

十一長假, 大家是不是都在外面玩耍呐?出國玩耍的小夥伴們~ 你們是不是又在瘋狂買買買了呢?出國購物最開心的莫過於買著相同的東西, 花著更低的價格!當然, 購物環節中最重要的一個環節就是退稅!

下列這些表達, 一定能夠幫到你!

- Are there any duty-free shops nearby?

- There's a big shopping mall right beside our hotel.

- 這附近有免稅商店嗎?

- 我們酒店旁邊就有一個超大的購物中心

- How much do I need to spend to get a tax refund?

- The minimum purchase price is $500.

- 消費多少才能退稅?

- 你最低需要消費500美金才能退稅

- Excuse me, I‘d like to claim a refund.

- Please show me your passport, your boarding pass, your invoice and your goods.

- 您好, 我想辦理退稅

- May I have a tax refund form, please?

- Here you go.

- 可以給我一張退稅單嗎?

- 給您

- How would you like to receive this, by cash or by credit card?

- Is there a handling fee if it's by credit card? How much is it?

- 你想通過什麼方式退稅?現金還是信用卡?

- 信用卡有手續費嗎?多少錢?

其實生活中有很多簡單實用的表達, 都不會在課本上出現, 華爾街英語“場景體驗式”教學, 讓你在最輕鬆的狀態下, 學會最地道的英文!

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