


翻譯及點評丨北京協和醫院消化科 李玥


Meta-Analytic Bayesian Model For Differentiating Intestinal Tuberculosis from Crohn's Disease

Julajak Limsrivilai, Andrew B. Shreiner, Ananya Pongpaibul, Charlie Laohapand, Rewat Boonanuwat, Nonthalee Pausawasdi, Supot Pongprasobchai, Sathaporn Manatsathit, Peter D.R. Higgins


目的:腸結核(ITB)和克羅恩病(CD)臨床鑒別困難, 該研究旨在對已報導的研究中涉及的鑒別因素的預測能力進行評估, 並構建一個綜合模型來預測ITB與CD的概率。

方法:在MEDLINE、PUBMED和EMBASE中檢索從開始到2015年9月, 區分ITB與CD的臨床研究。 對於研究所述的預測指標, 共進行55次不同的薈萃分析, 以估計每個預測指標的優勢比。 選取CD和ITB之間差異顯著且異質性呈中低(I2 <50%)程度的指標納入貝葉斯模型, 構成當地的驗前概率。

結果:38項研究包括2,117名CD和1,589名ITB患者納入分析。 模型中支援CD的因素包括男性性別, 血尿, 肛周疾病, 腸梗阻和腸外表現;內鏡下表現為縱行潰瘍, 鵝卵石外觀, 腔內狹窄, 粘膜橋和直腸受累;病理表現為灶性活動性炎;和CTE表現為不對稱腸壁增厚, 腸壁分層, 梳狀征和纖維脂肪增生。 顯著支持ITB的因素包括發熱, 盜汗, 肺部受累和腹水;內鏡檢查發現環行潰瘍, 回盲瓣開放和盲腸受累;病理表現為融合的或粘膜下肉芽腫, 血管周圍淋巴細胞和潰瘍周圍組織細胞排列; CTE表現短節段受累;和陽性干擾素-γ釋放試驗。 該模型通過性別, 臨床表現, 內鏡和病理學表現在49例患者(27 CD, 22 ITB)中得到驗證。 ITB診斷的靈敏度, 特異度和準確度分別為90.9%, 92.6%和91.8%。


以當地患病率校準, 評估ITB和CD的診斷概率。 該模型可應用於公共使用的網路應用程式。


Objectives—Distinguishing intestinal tuberculosis (ITB) from Crohn's disease (CD) is difficult, although studies have reported clinical, endoscopic, imaging, and laboratory findings that help to differentiate these two diseases. We aimed to produce estimates of the predictive power of these findings and construct a comprehensive model to predict the probability of ITB vs. CD.

Methods—A systematic literature search for studies differentiating ITB from CD was conducted in MEDLINE, PUBMED, and EMBASE from inception until September 2015. Fifty-five distinct meta-analyses were performed to estimate the odds ratio of each predictive finding. Estimates with a significant difference between CD and ITB and low to moderate heterogeneity (I2 <50%) were incorporated into a Bayesian prediction model incorporating the local pretest probability.

Results—Thirty-eight studies comprising 2,117 CD and 1,589 ITB patients were included in the analyses. Findings in the model that significantly favored CD included male gender, hematochezia, perianal disease, intestinal obstruction, and extraintestinal manifestations; endoscopic findings of longitudinal ulcers, cobblestone appearance, luminal stricture, mucosal bridge, and rectal involvement; pathological findings of focally enhanced colitis; and computed tomographic enterography (CTE) findings of asymmetrical wall thickening, intestinal wall stratification, comb sign, and fibrofatty proliferation. Findings that significantly favored ITB included fever, night sweats, lung involvement, and ascites; endoscopic findings of transverse ulcers, patulous ileocecal valve, and cecal involvement; pathological findings of confluent or submucosal granulomas, lymphocyte cuffing, and ulcers lined by histiocytes; a CTE finding of short segmental involvement; and a positive interferon-γ release assay. The model was validated by gender, clinical manifestations, endoscopic, and pathological findings in 49 patients (27 CD, 22 ITB). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for diagnosis of ITB were 90.9%, 92.6%, and 91.8%, respectively.

Conclusions—A Bayesian model based on the meta-analytic results is presented to estimate the probability of ITB and CD calibrated to local prevalence. This model can be applied to patients using a publicly available web application.



結核和克羅恩病始終是臨床鑒別的難點, 尤其在我國這樣的結核病流行地區, 面臨更大的困難。 本研究通過meta分析首先篩選出ITB和CD具有顯著差異的因素, 之後通過貝葉斯模型構建出診斷概率的網路分析模型。 作為meta分析, 其能夠在Am J Gastroenterology發表的原因:

1)迄今最完整且全面的meta分析, 涉及全面的臨床、實驗室、內鏡、病理和影像預測因素, 第一作者是一位在美國學習的泰國醫生, 他同時邀請韓國和中國的合作者對韓語及中文的重要文獻進行翻譯並納入研究, 因此資料來源涵蓋結核流行區和非流行區域;

2)採用貝葉斯模型建立診斷概率預測應用程式, 也是本文的亮點之處。 貝葉斯預測是一種以動態模型為研究物件的時間序列預測方法(更具體的理論需要數學家和統計學家來解釋)。 如果你登錄上述網路連結, 可以簡單理解該模型的模式為:輸入該地區結核患病率(即先驗概率), 輸入預測因素的結果, 最終得出結核的診斷概率(即後驗概率)。 模型預測並不要求提供每一項變數, 該模型的每一個變數均是獨立的, 部分變數也可以進行概率預測。 筆者以假想的一例克羅恩病患者的臨床特點代入模型, 診斷ITB的概率是50%。 看來, 模型雖好, 仍需要不斷的完善和驗證。




李玥醫學博士 副主任醫師 副教授 北京協和醫院消化內科。 亞洲炎症性腸病學會(AOCC)臨床研究委員會委員、中華醫學會消化分會炎症性腸病學組青年委員、中國醫師協會炎症性腸病專委會委員、北京消化學會青年委員、北京消化學會腸病學組成員。

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