

巴西柔術起初是一種扭鬥的武術, 它的技術和策略都基於對地面打鬥的深入研究。 柔術練習者, 擅長將對手拖向地面, 然後在地面上獲得控制的姿勢。 一旦形成控制姿勢, 柔術練習者可以使用關節技、絞技或擊打技術等多種攻擊手段, 將對手制服。 視頻為衣領絞(膝頂胃)教學。


此前我們講過一次防守位的衣領絞, 今天我們要講的是膝頂胃位置的衣領絞。

從側控位開始, 右膝蓋抬起頂住對手的胃部, 左腿弓步站起。 (如果左腿不站起, 那麼身體的重量就壓在地板上了, 右膝蓋並沒有給對手造成壓力)右手抓住對手的胯部,

左手抓對手的肩膀, 控制住對手。

左手拉開對手的衣領, 右手伸過去抓住, 四指在內, 大拇指在外。 左手交叉過去, 緊貼對手的脖子抓對手的衣領。 (如果對手的衣領是開著的, 左手可以伸進去, 但是一般情況下不是開著的, 另外注意左手不要抓對手外側肩膀, 一定要抓緊貼著脖子的肩膀)

接下來, 右手肘朝向自己的胸腔, 頭部下沉去貼近對手的臉, 向下施加力量, 直到對手拍墊認輸。


Knee in the stomach, knee in the belly I call it sometimes. This is a control position here and here. OK. To get to this position, I start from the side mount. I hop up. My leg is up. This is not a knee in the belly. Right here, the floor is carrying my weight. I want my opponent to carry my weight so I’m going to be up on my foot there. Here and here.

Now we’re going to go for a choke in the knee and the stomach. Here, open his collar. Four fingers in, one thumb out. Here my other hand goes over. And notice I’m grabbing the shoulder. My hand is tight against his neck. I’m not just grabbing here. That’s a lot of space. Right here. If his gig was open I’d put one thumb in and do it like so, but a lot of time it’s tight.

You could just grab the fabric on the shoulder right by the neck, right by the throat here. I’m going to pull my elbows towards my rib cage as I put my head down by his head. Hands together. Do not do this. That’s wrong. Elbows must go towards my rib cage. And I put my weight down. And that’s your choke from the knee and the belly.


巴博斯(Babs Olusanmokun), 泛美柔術黑帶大師賽冠軍。

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