


日前, 清華大學對外證實, 從2017級開始, 該校學生必須通過游泳測試, 否則不能獲得畢業證書, 一些特殊情況除外。



Students aiming to enter Tsinghua University this year had better be able to swim or be prepared to learn swimming and pass a swim test since the prestigious university will not grant bachelor's degrees if they cannot swim.今年打算考取清華大學的學生最好會游泳, 或準備好學習游泳並通過考試, 因為這所名校將拒絕向不會游泳的學生授予學士學位。

This September, would-be freshmen at Tsinghua University will have to take swimming courses if they fail a swimming test at the beginning of their university life, and they won't receive their degrees if they cannot swim before their graduation, in accordance with a message at a university staff meeting days ago, the Beijing Daily reported on Monday.據《北京日報》27日報導, 根據清華大學職工大會上的消息, 今年9月份入學的新生如果在開學時沒有通過游泳測試, 那麼將要參加游泳課。 如果學生在畢業之前仍不會游泳將無法獲得學位。

Potential freshmen with chronic diseases, skin disease or hydrophobia, once examined and affirmed by medical staff, don't need to take the required test or course.患有慢性病、皮膚病或恐水症的新生, 一經醫務人員檢查確認, 即可不必參加游泳測試或游泳課程。

Plans are for freshmen to take the test during their military training. In the test, students will pass the test if they can swim 50 meters, no matter whether they choose the breaststrokebutterfly strokefreestyle backstroke

學校的計畫是讓新生在軍訓期間參加游泳測試。 如果學生能游出50米便可通過測試, 蛙泳蝶泳自由泳仰泳

此消息一出, 不少網友感到不可思議, 戲稱“清華學生是要組團參加奧運會嗎”。

因為年齡越小學習游泳越容易, 有網友提出質疑, 為什麼不在小學就安排這樣的必修課:

還有網友調侃道, 乾脆規定沒有女朋友的也不許畢業算了:

也有人對新校規表示認同, 但是被這樣懟了回去:

除了看熱鬧的圍觀群眾, 許多打算考清華大學的學生對此表示擔憂。

"Now Tsinghua University will test students in long-distance running and swimming, so students with poor sports performance will have to overcome a lot of difficulties once they enter the university," said a student surnamed Zhang from the Second High School Attached To Beijing Normal University.北京師範大學第二附屬中學的張姓同學說:“如今, 清華大學將對學生進行長跑和游泳測試, 這樣體育成績較差的學生一旦進入清華將要克服很多困難。 ”

However, students don't need to worry much, since Liu Bo, head of the Division of Sports Science and Physical Education, said relevant statistics showed that 90 percent of students can swim after taking the compulsory swimming course in their second year of university, and the remaining 10 percent will receive instruction after class provided by teachers, without paying extra tuition.不過, 清華大學體育科學與教學部主任劉波表示, 學生們無需太過擔心, 相關資料顯示, 90%的學生在二年級參加過游泳必修課後學會了游泳, 而老師們會對餘下10%的學生進行課後指導, 且不收取額外費用。

其實, 清華並非獨一家, 國內外許多名校都要求學生會游泳 。

很多網友稱, 自己的大學早就有這樣的規定, 已經是見怪不怪了。

而美國著名線上知識問答網站Quora上也有一個提問:“Which colleges make you pass a swim test to graduate(哪所大學強制畢業生通過游泳測試)?”

Mark Kantrowitz今年1月份回答稱, 多年以前, 美國的多數大學都要求學生通過游泳測試, 但是現在很多學校已經取消了這項要求。 他還總結了現在仍保留這一規定的大學:


還有用戶稱, 雖然哥倫比亞大學也有游泳測試,

但是工程學院不用參加, 傳聞稱, 一旦爆發洪水, 他們會建造一艘船因此不需要游泳。

關於名校的“游泳情結”, 說來歷史悠久……

上世紀初, 美國大學就要求畢業生必須掌握基本的游泳技能。 這是因為在第一次世界大戰和第二次世界大戰中, 高校成了美國的軍事訓練營地,為了提高水中安全,游泳就漸漸成為學生們的必修課。



And viewing the ability to swim as a must for students to earn their degrees is not something new in Tsinghua University, as this ability was listed on its school regulations in the early 20th century.而將游泳能力視為學生獲得學位的必要條件在清華也不是什麼新鮮事。在上世紀初期,這項能力就被列入校規中。

"As early as 90 years ago, Tsinghua University required that students cannot graduate from the university or study overseas if they cannot swim, though the requirement didn't work later on since the swimming pools at the campus could not accommodate increasingly more students," said Liu.劉波稱,“早在90年前,學校就提出不會游泳不能畢業、留學的要求,不過,由於當時學校的游泳池無法容納越來越多的學生,這項規定後來並沒有再執行。”

Many alumni of the prestigious university had to meet the swimming challenge. Renowned writer Liang Shih-chiu, entering Tsinghua University in 1915, failed the swimming test before his graduation, and he had to do his best at the make-up examination. Luckily his second endeavor got a pass from the head of the Division of Sports Science and Physical Education.許多清華校友都曾被迫挑戰游泳。著名作家梁實秋1915年進入清華大學,他在畢業前沒有通過游泳測試,因而不得不在補考中拼盡全力。好在體育科學與教學部的主任讓他的補考過關了。


"As a requisite survival skill, swimming is beneficial for students in the long run, since swimming is helpful in improving students' endurance and doing less harm to joints and muscles as a water sport."“游泳是一項必要的生存技能,有助於提高學生的耐力,作為一種水上運動,其對關節和肌肉損害較小,從長遠來看對學生有益。”








And viewing the ability to swim as a must for students to earn their degrees is not something new in Tsinghua University, as this ability was listed on its school regulations in the early 20th century.而將游泳能力視為學生獲得學位的必要條件在清華也不是什麼新鮮事。在上世紀初期,這項能力就被列入校規中。

"As early as 90 years ago, Tsinghua University required that students cannot graduate from the university or study overseas if they cannot swim, though the requirement didn't work later on since the swimming pools at the campus could not accommodate increasingly more students," said Liu.劉波稱,“早在90年前,學校就提出不會游泳不能畢業、留學的要求,不過,由於當時學校的游泳池無法容納越來越多的學生,這項規定後來並沒有再執行。”

Many alumni of the prestigious university had to meet the swimming challenge. Renowned writer Liang Shih-chiu, entering Tsinghua University in 1915, failed the swimming test before his graduation, and he had to do his best at the make-up examination. Luckily his second endeavor got a pass from the head of the Division of Sports Science and Physical Education.許多清華校友都曾被迫挑戰游泳。著名作家梁實秋1915年進入清華大學,他在畢業前沒有通過游泳測試,因而不得不在補考中拼盡全力。好在體育科學與教學部的主任讓他的補考過關了。


"As a requisite survival skill, swimming is beneficial for students in the long run, since swimming is helpful in improving students' endurance and doing less harm to joints and muscles as a water sport."“游泳是一項必要的生存技能,有助於提高學生的耐力,作為一種水上運動,其對關節和肌肉損害較小,從長遠來看對學生有益。”





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