
新加坡《L'OFFICIEL》雜誌發佈 天然護膚品排行榜前十名

《L'OFFICIEL》是法國高端, 頂尖的時尚雜誌, 也是法國乃至全世界最早的時尚雜誌之一.它於1921年在法國誕生, 中文名一般譯作《巴黎時裝公報》或《巴黎時尚潮》.它所隸屬的法國家族企業加魯集團出版有限公司, 旗下同時還擁有時裝類, 旅遊類, 設計類等8本高檔雜誌, 如《MUTEEN》, 《JALOUSE》等, 最近咱們中國和新加坡關係很近, 小編的朋友就在新加坡, 昨天她給了我一個《L'OFFICIEL》本地雜誌發佈的新加坡女性最愛用的天然護膚品排行榜的榜單, 今天就給大家翻譯過來了。

1 AVENE Avene comfort spring

The famous Avene is to create a product zero allergy, sensitive skin MM dream classic, this Avene Shu Huo Quanshui soothe skin allergy, calm the skin effect, is the only spring water under aseptic conditions and transport canned, preserved intact Avene spring moisturizing properties.

1 AVENE雅漾舒護活泉水

大名鼎鼎的雅漾打造的是零過敏的產品, 是敏感肌膚的MM夢寐以求的經典之作, 這款雅漾舒護活泉水有舒緩皮膚過敏, 鎮靜肌膚的作用, 是唯一的在無菌條件下運輸及罐裝的活泉水, 完好無損地保存了雅漾活泉水補水保濕的特性。

2 Estee Lauder pomegranate Night Cream

The Estee Lauder brand as we all know, this classic red pomegranate cream products is a necessary choice of women's skin care, has good detoxification effect, can neutralize free radicals to prevent skin aging, not only in the Estee Lauder brand, and other brand is in the ratio of obvious advantages, Estee Lauder will be listed in the pure natural skin care products on the list, I believe we will disagree.

2 雅詩蘭黛紅石榴晚霜

雅詩蘭黛的品牌想必大家都知道, 這款經典的紅石榴晚霜產品更是女性護膚的必備選擇, 具有很好的排毒養顏功效, 還能中和自由基防止肌膚老化, 不僅在雅詩蘭黛品牌中, 就是在和其他品牌對比都優勢明顯, 將雅詩蘭黛列在了純天然護膚品排行榜上, 相信大家都不會有異議吧。

3 Kiehl's White Mud Mask

Kiehl's (Kiehl's) was founded in 1851 in New York Manhattan, early Kiehl's (Kiehl's) in a typical nineteenth Century pharmacist identity, providing New York medicine and natural ingredients refined ointment. Kiehl's (Kiehl's) shop is located in New York Thirteenth Street and 3 Avenue intersection, to the sale of prescription drugs, herbs, essential oil, tea and honey. Kiehl's (Kiehl's) mixed with herbs, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and medical fields such as background knowledge, but they still used the best white mud mask.

3 科顏氏白泥面膜

Kiehl's (科顏氏) 1851年創立於紐約曼哈頓, 早期Kiehl's (科顏氏) 以典型的19世紀藥劑師的身份, 提供紐約客藥水及自然成分提煉的藥膏。 Kiehl's (科顏氏) 老店坐落在紐約第13街及第3大道的交叉口, 以販賣草藥、精油、處方藥、茶及蜂蜜為主。 Kiehl's (科顏氏) 揉和了美容、藥草、藥學及醫學等專業領域的知識背景,


4 announce snail facial mask

This mask is the best product in the snail dope, from Chinese Henan the Yellow River basin, South Korea and France Ian Jiao Yun Shi and other big brands are using their snail snail dope skin material, known as liquid gold, not only effective, but also deep skin repair, mild irritation, sensitive to muscle. Redness, acne, wrinkles and other effects are particularly good, but much popular in Europe and the United states.

4 宣致蝸牛面膜

這款面膜是目前蝸牛原液產品裡最好的了, 來自中國河南的黃河流域, 韓國伊思和法國嬌潤詩等大品牌都是用的它們的蝸牛原料, 蝸牛原液有護膚黃金液之稱, 不僅效果好,

而且深層修護肌膚, 溫和不刺激, 對敏感肌, 紅血絲, 痘印, 皺紋等效果都特別好, 在歐美可是備受歡迎。

5 CLARINS lotus facial oil

Contains natural concentrated vegetable oils such as lotus, rosemary, geranium, sage and hazelnut fruit oil, effectively regulate oil secretion, shrink pores and purify the skin, promote cell regeneration, reduce oil secretion and more efficient sterilization, clean the skin, muscle is a net oil, soothing conditioning means effective balance.

