
「任命」洲際大中華區CEO換帥:Jolyon Bulley上任,柯明思調往歐洲

【酒店高參】剛剛, 洲際酒店集團首席執行官柏思遠(Keith Barr)宣佈了兩項任命, 在新的任命中, 周卓瓴(Jolyon Bulley)將出任大中華區首席執行官, 並加入洲際酒店集團全球行政委員會。 現任大中華區首席執行官柯明思(Kenneth Macpherson)將在2017年第四季度出任歐洲、中東、亞太及非洲區(EMEAA)首席執行官, 未來將會在英國工作。


周卓瓴在洲際酒店集團工作已有16年, 是一位備受推崇和尊敬的優秀管理人才。 他現任洲際酒店集團旗下最大運營區域美洲區的首席運營官, 負責區域內所有特許經營和管理模式酒店的運營工作。 他曾在大中華區擔任首席運營官,


Jolyon has been with IHG for 16 years and is a very well respected member of the team. He is currently Chief Operating Officer (COO) for the Americas, IHG’s largest region, with responsibility for leading operations for franchised and managed hotels. Many of you may have known him from his time as COO for Greater China, where he had strategic oversight of hotel and brand performance, food & beverage, and owner relations.

我很高興周卓瓴將出任此項新職。 大中華區是我們最重要的增長市場, 他在管理和特許經營方面的經驗及對本土市場的瞭解, 將為洲際酒店集團在大中華區的經營和發展帶來價值。

I am delighted to have Jolyon in this new role. His management and franchise experience, and local knowledge, will be highly valuable to us in this critical growth market.


現任大中華區首席執行官柯明思(Kenneth Macpherson)在任職期間取得了優異的成績, 接下來他將出任歐洲、中東、亞太及非洲區(EMEAA)首席執行官。 這是一個新成立的運營區域, 將合併現在的歐洲區和非洲、中東及亞太區(AMEA)兩塊業務。 柯明思將於2017年第四季度開始新的職位, 未來將會在英國工作。

Kenneth Macpherson, who has done an exceptional job in Greater China, will be leaving his current role as Chief Executive, to take up a new role as Chief Executive, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa (EMEAA). This will be a new region, that will integrate our current Europe and AMEA businesses. Kenneth will begin his new role during the last quarter of 2017 and will be based in the UK.

柯明思於2013年就任大中華區首席執行官一職。 他與諸多業主夥伴建立了良好的關係,

也讓更多業主對洲際酒店集團旗下品牌的興趣和需求日益增長。 他在加速大中華區數位業務和商務戰略方面發揮了重要作用, 此外還宣導了包括智選假日酒店特許經營模式等全新發展理念, 並在大中華區成功推出。

Kenneth has been responsible for Greater China since 2013. I know that he has built a very strong relationship with you and many of our owners, illustrated by the increasing demand for our brands. He has also played a key role in accelerating our digital and commercial capabilities, as well as important new growth concepts, such as our highly successful ‘Franchise Plus’ model for Holiday Inn Express.

新的任命中還稱周卓瓴將於11月1日正式接任大中華區首席執行官, 並將於11月與柯明思進行各項工作的交接。 柯明思將於今年年底離開中國, 前往英國履新。


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