
Tonisity Px喂豬降低斷奶前死亡率

Tonisity Px Feeds Pig's Intestine to Reduce Pre-weaning Mortality

Tonisity Px喂豬降低斷奶前死亡率

ANALYSIS - Tonisity Px is the first isotonic protein drink for pigs. From Day 2, Tonisity Px helps pigs cope with stress, decreases pre-weaning mortality, increases weaning weights and improves gut health.

分析 - Tonisity Px是豬的第一個等滲蛋白飲料。 從2日齡起, Tonisity Px有助於豬應對應激, 降低斷奶前死亡率, 增加斷奶重量, 改善腸道健康。

"It's a unique product developed in such a way that even baby pigs will drink it - two day old pigs," said Dr. Ava Firth, director of research and development for Tonisity Px. "It has a unique effect in that it will actually improve the surface area of the small intestine and increase the absorption of nutrients."

Tonisity Px研發總監Ava Firth博士說:“這是一種獨特的產品, 這樣一種方式, 即使是豬寶寶也會喝它-2日齡的豬。 ” “它具有獨特的效果, 它增加小腸的表面積, 並增加營養的吸收。

Many other products try to feed the pig by providing protein. Those options only feed the pig, but Tonisity Px feeds the intestine and makes it work better, said Dr. Firth.

其他產品皆試圖通過提供蛋白質營養的方式餵養豬。 Firth博士說, 這些選擇只是能飼養豬, 但是Tonisity Px飼養豬有助於腸道代謝。

"We try to give them the best minerals that will help improve the beneficial bacteria in the gut," she said. "We've shown that by improving the absorptive surface area and improving the height of the villi, we can reduce pre-weaning mortality by at least 10 per cent, perhaps more. We can improve the weaning weight and have a stronger, healthier pig."

她說:“我們嘗試供給最好的礦物質, 幫助改善腸道中的有益菌群。 ” “我們已經表明, 通過改善吸收表面積和提高絨毛的高度, 可以將斷奶前的死亡率降低至少10%, 甚至更多, 同時, 提高斷奶重量, 並擁有更強壯, 更健康的豬”。

Tonisity is registered in the US, Canada and Europe. Registration in South America and Asia is underway.

Tonisity Px’s sweet and sour taste encourages fluid intake to improve hydration as early as 24-48 hours after birth, impacting pig health at all stages of production.

Tonisity在美國, 加拿大和歐洲註冊。 南美洲和亞洲的註冊正在進行中。

Tonisity Px的酸甜口感有助於液體飼料攝入, 以便在出生後的24-48小時內改善水合作用,


Suckling: Starting 24-48 hours after birth and up to 8 days of age.

Transitional use from suckling through weaning: Approximately 3 days before weaning until 1-2 days post-weaning.

Transporting: Weaned pigs on arrival and pigs destined for slaughter.

Palatability aid: To deliver bitter oral preparations.

吮吸:出生24-48小時, 最多8天。

斷奶過渡期使用:斷奶前約3天, 斷奶後1-2天。



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