

File photo: Fake photographer "Eduardo Martins"

戰地攝影師、聯合國雇員、Instagram“網紅”、為多家西方主流媒體供稿… 圖中這位自稱“Eduardo Martins”的小哥年紀輕輕, 就擁有諸多令人羡慕的頭銜, 簡直稱得上是一位人生贏家。

Screenshot: BBC

他的作品發佈在BBC、華爾街日報、半島電視臺等知名媒體, 在Getty Images圖庫中出售, 作為“網紅”戰地攝影師, 他的經歷曾被網站、期刊雜誌報導, 與許多記者和攝影師同行成為了好友。 因為顏值身材俱佳, “Eduardo Martins”在Instagram上還坐擁十余萬粉絲。

Screenshot: Instagram

小哥的“高配版”人生履歷聽上去能把普通吃瓜群眾甩出十條街, 但是最近, 他通過社交媒體告訴一位攝影師朋友, 自己要切斷與外界的一切聯繫去旅行。

為何突然作出這樣的決定?因為, 經過記者抽絲剝繭後發現, 所謂的“網紅戰地攝影師”, 所有的作品竟然全是盜圖,

而且就連“Eduardo Martins”這個人, 都是假的。

感覺自己膝蓋中了一箭的BBC, 含淚發佈了長篇報導, 對騙子進行曝光:

Eduardo Martins' story was too perfect even for the world of internet celebrity.

Eduardo Martins的故事簡直太完美了, 全世界幾乎都相信了這位“網紅”。

The 32-year-old from Brazil said he had been abused as a child and beat leukaemia as a young adult.

這位32歲的小哥表示自己來自巴西, 小時候曾經遭到虐待, 剛成年時又罹患白血病, 後擊敗了病魔。

But he had turned his life around and now worked as a UN photographer whose experiences helped him connect with human suffering in some of the world's most dangerous conflict zones.

但是在此之後, 他突然間“華麗轉身”, 成為了一位聯合國攝影師, 以自己的親身經歷為紐帶, 幫助那些正在世界上最危險的衝突地帶遭受著痛苦的人們。

“Eduardo Martins”的人設賣得非常成功, 催人淚下的悲情經歷加上無限勵志的逆襲, 媒體信了, 網友們也信了, 他一度成為了攝影師中的“網紅”。

然而, 騙局編織地越來越大, 終於玩兒脫了

File photo: Fake photographer "Eduardo Martins"

In between trips to Mosul in Iraq, the Syrian city of Raqqa under the control of so-called Islamic State (IS) and the Gaza Strip, Eduardo Martins enjoyed surfing.

Eduardo Martins往返于伊拉克摩蘇爾、所謂的“伊斯蘭國”控制下的敘利亞城市拉卡、以及加沙之間, 他還非常熱衷於衝浪。

He shared glimpses of his life with his almost 125,000 Instagram followers.

他還將一些生活照發布在社交媒體Instagram上, 與自己的12.5萬名粉絲分享。

Until it all came crumbling down when a BBC Brasil investigation found out that Eduardo Martins was a completely fictitious character.

然而, BBC巴西分部記者調查發現, 關於Eduardo Martins的一切全部都是虛構的,“他”的形象也隨之崩塌了。

人設崩了之後,大家更是驚訝地發現,“Eduardo Martins”盜圖的水準根本算不上高明... 大部分偽造的攝影作品,只需將其左右反轉,便可以通過網路搜索到真正的作者了。

For years, someone using that name had been stealing pictures taken by professional photographers who had risked their lives in conflict to get them.

在幾年的時間裡,有人使用了Eduardo Martins這個名字,並且盜取了專業攝影師冒著生命危險拍攝的戰地照片,聲稱是自己的作品。

Eduardo Martins fooled journalists and picture editors by making slight alterations to the images, such as inverting them, just enough to elude software that scans pictures for plagiarism.

Eduardo Martins用圖片處理技術,比如左右反轉,對這些照片進行了輕微改動,這樣就不會被反剽竊的軟體識別出來。通過這種方法,他成功地騙過了記者和圖片編輯們。

A number of them were stolen from US photographer, Daniel C. Britt.

其中一部分照片原本來自美國攝影師Daniel C. Britt。

As Eduardo Martins' list of clients grew and became more impressive, it became easier for him to distribute the next lot of photos. He further boosted his profile by giving interviews to websites and magazines.

隨著Eduardo Martins的影響力逐漸擴大,他分發自己的作品也變得更加容易。通過接受網站和雜誌的採訪,他也成功地提升了自己的個人形象。

這點改動也太不走心了吧?但是幾年來,媒體、圖庫等均採用了“Eduardo Martins”的作品,並無一人懷疑“其中有詐”。

更過分的是,這位“戰地攝影師Eduardo Martins”,整個人都是假的。Instagram上帥氣陽光愛衝浪的小哥,根本不是他!

