

Metformin has been characterized by some as a benign medication that increases lifespan and normalizes blood sugar in aging adults.

在不少研究者眼中, 二甲雙胍[1]對老年人而言, 既能延年益壽又能穩定血糖, 是一種對身體沒有危害的藥物。

But that's only part of the story. 不過, 這並非事實的全貌。

While Metformin has life-extending properties in model organisms, it negatively affects brain energy metabolism by impairing mitochondrial function.

二甲雙胍[1] , 儘管對模式生物[2]有延長壽命的特性, 但是對線粒體功能卻有抑制效果, 從而, 對人腦能量代謝[3]會產生負面的影響。

The brain is energetically expensive and is extremely sensitive to ATP status.

人類大腦不僅會消耗大量能量, 而且對腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸(ATP)[4]的狀況極為敏感。

Metformin was also recently shown to increase the expression of amyloid beta and diabetics treated with Metformin had worse cognitive performance compared with peers prescribed other treatments for diabetes.

此外, 二甲雙胍[1]近期被證實對β-澱粉樣蛋白(amyloid beta)[5]表達有增強作用, 因而, 採用二甲雙胍[1]治療的糖尿病患者, 和其他方式治療的同類患者相比, 會在認知功能[6]的表現上更為糟糕。

Paradoxically, other studies also report the opposite.

而茅盾的是, 其他一些研究報告, 對二甲雙胍[1]的說法, 卻截然不同。

In the longevity research community Metformin is often cited as a potentially life-extending drug.


And for good reason. In animal models (e.g., Drosophila, C. elegans, rodents) Metformin decelerates aging.


二甲雙胍[1] (A)與苯乙雙胍[8] (B),

在延長壽命的效果上, 具有劑量依賴性[9]。

In humans, Metformin is prescribed for diabetes. 而對人類而言, 二甲雙胍[1] 通常用來治療糖尿病。

Metformin is an "insulin sensitizer" that reduces insulin resistance and fasting insulin levels.

二甲雙胍[1]作為一種“胰島素增敏劑”[10], 既能緩解胰島素抵抗[11], 又能降低空腹胰島素水準(fasting insulin levels)。

It also directly decreases sugar production in the liver and has an overall net-beneficial effect on glucose metabolism.

此外, 二甲雙胍[1], 還能直接抑制肝臟糖原分解, 繼而對葡萄糖代謝有全面的調節作用。

Metformin is uniquely effective in improving glycemic control with a low risk of inducing hypoglycemia.

二甲雙胍[1]不但能改善血糖控制, 而且同時誘發低血糖的風險很小。 就藥效方面而言, 這可謂獨一無二。

If your diet is a typical western diet and you don't watch what you eat, chances are that you're consuming too much sugar.

你如果有典型的西方飲食習慣, 又對所吃的食物不加注意的話, 就可能會攝取過多的糖分。

Bread, breakfast cereals, grains, crackers, and pasta are metabolized to sugar despite not tasting particularly sweet.

麵包、穀類早餐食物、穀物類糧食、薄脆餅乾、意式麵食, 儘管味道不是特別甜, 但是, 通過新陳代謝也會轉化成糖分。

Carbohydrate overconsumption leads to chronically elevated blood sugar (hyperglycemia), which is harmful to the brain via multiple mechanisms.

碳水化合物攝取過多, 會致使血糖長期高居不下,

患上高血糖症(hyperglycemia) [12]。 高血糖症(hyperglycemia) [12]會憑藉多種生理機制對大腦造成損害。

This is the takeaway from the book Grain Brain. 這些內容引述自《穀物大腦》(Grain Brain)這部書。

Mild cognitive impairment goes hand-in-hand with poorly controlled diabetes.

(這些大腦損害導致的)輕微的認知障礙, 與糖尿病控制不良[13]密切相關。

Calorie restriction is also a frequently discussed topic among longevity researchers.

此外, 熱量限制(Calorie restriction) [14] 這個話題, 也經常被人類長壽研究團體所談論。

Caloric deficit improves lifespan in part by normalizing glucose regulation.

熱量赤字(Caloric deficit) [15]會讓葡萄糖調節恢復正常, 從而, 在某種程度上能夠延年益壽。

Perhaps Metformin captures some of the benefits of calorie restriction by improving glucose regulation?

