
中國援博醫療隊參訪非洲龍泉博華寺 | China Medical Team Visited Bohua Temple

近日, 中國第14批援博醫療隊一行5人在隊長陳烈平的帶領下參訪非洲波札那龍泉博華寺, 受到賢雙法師的熱情接待。 陳烈平對2016年重陽節法會與龍泉博華寺合作為非洲人民及華僑義診的活動印象深刻,

計畫2018年重陽節再來義診。 中國援博醫療隊成立30多年來, 已為超過150萬人次進行醫療診治活動。

Led by Mr. Chen Lieping, a five-member Chinese medical team recently visited Longquan Bohua Temple in Botswana, Beijing Longquan Monastery’s African affiliation, and were warmly received by Ven. Xianshuang. Deeply impressed during the gratuitous treatment to local African people and overseas Chinese in Africa co-organized by the medical team and Bohua Temple at the 2016 Double Ninth Festival Dharma Assembly, Mr. Chen planed to arrange another gratuitous treatment for the 2018 Double Ninth Festival. Since its establishment over three decades ago, the Chinese medical team, which has contributed to Botswana’s health sector, has provided medical treatment for over 1.5 million people in Africa.

Source: Microblogs of Ven. Master Xuecheng


Translated by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center

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