File photo: Max Hepworth-Povey

He kept his cover going by stealing images of Max Hepworth-Povey, a British surfer, and photoshopping him into pictures of war zones.

他一直竊取英國飆網者Max Hepworth-Povey的照片,通過圖片處理後改成自己在戰地的照片。

Mr Hepworth-Povey remained completely unaware of the fraud until it was exposed.

Max Hepworth-Povey本人一直到這件事曝光之前,都被蒙在鼓裡。

"When a friend showed me the pictures, at first I thought it was a joke, someone making fun of me," he told BBC Brasil.


File photo: Max Hepworth-Povey

"But actually my pictures had been stolen. It is mad that a random guy has decided to use my image amidst so many options on the internet."


The 32-year old from Cornwall said some of the images stolen from him date back five years.




Eduardo Martins' career came to an end after he contacted Natasha Ribeiro, a BBC Brasil contributor based in the Middle East.

在與位於中東的BBC巴西分部撰稿人Natasha Ribeiro取得聯繫後,Eduardo Martins的“職業生涯”走到了盡頭。

She became suspicious because neither she nor any others among the small pool of Brazilian journalists working in the region had ever met an Eduardo Martins in person.

Natasha Ribeiro以及相識的在中東地區工作的巴西記者們都沒有見過Eduardo Martins本人,這使她逐漸感到懷疑。

So she started digging.


File photo: Natasha Ribeiro

BBC Brasil got in touch with the UN, which confirmed he was not employed by them.

BBC巴西分部與聯合國取得聯繫,經證實,聯合國沒有這樣一位名為Eduardo Martins的員工。

Organisations that the fraudster claimed to have visited around the world were also contacted and none of them recognised him.


Mr Hepworth-Povey told BBC Brasil that back in 2014 he had been contacted by someone identifying himself as "Bruno" who wanted to talk to him about some work related to surfing.

被盜圖的Max Hepworth-Povey向BBC巴西分部表示,早在2014年時有自稱"Bruno"的人聯繫他,並詢問了一些與衝浪相關的問題。

File photo: Max Hepworth-Povey

But when the pair tried to have an online meeting, "his video wasn't working and eventually I said I was no longer interested", Mr Hepworth-Povey recalls.

但是當他們準備進行網路會面時,據Max Hepworth-Povey回憶,“他的攝像頭是壞的,最後我對此便不感興趣了。”

The surfer says that a week later, a fake profile of his appeared on Facebook, which led Mr Hepworth-Povey to close his Facebook account. "It was all very creepy," he said.

Max Hepworth-Povey說,大概在一周之後,出現了一個虛假的Facebook帳號,使用了他的照片,嚇得他關閉了自己真實的Facebook帳號。“這一切都太詭異了。”

The timing coincides with the period that Eduardo Martins started sending pictures to publications around the world.

而那個時間點,正巧也是Eduardo Martins開始向全世界發佈自己的作品的時候。

一來二去,一切疑點都得到了解釋。另外,據BBC透露,“假人Eduardo Martins”在網上至少撩了6個妹子… 雖然都沒有與他見過面。


Presumably growing wary of the mounting suspicion and questions being asked, Eduardo Martins sent Mr Costa Netto a last message before closing his social media profiles and deleting his WhatsApp account.

隨著質疑和詢問的人數越來越多,Eduardo Martins向攝影師朋友Costa Netto發送了最後一條資訊,然後關閉了自己的社交媒體,並且刪除了WhatsApp帳號。

"Hey bro. I'm in Australia. I made the decision of spending a year travelling around the world in a van. I will cut off everything, including the internet, and I deleted my IG [Instagram]," he wrote.


"I want to be [left] in peace. We'll speak again when I'm back. Hugs."


真的要抱抱可憐的Costa Netto,他不但真心把“Eduardo Martins”當朋友,還熱心地為他介紹了採訪、作品展等等...

目前,巴西警方正在追捕“Eduardo Martins”,曾經採用他的作品的媒體和圖庫也已經移除了相關內容。


關於Eduardo Martins的一切全部都是虛構的,“他”的形象也隨之崩塌了。

人設崩了之後,大家更是驚訝地發現,“Eduardo Martins”盜圖的水準根本算不上高明... 大部分偽造的攝影作品,只需將其左右反轉,便可以通過網路搜索到真正的作者了。

For years, someone using that name had been stealing pictures taken by professional photographers who had risked their lives in conflict to get them.

在幾年的時間裡,有人使用了Eduardo Martins這個名字,並且盜取了專業攝影師冒著生命危險拍攝的戰地照片,聲稱是自己的作品。

Eduardo Martins fooled journalists and picture editors by making slight alterations to the images, such as inverting them, just enough to elude software that scans pictures for plagiarism.

