
give sb. the axe 是“給某人一把斧頭”?真正意思差遠了

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我們每個人進入社會後, 都會有找工作、換工作這樣的經歷, 當然換工作的原因就很多樣了。 今天小編給大家總結了一些英語中表示解雇和被解雇的英文表達, 除了常用的“fire, dismiss”, 還有很多你想不到的, 一起來看看吧~

1. dismiss /dɪs'mɪs/ v. 解散;解雇;開除

She threatened to dismiss me.


2. fire v. 開除, 解雇

I’ve just been fired from my job, and I don’t know what to do.

我剛被解雇, 不知道該怎麼辦。

3. sack /sæk/ v. 解雇

They couldn’t sack me–I’d done nothing wrong.


4. get the sack (被解雇); give sb. the sack (解雇)


Don’t offend your boss, or he would give you the sack at any time.

不要得罪你老闆, 否則的話他隨時炒你的魷魚。

He got the sack when they found out that he'd lied about his qualifications.

他們發現他謊報自己的資歷, 於是把他解雇了。

5. show sb. the door

本意是“下逐客令”, 在特定的語境中可理解為“解雇、炒魷魚”。

My boss showed me the door yesterday. 我老闆昨天炒了我的魷魚。

6. lay off 裁員;解雇

I was laid off yesterday. 昨天, 我被解雇了。

7. get the boot ; give sb. the boot

字面意思是“得到靴子”, “給某人靴子”, 也就是被踢了一腳, 叫你走路的意思, 引申為(被)解雇、(被)炒魷魚的意思。

Ever since I got the boot from my job, money has been tight.

自從我被辭退後, 手頭一直很緊。

The company gave him the boot for swearing at his manager.

他咒駡他的經理, 公司把他辭了。

8. get the axe 和 give sb. the axe /æks/

字面意思是“得到斧子”和“給某人斧子”, 這裡 axe“砍”的意思, 引申為(被)解雇、(被)炒魷魚的意思。

Senior staff are more likely to get the axe because the company can't afford their high salaries.

高級職員更有可能被炒, 因為公司負擔不起他們的高薪水。

I’m afraid that some of us will be given the axe because of the incident.


9. get the heave-ho 和 give sb. the heave-ho

heave-ho /'hi:v'həu/ 是“拋棄”“扔 掉”的意思, get the heave-ho 和 give sb. heave-ho 指(被)開除或解雇。

In my opinion, he should simply get the heave-ho for his irresponsibility.

依我之見, 他就應該因他的不負責任而被開除。

If you continue to behave in this way, I’ll have to give you the heave-ho from the company.

如果你繼續這樣的行為, 我得把你從公司攆走。

10. get the pink slip

pink slip“粉紅的小紙條”, 在美國公司老闆如果要解聘員工, 就在員工的工資袋里加一張“粉紅紙條”, 說明雇員被解雇的原因。 約定成俗, pink slip 就成了解雇通知書的同義詞。

He told them they better shape up or they'll get a pink slip.

他告訴他們要好好幹, 否則會被解雇。

11. kick sb. out

字面意思是“把某人踢出來”, 真正含義是“把某人開除”。

They kicked me out.


12. give someone his/her notice 給解雇通知,解雇

The next morning I telephoned him and gave him his notice.


13. find a "better" job 另謀高就

My boss told me to find a "better" job.


14. lose one’s job 失去工作;被解雇

If you lose your job, I’ll lose mine. We are both in the same boat.



They kicked me out.


12. give someone his/her notice 給解雇通知,解雇

The next morning I telephoned him and gave him his notice.


13. find a "better" job 另謀高就

My boss told me to find a "better" job.


14. lose one’s job 失去工作;被解雇

If you lose your job, I’ll lose mine. We are both in the same boat.



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