
Bilingual·Foreign Business丨3D列印應用前景越來越廣,你期待嗎?

大家好, “外企頭條”欄目又跟大家見面了。 今天的主要內容有:


Allianz joins with Keppel to invest in Shanghai's Hongkou SOHO

“綠色‘油’你, 保護雨林”主題活動在深圳舉行;

“Say Yes to Sustainable Palm Oil” campaign held in Shenzhen


Boston Scientific and Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital will in turn advance technology innovations


BASF said 3D printing is gaining prominence



Allianz joins with Keppel to invest in Shanghai's Hongkou SOHO

德國安聯保險集團與新加坡吉寶集團近日聯手收購了上海虹口SOHO100%的所有權, 收購價約為5.25億美元(約合35.73億元人民幣)。

Allianz has entered into a co-investment agreement with the Keppel Group to acquire a 100% stake in Hongkou SOHO for US$525million , located in Shanghai’s Hongkou District.

安聯不動產亞太區負責人Rushabh Desai表示, 上海是全球領先的國際化大都市, 安聯對上海商業地產市場的持續增長充滿信心。 以虹口SOHO為代表的地產專案將在浦西和浦東CBD未來延伸中獲益, 擁有很大的升值潛力。

“We are attracted to Shanghai as a leading global 24/7 city. This stems from our confidence in the growth prospects of the commercial real estate markets in this gateway city as well as the potential for assets like Hongkou SOHO to take advantage of the future expansion of CBDs Puxi and Pudong.”stated Mr. Rushabh Desai, Head of Allianz Real Estate Asia-Pacific.


RSPO partners promotes sustainable consumption

繼北京首場的可持續棕櫚油圓桌倡議組織RSPO舉辦的“綠色‘油’你, 保護雨林”主題活動之後, RSPO日前繼續在深圳聯合天虹超市發起了該主題活動。

Following the Wave 1 “Say Yes to Sustainable Palm Oil” campaign held in Beijing, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), in collaboration with Rainbow Supermarket, held it’s a second session of this campaign in Shenzhen recently.


As the key organizer of the event, RSPO places great importance on the role of consumers in promoting sustainable palm oil.

RSPO全球對外事務總監斯提法諾·薩維表示, 目前中國是第二大棕櫚油進口國, 第三大棕櫚油消費國。

RSPO Global Outreach & Engagement Director Mr. Stefano Savi said, “China is the second largest importer and the third largest consumption country of palm oil globally.”

他說, “RSPO非常關注並看重中國在可持續棕櫚油方面的發展,

不僅僅是因為中國消費了大量棕櫚油, 同時因為中國是一個負責任的大國, 始終堅持以實現可持續發展為目標。 ”

“The RSPO pays great attention to the development of sustainable palm oil in China not only because China consumes a large amount of palm oil but also because China has become a champion of sustainable development, making it a clear goal for the nation to achieve.”He said.


Boston Scientific and Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital signed an agreement


Boston Scientific and Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital Medicine Transformation Center signed a strategic cooperative agreement on Translational Medicine.

這一戰略合作將充分發揮雙方優勢, 加速臨床創意與實用專利的成果轉化, 共同提升本土醫療產品與技術的創新競爭力, 最終惠及廣大患者。

By leveraging the advantages of both sides, as well as to accelerate the commercialization of clinical ideas and patents. The partnership will in turn advance the competitiveness of local product and technology innovations, and ultimately benefit the patients.

根據目前的合作協定, 此次合作將主要關注心血管疾病領域的技術與產品研發。

According to the signed agreement, the cooperation will mainly focus on the product R&D for cardiovascular diseases.

波士頓科學北亞區總裁王欣先生表示:“我們希望與亞心醫院醫學轉化中心及更多的合作夥伴一起, 加速本土創新成果的轉化與應用,

從而造福更多中國患者。 ”

“By collaborating with Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital Medicine Transformation Center and other local partners, we will accelerate the commercialization and application of local innovation, bring benefits to more Chinese patients, ” Said Mr. Warren Wang, President of Boston Scientific Corporation for North Asia.

巴斯夫收購線材生產商 Innofil3D

BASF acquires filament producer Innofil3D


BASF New Business has acquired 100% of the filament producer Innofil3D, headquartered in Emmen, Netherlands.

巴斯夫新業有限公司董事總經理Volker Hammes表示:“通過本次收購, 巴斯夫進一步完善了價值鏈的佈局。

如今我們不僅能夠提供用於3D列印的塑膠顆粒, 還可深入到下一加工層面:線材。 ”

“With this acquisition, BASF is moving one step further along the value chain and can now provide not only plastic granulate for 3D printing but also the next processing level: the filaments,” said Volker Hammes, Managing Director at BASF New Business.

在獨立成型部件的工業製造領域(如汽車製造), 3D列印具有廣泛的應用前景。

3D printing is gaining prominence in the industrial production of individually shaped plastic parts, for example in automotive manufacturing.

巴斯夫亞太創新園(上海)設有兩個3D列印研發實驗室, 分別專注於基於鐳射燒結工藝的3D列印解決方案, 及先進光敏材料。

BASF operates two 3D printing research labs at the Innovation Campus Asia Pacific (Shanghai). One lab focuses on printing solutions that are based on laser sintering processes and the other on advanced photopolymer systems.


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編輯 / 王詠倩

來源 / 經濟日報記者陳頤、朱琳

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