

英語中, 帶英文字母的成語, 其構成或根據字母在字母表中的位置, 或憑藉字母的形狀, 或依照字母的筆劃結構, 或出自於成語掌故, 或淵源於歷史故事。 這些字母成語的形象生動, 有的幽默詼諧, 有的傳神逼真, 因此頗具表現力, 常被人們用諸筆端。

1、begin with ABC 從簡單的開始

That question is too difficult Let's begin with ABC 那個問題太難了。 讓咱們從最簡單的開始吧。

The exercises puzzled him . He wanted to begin with ABC 這些練習可難住他了。 他想從簡單一點的著手。

2、as easy as ABC 相當簡單

Jim boasted that the mid-term examination was as easy as ABC to him .吉姆誇口本次期中考試對他來說可謂小菜一碟。

The work at hand isn't as easy as ABC Let's treat it seriously .手頭的工作可不太容易.大家可要認真些.

3、from A to Z 從頭至尾;完全

He has mastered his field from A to Z .他精通自已的專業。

She knew the thiing from A to Z .她完全知曉此事。

4、from A TO B從一地到另一地

Mr Smith is always moving from A to B 這男孩發現螞蟻正忙碌著把食物從一地搬到另一地。

5、not know a B from a battledore ( battledore 毽子戲中的打毽板) 目不識丁。

Because of poverty father had no schooling and almost didn't know a B from a battledore .由於貧窮, 父親沒有受過教育,


The man pertended to be reading some-thing , and I knew he dien't know a B from a battledore .那人假裝正讀著什麼.我知道他是個睜眼瞎.

6、fit / suit to a T 正合適(T是設計人員用的丁字尺)

My new job is hard ,but the hours suit me to a T . 我的新的工作很累人, 但是時間很適合我。

The dress suits her to a T .那件衣服對她正合適。

7、dot one's i's and cross one's t's 對細節一絲不苟

Mother told me to dot my i's and cross my t's in my work .媽媽告誡我在工作中要一絲不苟。

"Dot your i's and cross your t's in case of the same mistake ."said the teacher .老師說:"要仔細些, 以免犯同樣的錯誤。 "

8、mind one's p's and q's 小心謹慎。

You must mind your p's and q's if you want to be invited again .你如果想再次受到邀請,就必須謹慎小心.

To be successful in life ,you have first to mind your p's and q's .如果你要人生順利, 首先就要謹慎從事。

9、catch / grab some Z's (漫畫中常用Z表示打呼嚕) 打瞌睡。

Dick often catches a few Z's on his way to work on the train .迪克經常在坐火車上班的途中打個盹兒。

If you're tired ,grab some Z's 如果你累了, 就打個盹吧。

10、make a V with two fingers 用食指和中指作出勝利的V字形手勢。

Our school team beat the other one ,and we all made a V with two fingers .我們的校隊擊敗了對方的隊, 我們都伸出手指作出勝利的手勢。

They made a V with two fingers to celebrate their success .他們用手指作出勝利的手勢來慶祝他們的成功。


只要應用得體, 字母成語在表達中起著不可低估的作用。

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