

雖然遲遲當不上國王, 但查理斯王子也要怒刷存在感了。 據英媒消息, 查理斯王子的最新自傳將於下月出版。 書中爆料稱, 當年查理斯和戴安娜結婚是被逼的, 婚禮前因為壓力太大, 加上想念卡蜜拉, 甚至為此落淚。 今年恰逢戴安娜王妃逝世20周年紀念。 小編想問問查理斯王子, 這個時候說自己是“被父逼婚”, 你想過威廉和哈裡的感受嗎?

In July 1981, the night before his glamorous wedding to Princess Diana, Prince Charles reportedly wept as he was still torn about his feelings for his former girlfriend Camilla Parker-Bowles. 據稱, 1981年7月, 在與戴安娜王妃舉行那場世紀婚禮的前夜, 查理斯王子依然掛念前女友卡蜜拉•派克•鮑爾斯, 為此痛苦不堪, 乃至傷心落淚。

According to Prince Charles: The Passions and Paradoxes of an Improbable Life, a new biography of the Prince of Wales by royal writer Sally Bedell Smith, Charles felt pressured into his marriage to Diana — and he was still torn about his love for the then-married Camilla. 查理斯王子的最新自傳《查理斯王子:非凡一生的激情與悖論》由英國皇室傳記作家薩莉•比德爾•史密斯執筆。

書中提到, 與戴安娜結婚使查理斯王子倍感壓力——與此同時, 對已嫁為人婦的卡蜜拉的愛也給他帶來許多痛苦。

The story of Charles and Camilla is well-documented — the two dated after being introduced in 1971, beginning a love affair that would make headlines for decades. According to Bedell Smith, Charles liked that Camilla was down-to-earth, loved the countryside and wasn’t interested in fashion. They also shared the same sense of humor and he was drawn to the fact that she “always listened.” 書中詳細記載了查理斯和卡蜜拉之間的故事。 1971年, 他們第一次邂逅, 隨即開始約會。 之後幾十年中, 這段風流韻事一直是各家媒體爭相報導的焦點。 比德爾•史密斯稱, 卡蜜拉為人樸實, 喜歡大自然且並不熱衷於時尚, 這令查理斯王子十分欣賞。 他們有共同的幽默感。 卡蜜拉總是他最好的傾聽者, 這吸引了他。

It seemed natural that Charles would be attracted to upper-class Camilla — Lady Annabel Goldsmith tells Bedell Smith that Camilla was “an intensely warm maternal laughing creature, with enormous sex appeal.” 查理斯會被出身上流社會的卡蜜拉吸引, 這似乎很自然——安娜貝爾•戈德史密斯女士告訴比德爾, 卡蜜拉“熱情洋溢, 笑容溫暖,


Despite having an apparently happy relationship, the two split up when Charles was stationed overseas with the Royal Navy in 1973. 儘管他們的愛情看起來十分美滿, 但在1973年, 查理斯王子隨著皇家海軍外派出國, 他們的關係便戛然而止, 就此分道揚鑣。

Patricia Mountbatten, the daughter of the late Lord Mountbatten, tells Bedell Smith there were “obvious problems” with Camilla and she “had a history” — i.e., a sexual past with her on-again, off-again boyfriend (and eventual husband) Andrew Parker-Bowles. 已故的蒙巴頓勳爵的女兒派特裡夏•蒙巴頓告訴比德爾, 卡蜜拉身上有“明顯的問題”並且“擁有不光彩的歷史”——例如, 當時她與數度分分合合的前男友(後來的丈夫)安德魯•派克•鮑爾斯發生過性關係。

“You didn’t want a past that hung about,” says Mountbatten. 蒙巴頓說:“英國皇室顯然不歡迎這樣一位有著不光彩過往的王妃。 ”

What’s more, Bedell Smith says that when Camilla and Charles split he was only 24 and wasn’t interested in settling down. Shortly after Camilla and Charles broke up, she reconciled with Parker-Bowles and they got married in 1973. 比德爾•史密斯還說道, 在與卡蜜拉分手的時候, 年僅24歲的查理斯一點安定下來的念頭都沒有。 而就在與查理斯分手後不久, 卡蜜拉與前男友派克•鮑爾斯複合並於1973年步入了婚姻殿堂。