二甲雙胍[1]由於對葡萄糖調節也有改善作用, 因此, 可能就獲得熱量限制(Calorie restriction)部分功效, 從而也有了延年益壽的效果?


So is Metformin helpful or harmful for the brain?

那麼, 二甲雙胍[1]對大腦而言, 是有利還是有弊呢?

More research is needed, but it seems to have effects in both directions.

二甲雙胍[1]的藥效, 儘管還需要進一步研究, 不過, 看起來似乎(對大腦)利弊兼有、好壞兼備。


[1]二甲雙胍:一種雙胍類口服降血糖藥。 具有多種作用機制,

包括延緩葡萄糖由胃腸道的攝取, 通過提高胰島素的敏感性而增加外周葡萄糖的利用, 以及抑制肝、腎過度的糖原異生, 不降低非糖尿病患者的血糖水準。

[2]模式生物: 生物學家通過對選定的生物物種進行科學研究, 用於揭示某種具有普遍規律的生命現象, 這種被選定的生物物種就是模式生物。 如:線蟲、果蠅、斑馬魚、小鼠等。


[4]腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸(ATP):是一種不穩定的高能化合物, 由1分子腺嘌呤, 1分子核糖和3分子磷酸基團組成。 又稱腺苷三磷酸, 簡稱ATP。

[5]β-澱粉樣蛋白(amyloid beta) :是由澱粉樣前體蛋白經β-和γ-分泌酶的蛋白水解作用而產生的含有39~43個氨基酸的多肽,

相對分子品質為4.5×103, 它可由多種細胞產生迴圈於血液、腦脊液和腦間質液中, 大多與伴侶蛋白分子結合。

[6]認知功能:是一種複雜的心理活動過程。 當一個人的認知功能發生改變時, 將會產生一系列的變化, 包括思維、情感、意志和行為等。

[7]動物模型(animal models): 動物模型主要用於實驗生理學、實驗病理學和實驗治療學(包括新藥篩選)研究。

[8]苯乙雙胍: 苯乙雙胍多用於治療成人非胰島素依賴型糖尿病及部分胰島素依賴型糖尿病。

[9]劑量依賴性: 劑量依賴性是一個醫學詞彙, 是根據劑量調整(在一定範圍)提高療效, 氨基糖苷類抗生素和喹諾酮類則屬劑量依賴性抗生素。

[10]胰島素增敏劑:又稱“胰島素增敏因數”, 它是一類過氧化物酶增殖體啟動受體(PPAR)的激動劑, 增強人體內胰島素敏感性,促進胰島素充分利用的特殊物質。

[11]胰島素抵抗 :是指各種原因使胰島素促進葡萄糖攝取和利用的效率下降,機體代償性的分泌過多胰島素產生高胰島素血症,以維持血糖的穩定。

[12]高血糖症(hyperglycemia): 當血糖值高過規定的水準時就會形成高血糖症。高血糖也是通常大家所說“三高”中的一高。另外“兩高”分別是高血壓和高甘油三酯。

[13]糖尿病控制不良: 糖尿病控制不良極容易誘發糖尿病諸多可怕的慢性併發症。

[14]熱量限制(Calorie restriction) :是指在提供生物體充分的營養成分如必需氨基酸、維生素等,保證生物體不發生營養不良的情況下,限制每日攝取的總熱量,又稱為飲食限制(Dietary restriction,DR)。

[15]熱量赤字(Caloric deficit):顧名思義簡單來說,身體消耗日常的熱量比攝取的多。

原文來自:www.brainprotips.com Is Metformin Good Or Bad For The Brain?

