

“每日學英語”多平臺更新, 關注後, 讓英語學習成為一種習慣!

不知道為何, 中國的單身男性和女性提起對方, 仿佛總有說不完的槽點。 漢子們嫌姑娘“勢利”“拜金”“做作”, 妹子們嫌男生“媽寶”“小氣”“直男癌”……

雖然中國男性是有不少值得吐槽的地方, 但是在外國人看來, 可是實打實的好男人呢。

國外博主Mary在和數個亞洲男人交往過後, 感慨是醬紫的:

And from my (very small) pool of dating research at this time, I found that the most satisfactory, fun, and long-lasting dates were with none other than Chinese men.

雖然樣本不多, 但我還是能得出這樣一個結論:最有趣、最令人滿意、交往最長久的亞洲男人有且只有一種——那就是:中國男人!


1. They Cook!


Most Chinese men are the cooks in the household.Period.

大多數中國男人會做飯, 至少有時會下下廚。

In most Shanghainese households, it’s not the woman working hard in the kitchen every night–it’s the man.

尤其在許多上海家庭, 在廚房裡忙碌的不是女人——而是男人!

I know this may vary by region, since northern China is (I hear) more traditional in terms of having the man out in the field while the woman handles the kids and the cookin’. However, in southern China, it’s usually the man’s duty to whip up some good grub.

我知道, 在不同的地域情況會不一樣。 比方說北方的漢子會更傳統一些, 男主外女主內, 家務活大多由女人來操勞。 但在南方, 男人做些家務事也是相當常見的!

2. They Tend to Be Financially Responsible


Most Chinese men I have met tend to do a good job of managing their money well.


In America, we often see young kids taking out student loans to buy a new sports car, or even young professionals maxing out their credit cards to go out for three digit meals in swanky restaurants, buy a brand bag, or perhaps a closet full of shoes.

在美國, 什麼小盆友挪用學生貸款去買跑車、年輕的上班族哪怕刷爆信用卡也要去吃大餐、買包包鞋子,


3. Chinese Men Put Family First (double edged sword here...)


Most blue and white collar Chinese men I’ve met in China work hard not for money, fame, or prestige–but for their family, and future family. It’s this kind of dedication that, to me, makes a good man.

我認識的許多中國男人, 無論白領藍領, 他們努力工作不是為了金錢名譽聲望啥的, 而是為了家庭——為了給家庭一個美好的未來。 在我看來, 這種奉獻精神是好男人的重要品質。

But that is exactly why family dedication can be a double edged sword. Chinese men often marry whomever their parents approve of.

不過呢, 這種“顧家”也是一把雙刃劍。 中國漢子(太聽父母的話了)哪怕爸媽給他指定了必須娶誰誰誰, 他也會老實照做的。

This also explains why meeting your Chinese boyfriend’s parents is heart attack inducing... but that’s a tale for another time.

所以咯, 如果你有個中國男友, 去見他爸媽絕對是件非常心塞的事兒……好吧打住, 跑題了。


For example, Chinese women like to joke that the perfect husband is Shanghainese: he cooks, he takes care of the house, he’s more caring. Looking for something a bit more manly? Go north, where you have the brawnier, heavy drinking Dongbei men. Want a successful businessman? A Cantonese-speaking, Shenzhen or Guangzhou-living man is what you need.





For example, Chinese women like to joke that the perfect husband is Shanghainese: he cooks, he takes care of the house, he’s more caring. Looking for something a bit more manly? Go north, where you have the brawnier, heavy drinking Dongbei men. Want a successful businessman? A Cantonese-speaking, Shenzhen or Guangzhou-living man is what you need.



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