5 CLARINS 嬌韻詩蓮花面部護理油

蘊含天然濃縮植物油如蓮花、迷迭香、天竺葵、鼠尾草及榛實果油, 有效調節油脂分泌, 收縮毛孔並淨化肌膚, 促進細胞再生、減少油脂分泌的同時, 更能高效殺菌、淨化肌膚,是淨肌控油、平衡舒緩的有效調理手段。

6 Borghese Borghese Green Clay Mask

Borghese's green clay is suitable for all skin types, especially for oily and mixed skin. It can also be used for whole body care. It can thoroughly clean pores and completely remove keratinocytes and impurities accumulated on the epidermis. A firming agent with moisture added to help reduce dry lines and wrinkles. Make skin smoother and tighter.

6 Borghese貝佳斯綠泥面膜


7 Keihl's cucumber, water plant essence, make-up water

The market sells over the fire water will have the cucumber cucumber water plant essence lotion Keihl's, which extract from natural plant cucumber, combined with a variety of mild herbal essence, mild non-alcoholic, especially for neutral and dry skin, sensitive skin moisturizing function high the make-up water, women dream of products.

7 契爾氏小黃瓜水植物精華化妝水


8 European flower coagulation toner

The NUXE water is pure natural skin care products of the best, because it not only has a cornflower, hamamelis, chamomile and rose, can play a convergence of sedation, anti allergy and tender skin effect, bring skin the most deep moisturizing and care, the natural plant glycerin helps the skin moisturizing, is many women list of items.

8 歐樹花凝爽膚水


9 DHC Olive Cleansing Oil

DHC in the cleansing, cleansing, moisturizing products occupy the leading position in telecommunications sales market, olive nourish suits, with olive essence oil as the representative of DHC, cleansing oil, clean the skin, keep skin gloss and shaping beautiful make-up foundation.

9 DHC橄欖卸妝油


10 Clinique (body lotion) butter

Clinique Clinique has always been a professional, authoritative, high-tech and fashion conscious high-end cosmetics leader. The famous Clinique family this butter flotilla, formula and natural skin moisturizing ingredients is exactly the same, natural moisture balance, prevent moisture loss and skin allergies, skin instantly turned into good wet sponge. Those who used the people all clapped, nourishing and refreshing the skin feel wonderful, tell you what is the classic skin care products.

10 倩碧(潤膚露)黃油



6 Borghese Borghese Green Clay Mask

Borghese's green clay is suitable for all skin types, especially for oily and mixed skin. It can also be used for whole body care. It can thoroughly clean pores and completely remove keratinocytes and impurities accumulated on the epidermis. A firming agent with moisture added to help reduce dry lines and wrinkles. Make skin smoother and tighter.

6 Borghese貝佳斯綠泥面膜


7 Keihl's cucumber, water plant essence, make-up water

The market sells over the fire water will have the cucumber cucumber water plant essence lotion Keihl's, which extract from natural plant cucumber, combined with a variety of mild herbal essence, mild non-alcoholic, especially for neutral and dry skin, sensitive skin moisturizing function high the make-up water, women dream of products.

7 契爾氏小黃瓜水植物精華化妝水


8 European flower coagulation toner

The NUXE water is pure natural skin care products of the best, because it not only has a cornflower, hamamelis, chamomile and rose, can play a convergence of sedation, anti allergy and tender skin effect, bring skin the most deep moisturizing and care, the natural plant glycerin helps the skin moisturizing, is many women list of items.

8 歐樹花凝爽膚水


9 DHC Olive Cleansing Oil

DHC in the cleansing, cleansing, moisturizing products occupy the leading position in telecommunications sales market, olive nourish suits, with olive essence oil as the representative of DHC, cleansing oil, clean the skin, keep skin gloss and shaping beautiful make-up foundation.

9 DHC橄欖卸妝油


10 Clinique (body lotion) butter

Clinique Clinique has always been a professional, authoritative, high-tech and fashion conscious high-end cosmetics leader. The famous Clinique family this butter flotilla, formula and natural skin moisturizing ingredients is exactly the same, natural moisture balance, prevent moisture loss and skin allergies, skin instantly turned into good wet sponge. Those who used the people all clapped, nourishing and refreshing the skin feel wonderful, tell you what is the classic skin care products.

10 倩碧(潤膚露)黃油


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