譯者:山人,校審:brainnews (原創翻譯,轉載請聯繫)


Allard, J., Perez, E., Fukui, K., Carpenter, P., Ingram, D., & de Cabo, R. (2016). Prolonged metformin treatment leads to reduced transcription of Nrf2 and neurotrophic factors without cognitive impairment in older C57BL/6J mice. Behav Brain Res, 1-9. ↩

Lennox, R., Porter, D., Flatt, P., Holscher, C., Irwin, N., & Gault, V. (2014). Comparison of the independent and combined effects of sub-chronic therapy with metformin and a stable GLP-1 receptor agonist on cognitive function, hippocampal synaptic plasticity and metabolic control in high-fat fed mice. Neuropharmacology, 22-30. ↩

Li, R., Zhao, J., & Wu, R. (2017). Predictors of menstruation restoration during metformin administration for treatment of antipsychotic drug-induced amenorrhea: A post hoc analysis. Schizophr Res, 30140-8. ↩

Luchsinger, J., Perez, T., Chang, H., Mehta, P., Steffener, J., Pradabhan, G., et al. (2016). Metformin in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: Results of a Pilot Randomized Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial. J Alzheimers Dis, 501-14. ↩

Moore, E., Mander, A., Ames, D., Kotowicz, M., Carne, R., Brodaty, H., et al. (2013). Increased risk of cognitive impairment in patients with diabetes is associated with metformin. Diabetes Care, 2981-7. ↩

Ng, T., Feng, L., Yap, K., Lee, T., Tan, C., & Winblad, B. (2014). Long-term metformin usage and cognitive function among older adults with diabetes. Alzheimers Dis, 61-8. ↩

O'Brien, M., Perez, A., Scanlan, A., Alos, V., Whitaker, R., Foster, G., et al. (2017). PREVENT-DM Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Lifestyle Intervention and Metformin. Am J Prev Med, 30014-4. ↩


[11]胰島素抵抗 :是指各種原因使胰島素促進葡萄糖攝取和利用的效率下降,機體代償性的分泌過多胰島素產生高胰島素血症,以維持血糖的穩定。

[12]高血糖症(hyperglycemia): 當血糖值高過規定的水準時就會形成高血糖症。高血糖也是通常大家所說“三高”中的一高。另外“兩高”分別是高血壓和高甘油三酯。

[13]糖尿病控制不良: 糖尿病控制不良極容易誘發糖尿病諸多可怕的慢性併發症。

[14]熱量限制(Calorie restriction) :是指在提供生物體充分的營養成分如必需氨基酸、維生素等,保證生物體不發生營養不良的情況下,限制每日攝取的總熱量,又稱為飲食限制(Dietary restriction,DR)。

[15]熱量赤字(Caloric deficit):顧名思義簡單來說,身體消耗日常的熱量比攝取的多。

原文來自:www.brainprotips.com Is Metformin Good Or Bad For The Brain?

譯者:山人,校審:brainnews (原創翻譯,轉載請聯繫)


Allard, J., Perez, E., Fukui, K., Carpenter, P., Ingram, D., & de Cabo, R. (2016). Prolonged metformin treatment leads to reduced transcription of Nrf2 and neurotrophic factors without cognitive impairment in older C57BL/6J mice. Behav Brain Res, 1-9. ↩

Lennox, R., Porter, D., Flatt, P., Holscher, C., Irwin, N., & Gault, V. (2014). Comparison of the independent and combined effects of sub-chronic therapy with metformin and a stable GLP-1 receptor agonist on cognitive function, hippocampal synaptic plasticity and metabolic control in high-fat fed mice. Neuropharmacology, 22-30. ↩

Li, R., Zhao, J., & Wu, R. (2017). Predictors of menstruation restoration during metformin administration for treatment of antipsychotic drug-induced amenorrhea: A post hoc analysis. Schizophr Res, 30140-8. ↩

Luchsinger, J., Perez, T., Chang, H., Mehta, P., Steffener, J., Pradabhan, G., et al. (2016). Metformin in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: Results of a Pilot Randomized Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial. J Alzheimers Dis, 501-14. ↩

Moore, E., Mander, A., Ames, D., Kotowicz, M., Carne, R., Brodaty, H., et al. (2013). Increased risk of cognitive impairment in patients with diabetes is associated with metformin. Diabetes Care, 2981-7. ↩

Ng, T., Feng, L., Yap, K., Lee, T., Tan, C., & Winblad, B. (2014). Long-term metformin usage and cognitive function among older adults with diabetes. Alzheimers Dis, 61-8. ↩

O'Brien, M., Perez, A., Scanlan, A., Alos, V., Whitaker, R., Foster, G., et al. (2017). PREVENT-DM Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Lifestyle Intervention and Metformin. Am J Prev Med, 30014-4. ↩

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