
「賽事預測」拉斯帕爾馬斯 VS 維戈塞爾塔

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拉斯帕爾馬斯 VS 維戈塞爾塔

16/10/2017 西甲聯賽

維戈塞爾塔 勝 [信心度 7/10]


拉斯帕爾馬斯憑藉主場優勢, 賠率被一致看好, 但是通過分析資料可以發現, 維戈塞爾塔才是占優的那支球隊, 兩隊近期的比賽成績也佐證了這一觀點, 客隊維戈塞爾塔完全有機會在客場擊敗對手。

維戈塞爾塔客場作戰卻並不代表他們會是劣勢的一方, 他們曾在客場4比0痛擊埃瓦爾。 不僅如此, 塞爾塔還保持著近3場比賽不敗, 特別是球隊的鋒線, 總有辦法輕易攻破對手的球門。

維戈塞爾塔目前在西甲聯賽積分榜上暫列第11位, 拉斯帕爾馬斯則排在相對較低的第17名。 主隊拉斯帕爾馬斯已經連敗三場且一球未進, 目前士氣全無。

拋開賠率不談, 就目前的戰績和球隊狀態來講, 客隊維戈塞爾塔才是更有資格獲取勝利的球隊。

Las Palmas – Celta de Vigo

16th/Oct – 20:00 BST La Liga

Celta de Vigo [Confidence 信心度 7/10]

According to the markets this meeting, the scales may be tipping towards Las Palmas due to the home factor but the stats back Celta de Vigo, and also visualizing their last fixtures, we can affirm they are a side to take really into account to win this confront.

Celta de Vigo play away from home but it does not mean they will feel the weaker side, by the way their last away confront obtained an outcome of 0-4 beating Eibar. Moreover, Celta de Vigo are undefeated in their last three matches and their attack is astonish finding easily the opponent’s net.

The Spanish domestic competition placed Celta de Vigo in the 11th position and Las Palmas below, sitting 17th. The home side reach this meeting at home soil with no desired results at all, bad streak of three defeats and they were not able to score even a single goal.

Leaving apart what the markets say I must go to back the stats and the visitants to win in here hold a quite big value bet.

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