

8月31日, 根據《馬卡報》最新報導, 經歷了新賽季打進4球的高光時刻後, 21歲的阿森西奧, 已經成為當下全體皇馬球迷最為欣賞的年輕偶像。 (The fans of Real Madrid now have a rather complicated question to solve: what shirt to buy ?. Many are the idols of the fans, although there is one that lately is growing like foam and already rubs shoulders with the best sellers in the official stores.)

值得一提的是, 初步的資料表明, 阿森西奧的球衣銷量, 已經躋身皇馬前五。 當仁不讓的第一仍然還是C羅, 隨後是拉莫斯、莫德里奇和伊斯科, 隨後就輪到了阿森西奧。 這也意味著阿森西奧的受追捧程度, 已經超過了1億天價巨星貝爾和另一位鋒線大牌本澤馬,

成為皇馬當下最具號召力的球星之一。 (Precisely the latter remains the undisputed number one. Asensio is on the way to being a great, but the biggest is still ChristianIn terms of sales. His T-shirt with the '7' is the most requested by fans and tourists。 )

總的來看, 不單如此, 在西班牙國家隊, 年輕的阿森西奧也開始受到重視, 接下來世預賽的比賽, 他將得到更多的表現機會。 而俱樂部這邊, 皇馬也將趁熱打鐵, 同阿森西奧簽下新的合同, 違約金將高達5億歐元。

(There is no doubt that he is the man of fashion and to continue like this who knows where his ceiling is. What is certain is that little by little you are gaining a place in the places of preference in the store, where players like Isco, Modric, Ramos or Cristiano, have a site of privilege for people to buy. )

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