

If you're a Harry Potter fan, you might like this house. You might like it anyway. It's quite good.如果你是哈利波特的粉絲,你會喜歡這個房子。 你肯定會喜歡這個房子, 因為它實在很贊。

De Vere House, which featured in the seventh, penultimate film in the movie adaptations of the famous wizarding saga, is one the market for just under £1 million.德維爾維努斯德文波特之家, 出現與哈利波特系列中的第七部,

同名改編電影的倒數第二部, 那個著名的魔法大師的府邸, 現在出售, 而價格不到100萬英鎊。

The Grade I listed property appears in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part one. It's the birthplace of Harry, and is the place where the young hero's parents were murdered.他出現在《哈利波特與死亡聖器》的第一部分, 是哈利的誕生地, 也是他年輕、富有英雄氣概父母的遇害地。

We doubt the building, which is situated in the quaint Suffolk village of Lavenham (it poses as the fictional West Country village of Godric's Hollow in the fantasy series), will be short of suitors, despite its price tag. De Vere House will set you back £995,000.我們不禁產生疑問, 這座房子位於拉文納姆風格獨特的薩福克村(就像同在系列小說中虛構的戈德里克山谷西部鄉村的風貌), 除了價格的因素, 的確缺乏購房人。 這座房子的售價在995, 000英鎊。

Still, the money gets you 3,165 sqft, six bedrooms, four bathrooms, and a stable. It's a stark contrast to the Dursley's more modest home in Privet Drive – where Harry lived under the stairs for a time.當然, 這個房子達居住面積在3165平方英尺, 其中有6個臥室, 四個浴室, 還有一個馬廄。 它和哈利曾經在女貞路樓梯間的那個寒酸的住所有著鮮明的對比。

According to its previous owners, various shots were taken of the building and its surrounds that were then edited to create Godric’s Hollow. 之前的主人稱, 電影中有不少的場景在房子和周邊進行拍攝,


The facade looks as it does in the film, though, so expect fans regularly flocking to your front door to catch a glimpse.房子的外部看起來就像和電影裡的一樣, 粉絲趨之若鶩就為了在門前看上一眼。

Its doorway is the second most photographed one in the UK – pipped to the post only by 10 Downing Street.它在英國最上鏡的門廊排名第二——僅次於唐寧街10號。

The property is currently listed on Rightmove and is being marketed by Carter Jonas.目前這座房子在Rightmove的房屋經銷商的名錄上, 由 Cater Jonas銷售.



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