Eduardo Martins用圖片處理技術,比如左右反轉,對這些照片進行了輕微改動,這樣就不會被反剽竊的軟體識別出來。通過這種方法,他成功地騙過了記者和圖片編輯們。

A number of them were stolen from US photographer, Daniel C. Britt.

其中一部分照片原本來自美國攝影師Daniel C. Britt。

As Eduardo Martins' list of clients grew and became more impressive, it became easier for him to distribute the next lot of photos. He further boosted his profile by giving interviews to websites and magazines.

隨著Eduardo Martins的影響力逐漸擴大,他分發自己的作品也變得更加容易。通過接受網站和雜誌的採訪,他也成功地提升了自己的個人形象。

這點改動也太不走心了吧?但是幾年來,媒體、圖庫等均採用了“Eduardo Martins”的作品,並無一人懷疑“其中有詐”。

更過分的是,這位“戰地攝影師Eduardo Martins”,整個人都是假的。Instagram上帥氣陽光愛衝浪的小哥,根本不是他!

File photo: Max Hepworth-Povey

He kept his cover going by stealing images of Max Hepworth-Povey, a British surfer, and photoshopping him into pictures of war zones.

他一直竊取英國飆網者Max Hepworth-Povey的照片,通過圖片處理後改成自己在戰地的照片。

Mr Hepworth-Povey remained completely unaware of the fraud until it was exposed.

Max Hepworth-Povey本人一直到這件事曝光之前,都被蒙在鼓裡。

"When a friend showed me the pictures, at first I thought it was a joke, someone making fun of me," he told BBC Brasil.


File photo: Max Hepworth-Povey

"But actually my pictures had been stolen. It is mad that a random guy has decided to use my image amidst so many options on the internet."


The 32-year old from Cornwall said some of the images stolen from him date back five years.




Eduardo Martins' career came to an end after he contacted Natasha Ribeiro, a BBC Brasil contributor based in the Middle East.

在與位於中東的BBC巴西分部撰稿人Natasha Ribeiro取得聯繫後,Eduardo Martins的“職業生涯”走到了盡頭。

She became suspicious because neither she nor any others among the small pool of Brazilian journalists working in the region had ever met an Eduardo Martins in person.

Natasha Ribeiro以及相識的在中東地區工作的巴西記者們都沒有見過Eduardo Martins本人,這使她逐漸感到懷疑。

So she started digging.


File photo: Natasha Ribeiro

BBC Brasil got in touch with the UN, which confirmed he was not employed by them.

BBC巴西分部與聯合國取得聯繫,經證實,聯合國沒有這樣一位名為Eduardo Martins的員工。

Organisations that the fraudster claimed to have visited around the world were also contacted and none of them recognised him.


Mr Hepworth-Povey told BBC Brasil that back in 2014 he had been contacted by someone identifying himself as "Bruno" who wanted to talk to him about some work related to surfing.

被盜圖的Max Hepworth-Povey向BBC巴西分部表示,早在2014年時有自稱"Bruno"的人聯繫他,並詢問了一些與衝浪相關的問題。

File photo: Max Hepworth-Povey

But when the pair tried to have an online meeting, "his video wasn't working and eventually I said I was no longer interested", Mr Hepworth-Povey recalls.

但是當他們準備進行網路會面時,據Max Hepworth-Povey回憶,“他的攝像頭是壞的,最後我對此便不感興趣了。”

The surfer says that a week later, a fake profile of his appeared on Facebook, which led Mr Hepworth-Povey to close his Facebook account. "It was all very creepy," he said.

Max Hepworth-Povey說,大概在一周之後,出現了一個虛假的Facebook帳號,使用了他的照片,嚇得他關閉了自己真實的Facebook帳號。“這一切都太詭異了。”

The timing coincides with the period that Eduardo Martins started sending pictures to publications around the world.

而那個時間點,正巧也是Eduardo Martins開始向全世界發佈自己的作品的時候。

一來二去,一切疑點都得到了解釋。另外,據BBC透露,“假人Eduardo Martins”在網上至少撩了6個妹子… 雖然都沒有與他見過面。


Presumably growing wary of the mounting suspicion and questions being asked, Eduardo Martins sent Mr Costa Netto a last message before closing his social media profiles and deleting his WhatsApp account.

隨著質疑和詢問的人數越來越多,Eduardo Martins向攝影師朋友Costa Netto發送了最後一條資訊,然後關閉了自己的社交媒體,並且刪除了WhatsApp帳號。

"Hey bro. I'm in Australia. I made the decision of spending a year travelling around the world in a van. I will cut off everything, including the internet, and I deleted my IG [Instagram]," he wrote.


"I want to be [left] in peace. We'll speak again when I'm back. Hugs."


真的要抱抱可憐的Costa Netto,他不但真心把“Eduardo Martins”當朋友,還熱心地為他介紹了採訪、作品展等等...

目前,巴西警方正在追捕“Eduardo Martins”,曾經採用他的作品的媒體和圖庫也已經移除了相關內容。


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