

社會科學文獻出版社於2017年10月9日宣佈簽署ORCID公開信, 並成為ORCID會員。 這是ORCID在中國的第一家出版社機構會員。

社科文獻出版社將會通過線上ID管理平臺如(IDEOLS、SAPID等)收集期刊論文與書籍作者的ORCID ID號, 並應用到皮書資料庫、查思客(SSAPLink)、中國集刊網、列國志資料庫等相關平臺上。 通過與ORCID系統集成, 可以將經過驗證的作者ORCID iD號與其作品精確地匹配, 並在全球範圍內的各系統平臺間的無縫自動連接。

社科文獻出版社社長謝壽光表示: “我們很高興回應並加入ORCID倡議。 社科文獻出版社是中國社會科學院直屬的專業出版機構,

長期致力於推進中國哲學人文社會科學學科建設及發展的規範化和國際化, 向全球學者傳遞中國經驗、中國思想和前沿研究成果。 我們認為ORCID不僅能為中國學者提供唯一身份標識, 有利於學術研究和成果發佈的規範化, 而且將使中國學者與國際學界的交流更為便利, 研究成果資訊可以更為順暢地為國際學界所獲知。 社科文獻出版社推動與ORCID的合作, 是我們作為學術出版者為推動學術發展所做的一項新的努力和嘗試, 也有助於我們更好地建設作者知識庫, 為作者提供更深入的服務, 以此回饋我們作者。 因此, 社科文獻出版社願意攜手ORCID向中國學者提供這一國際化工具, 以促進中國哲學人文社會科學科研和出版領域的國際合作。

此舉意味著社科文獻出版社將與國際出版界同行、科研機構、科研基金一道, 共同推動ORCID的應用與普及。 目前全球已有近380萬科研人員註冊了自己的ORCID iD號, 有7000多種學術期刊在投審稿階段收集作者的ORCID iD號, 包括Wiley,Springer Nature, Elsevier, AAAS/Science, IEEE, IOP, APS, AGU等出版社和學協會都在積極參與。

ORCID執行總裁Laure Haak說:“ORCID非常激動地歡迎社會科學文獻出版社的加入。 在推動ORCID的應用, 消除作者的歧名問題, 提升中國學者的國際認可度和可發現度方面, 社科文獻出版社將會在中國發揮領導者的作用。 ”

作為國際性非贏利組織, ORCID(Open Reseracher and Contributor iD, https://orcid.org)的願景是科學研究和創新的每一環節的每一位參與, 都能夠被準確地被識別並與其成果匹配, 無論學科、無論國別、無論時間。 ORCID為全球科研人員分配個人專屬的永久性識別碼(ORCID iD), 並提供相應的工具將科研人員個人資訊、科研成果和出版社、資料庫、科研機構、科研基金、學協會等機構的系統及平臺連接起來, 完成對個人身份和科研成果的認證、資訊匯總並自動更新。


SSAP adopts international author identifiers

Social Sciences Academic Press (China) (SSAP) announced that it has become a signatory to an open letter of internationalpublishers committing to requiring ORCID iDs for its authors, enhancing thepublication experience by better identifying authors and connecting them totheir works. At the same time, SSAP announced its support for ORCID’sinitiative by joining as an ORCID member, becoming ORCID’s first Chinesepublisher member organization.

SSAP will collect the internationalscholarly identifiers from submitting authors of journals and books, as well asin the through editorial system “iEDOL”(Intelligent Editorial Online), as well as in the SSAP content platform Pishu Database, SSAPLink, Jikan Database and Lieguozhi Database.It will integrate with ORCID’s system to connect authors’ verified ORCID iDsand their publications using machine-to-machine connections.

Social Sciences Academic Press PresidentShouguang Xie said, “We are excited to sign the publishers open letter and joinORCID as a member. SSAPis committed to promotingthe standardization and internationalization of philosophy, humanities, and social sciences in China, aswell as delivering Chinese experience, thought, and cutting-edge research to global scholars.”

By signing the open letter, SSAP joinspublishers, funders, and research institutions worldwide in collecting verifiedORCID iDs to identify researchers. ORCID iDs are used by more than 7,000journals from publishers including the Wiley, Springer Nature, Elsevier, AAAS,IEEE, APS, IOP and AGU.

“Webelieve the unique identifier for Chinese researchers ORCID provides isbeneficial to standardizing the publication of their research and output,” Xiesaid. “It can also facilitate academic exchanges between Chinese scholars andinternational community.Supporting and adopting ORCID iDs is part of our newinitiative to promote academic development as a publisher. ORCID will alsoenable us to establish a better author'sknowledge base and provide the authors with more in-depth services.”

“ORCID is thrilled to welcome SSAP as amember and integrator. SSAP plays a leading role in China in supporting the useand benefits of ORCID for ensuring credit and discoverability amongresearchers,” said Laure Haak, ORCID Executive Director.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor iD,https://orcid.org) envisions a world where all who participate in research andinnovation, from imagining to building and managing, are uniquely identifiedand connected to their contributions across disciplines, and borders, and time.ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as theyengage in research and innovation activities. They provide open tools thatenable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, theircontributions, and affiliations. ORCID provides this service to help peoplefind information and to simplify reporting and analysis.

Social Sciences Academic Press is thepublishing wing of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China’s premiernational academic research organization dedicated to studies in philosophy,social science, and related policy. Established in 1985, SSAP publishes books,multimedia, and periodicals with broad and long-lasting influence domesticallyand internationally, including the acclaimed Yearbookseries. SSAP also co-publishes with publishers in Asia, Europe, and NorthAmerica to bring translations of China’s top social science scholarship to theinternational community.




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