


SCI期刊裡的Artcle正文都會分成幾個部分:Introduction/Background、Materials and Methods、Recults和Discussion, 有的期刊還要Conclusion。 這跟中國古代講究起承轉合的八股文有異曲同工之妙, 其特點就是每個段落都有固定格式。



Introduction的難點在於如何用幾句話就把背景介紹、別人工作成果、自己的研究目的及工作給介紹清楚。 在介紹別人工作時只需介紹和自己最相關的方面 (very relevant), 而對自己的工作介紹也不用說明細節。

Introduction第一句都是介紹研究領域的相關大背景。 比如腫瘤研究文章中就是某種具體cancer的背景介紹。 包括疾病的嚴重程度, 臨床治療難度, 對其進行研究的必要性和緊迫性等等。


AA tumor is a leading cause of cancer mortality in .../The high mortality rate of xx tumor is in part due to lack of early detection of xx cancer marker/Resistance to existing the rapies in AA tumor is a major problem in AA field.

第二句是細化的研究領域介紹。 比如具體課題涉及到的信號通路在疾病研究中進展的介紹, 或者你要研究的基因在某種疾病中以前有怎樣的報導發現, 這些內容都是進行一項研究的原因,



One signaling pathway that has been a focus of active research in xx disease is AA.

Previous reports showed that AA pathway is involved in the regulation of AA disease via xx protein.

xx binding to AA receptor (promoter) causes downstream activation ofthe AA signaling, resulting in AA disease.

這時候, 你還可以秀下自己的文獻累積, 將自己搜到的相關文獻按照研究現狀進行總結。 在敘述前人成果之後, 第三句可以用However來引導不足, 提出一種新方法或新方向。


However, little information little attention/ little work/ little data/ little research……has (have) been done on (focused on/attempted to/ conducted/ investigated/ studied(with respect to).

這裡的little可以換成意思相近的few, none等等。 然後從相關背景引出自己的研究內容和觀點。


We aim to /This paper reports on/ This paper provides results/ This paper extends the method/ This paper focus on/ The purpose of this paper is to/ Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, we will also discuss……

最後, 還可以總結性地提出“這一研究對其它研究有什麼幫助;或者說further studies on……will be summarized in our next study (or elsewhere)。 把讀者的思路集中到你要討論的問題上, 引出下文。


Materials and Methods這部分就是實驗報告, 一是介紹實驗物件和實驗資料, 另一方面則是寫清楚實驗方法和資料處理的方法。 在這部分中要介紹清楚每種實驗的設計方案,

用了什麼樣的試劑, 每一步驟處理時間, 操作手法等等。 最後還有必不可少的statistical analysis部分, 寫出資料處理的盲選法、測量指標及判斷差異結果的標準等等。

這部分講真除了你的同行也不太有人會看, 但是, 同行可是個可怕的生物, 被發現試驗方法有錯誤的後果可是動搖根本的。

Recults最關鍵的一點就是實事求是, 有一說一, 千萬不能弄虛作假。


Discussion之所以難寫, 是因為這裡面最能夠顯示一個作者研究問題的深度和廣度。 深度就是論文對於提出問題的研究到了一個什麼樣的程度, 廣度指是否能夠從多個角度來分析解釋實驗結果。

開始可以回顧研究的主要目的或假說。 通常就用一句話來重申你的研究內容, 此時可參考引言部分,

但不要直接複製, 即使是重複內容也要改變一下語句。 同時探討文章所得結果與科學假說是否相符合及其原因。

然後可以說自己的實驗結果, 如果是陽性的話, 常用:

The A produced the best results.

The best results were obtained by A; using this method, the IPE was separated by microdissection after treatment with an enzyme solution, which decreased the trauma produced by prolonged exposure to the enzyme and the mechanical injuries caused by the direct dissection method.

The A, which yields the best results for isolating IPE from autopsy eyes, yielded better results for the surgical specimens.


Recently epidemiological and molecular biological studies indicate that A1 is different from A2 and similar to A3, e.g., the occurrence of A1 is related to the sunlight exposure and mutation of BRAF gene, whereas the B2 are not.

The difference between the A1 and A2 may be determined by the different environmental and cellular factors of the B1 and B2.

These results indicated that X only stimulated cell growth at a high concentration.

After supplementation with X, A growth was stimulated, but mitotic activity declined rapidly after a few passages.

These effects were dose-dependent at the range from --- to --- M

最後一部分是研究的不足之處, 可以這麼寫:


It should be noted that this study has examined only…

We concentrate (focus) on only…

We have to point out that we do not…

Some limitations of this study are…


The results do not imply…

The results can not be used to determine (or be taken as evidence of)…

Unfortunately, we can not determine this from this data…

Our results are lack of…


Not with standing its limitation, this study does suggest…

However, these problems could be solved if we consider…

Despite its preliminary character, this study can clearly indicate…

有人會說, 你把這種方法發出來, 大家都用了, 寫出來的文章前篇一律, 審稿人看的都審美疲勞了怎麼辦?別擔心, 這些初級套路只是讓文章到達60分的及格線。

要想更系統的學習模組化寫作可以參加解螺旋鑽石會員的SCI寫作課, 會詳細介紹如何用模組化的理念來理解SCI文章寫作單元。










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