


作文範本背得滾瓜爛熟, 但一到寫自己需要填充的內容的時候, 就一臉懵逼。

華麗的範本句式用得風生水起, 但一到下筆描述圖片內容的時候, 就畢露原形。

相信不少同學都面臨這樣的窘境, 考研在即, 作文還有救嗎?不要方, 萬能的小龍來幫您~

句子是文章的基礎, 句子品質的高低直接影響文章的好壞。 寫作要達到更高境界, 必須在句子層面下功夫。

接下來, 讓我們一起來看一下好句子具有的一些特點。



Eg. Born in a small town in South China in the early 50s, he grew up to be a famous musician.

【分析】這個句子表達了兩層思想:1. Born in a small town出生在一個小鎮 2. grew up to be a musician.長大成為了音樂家。

這個句子應該分成兩句來寫。 除此之外, 還需要增加一些資訊來連接兩層思想。

【提升】He was born in a small town in South China in the early 50s. In his childhood he liked to sing. Later he entered a music conservatory. In the 70s, he grew up to be an accomplished musician.


句子的連貫性:即能清晰地連接句子的各個部分, 沒有虛假的平行結構, 沒有指代不請的代詞, 沒有不清晰的句內關係。

Eg. Upon entering the classroom, the students stood up and said, "good morning!"

【分析】這個句子從語法來講是正確的, 但是句內關係不清楚, 到底誰進入了教室?

【提升】When the teacher entered the classroom, the students stood up and said, "good morning!"

Eg. Elizabeth and I enjoy walking, to ski, travel and teaching university students.

【分析】這個句子的連貫性較差, 可以利用平行結構來體現連貫性。

【提升】Elizabeth and I enjoy walking, skiing, traveling and teaching university students.


句子的準確性指句子內部沒有不準確的, 不必要的詞。

Eg. He returned in the early part of the month of August.

【分析】這個句子感覺有故意寫長之嫌, 需要精簡。

【提升】He returned in early August.


好的句子應該重點突出, 詞的選擇, 詞的重複都有助於句子的重點突出。

Eg. When the bank robbers entered the bank they yelled, "don't move!"

【分析】這個句子比較平淡, 可以修改一下動詞。

【提升】When the bank robbers rushed into the bank they yelled, "don't move!"

特點五:語法正確, 句式多變

句式多變指句子長短結合。 如果全篇都是複雜的長難句, 文章讀起來會晦澀難懂, 並且有挑釁閱卷人之嫌。 反之, 全篇都是短句, 感覺有侮辱閱卷人之感。

Eg. Daisy, who was the first-year student of college, would go to a par near her school every day in morning, she would bring a small recorder with her, in park she would find quiet corner and listen to a tape of English stories.

【分析】這個句子不僅僅存在語法問題, 另外還有完整性, 準確性問題。

【提升】Daisy, a first-year college student, enjoys studying in the park near her school. Each morning she brings a small recorder, finds a quiet corner in the park, and listens to a tape of English stories.

如果同學們在寫句子的時候, 注意以上五點, 相信大家一定能夠寫出正確, 完整, 準確的英文句子。

- END -

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