidly on the fate of the major commercial bank which closed its stores in June and to negotiate with Russian companies over energy supplies this winter.

如果民意調查被證實真實性, 公民党, 即代表保加利亞爭取歐洲進步黨派, 曾于去年領導該國家進入二月份的黨派, 有可能領導下一屆政府。 但是公民党領導人Boiko Borisov將面臨更複雜的問題, 因為會有大約4%的政黨也將跨越門檻進入新議會。 下一屆政府將會在兩年內成為第五個保加利亞控制政府。 它將決定對九月份關閉的商業銀行採取快速行動重新恢復營業, 並於俄羅斯公司就今年冬天能源供應問題進行談判。

The French Formula One Racing driver Jules Bianchi is in intensive care after suffering a severe head injury in a crash of the Japanese Grand Prix. Surgeons have been operating on Bianchi who was unconscious when he was taken to hospital. The race was haltered early and the British driver Lewis Hamilton was declared the winner.

F1方程式賽車手Jules Bianchi 在日本大獎賽中頭部受到嚴重損傷現已轉入重症監護室。 外科醫生在他被送往醫院途中沒有意識的情況下對他進行了手術。 比賽提前結束, 英國選手Lewis Hamilton獲得冠軍。

BBC News.


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