But Charles and Camilla couldn’t stay away from one another for too long. Parker-Bowles was one of Charles’ friends and they all traveled in the same circles. Eventually, the two started up an on-again, off-again affair, with Camilla’s husband turning a blind eye. 可查理斯和卡蜜拉卻似乎無法分離太久。

派克•鮑爾斯是查理斯的朋友, 他們同在一個交際圈子裡。 後來, 查理斯和卡蜜拉藕斷絲連, 又開始了分分合合的地下情。 對於這一切, 卡蜜拉的丈夫卻選擇睜一隻眼閉一隻眼, 當作毫不知情。

By 1980, when Charles began dating Diana, the pressure was mounting for him to settle down. Despite their 13-year age difference, Diana seemed like a good match — she was aristocratic, fun-loving, beautiful and didn’t have a known “history.” However, Charles didn’t appear to be in a rush to get married. That changed, according to Bedell Smith, when the press began speculating that Charles and Diana had spent two nights together. (Diana denied the claim at the time.) 直到1980年, 查理斯開始與戴安娜約會。 外界逼他成婚的壓力向他湧來。 雖然戴安娜比查理斯小了整整13歲, 但她看起來便是王妃的不二人選——出身貴族, 熱衷交際, 面容姣好並且沒有人盡皆知的“歷史”。 可是查理斯王子似乎並不急於成家。 比德爾•史密斯稱, 就在媒體開始猜測查理斯和戴安娜兩度共度良宵時(戴安娜當時否認了這一說法), 一切開始發生改變。

Still, Prince Philip sent a letter to Charles saying that Diana’s reputation was on the line and that he had to make a decision about their relationship. Charles read it as an order to get engaged, but he “wasn’t in love, he wasn’t ready. Psychologically he assumed his father bullied him, so he read it as a bullying letter,” writes Bedell Smith. 書中提到, 這件事發生後, 菲力浦親王給查理斯寫了一封信。 他在信中說,

戴安娜的名聲已經受到了影響, 查理斯必須為他們的關係做出決定。 查理斯認為父親是在命令他與戴安娜訂婚, 但是他“沒有墜入愛河, 也沒有為此做好準備。 在他心裡, 他覺得父親是在威脅他, 而那封信就是一種威脅”, 比德爾•史密斯寫道。

However, Bedell Smith said the letter was more a statement that “Charles should either propose to her or release her. In either event, he should make a decision shortly.” The couple got engaged in February 1981 and were married in July of that year. 但是, 史密斯認為菲力浦親王的信僅僅是在為查理斯提出建議——“要麼向戴安娜求婚, 要麼就和她分手。 他應該儘快在這兩種選擇中作出決定。 ”1981年2月, 查理斯與戴安娜訂婚並于同年7月舉行婚禮。

But the strains around the relationship were already starting to show before the two even walked down the aisle. (Diana famously cried during a polo match ahead of the wedding and had previously said that she had wanted to call everything off.) Bedell Smith writes that the two were just too different — Diana was over a decade younger than Charles and they didn’t have the same hobbies. 但是, 就在他們走入婚姻殿堂前, 這段關係便開始顯得有些不那麼美滿。 (婚禮前, 戴安娜在一場馬球賽上潸然淚下, 曾說想要取消眼前的一切。 )史密斯在書中寫道, 查理斯和戴安娜太不一樣了——戴安娜比查理斯年輕了十幾歲,


Diana also didn’t take to some of Charles’ more traditional habits. Historian Paul Johnson recalled a story Diana had told him about how Charles’ valet would lay his shirt on the bed before he got dressed and if he wanted a new shirt he would ring the valet to bring him a new one. When she asked why he didn’t get his new shirt himself he replied, “He’s paid to do it.” 戴安娜也不喜歡查理斯身上一些更加傳統的皇家習慣。 歷史學家保羅•詹森回憶起戴安娜曾跟他說過的一件往事。 戴安娜說, 在查理斯換衣服之前, 他的貼身僕人會把襯衣準備好放在床上。 如果想要新襯衣, 查理斯會按鈴叫僕人拿一件新的過來。 戴安娜問他為什麼不自己拿, 查理斯說:“僕人領了薪水, 這是他該做的。 ”

Prince Charles: The Passions and Paradoxes of an Improbable Life (Random House) will be released on April 4. 《查理斯王子:非凡一生的激情和悖論》(蘭登書屋出版)將於今年4月4日發行。

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