

There’s no shame in not being the sharpest kid in your college class. Some people are simply smarter than others. But when the kid who’s smarter than you is an 11-year-old boy…well, that’s a little harder to accept. But that’s precisely the situation some students are finding themselves in at the University of Toledo in Ohio, because one of their classmates just happens to be a child genius named Daniel Liu.

就算你不是大學班級裡最聰明的學生, 也沒什麼好丟人的, 畢竟有些人確實天資聰穎。 但如果這個在智力上碾壓你的同學年僅11歲……這就讓人有些難以接受了。 然而這樣的故事此刻正發生在俄亥俄州托萊多大學的一些學生身上:一名叫做丹尼爾·劉的神童成了他們的同班同學。

“This kid is 11 and in my organic chemistry class,” wrote Cigdem Kahyaoglu, 19, who shared a picture of her youngest classmate on Twitter recently. “He said if we have questions to just email him.” Since then the tweet has been liked more than 230k times, but Daniel (who goes to high school but takes some classes at the university) is no stranger to fame. He’s already met Bill Nye (the Science Guy) and he’s even met Obama when collecting the $10,000 scholarship that he won at the White House Science Fair. Did we mention he’s only eleven?

“這名和我一起上有機化學課的小朋友才十一歲!”十九歲的大學生Cigdem Kahyaoglu最近在推特上發了一張小神童的照片。 “他還告訴我們, 大家可以隨時發郵件向他問問題。 ”這條推特迅速火爆全網 , 收穫了23萬點贊。 但其實, 丹尼爾(選修了大學課程的高中生)早就已經是名人了。

他已經和《比爾教科學》的主持人Bill Nye見過面了, 甚至在白宮科學展上, 得到一萬美金獎學金的他還受到了奧巴馬的接見。 噢, 我說過他才十一歲麼?

Daniel Liu is 11-years-old, but that doesn’t stop him from studying organic chemistry at the University of Toledo in Ohio!



他還告訴我們, 大家可以隨時發郵件向他問問題)

His classmate tweeted a picture of him recently and it instantlywent viral. Daniel’s no stranger to fame though. Here he is with Bill Nye theScience Guy!

他的同學把這張照片發到了推特上, 並瞬間成為熱門話題。 但其實他早已為不少人所熟知。 這是他和《比爾教科學》的Bill Nye的合影!

He even met Barack Obama at the White House Science Fair afterwinning a $10,000 scholarship.



(丹尼爾·劉, 國家化學獎得主, 在白宮參加科技展。 )

Did we mention he’s only eleven?


(我是來要簽名的, 結果他把郵箱地址都告訴我了。 )

The tweet has already been shared over 230k times, and as you cansee, the internet can’t get enough of him

最初那條推特已經被分享了23萬餘次, 然而網友們的熱情還遠未停息


“他才11歲, 咋上高中的?”

“這我就不知道了, 反正他去年就在托萊多大學上計算課了…應該是個神童吧”)








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