
雙語閱讀 | 下一站巨星?安德魯-威金斯的成長之路

作者:J.M. Poulard

職業體育中有這樣一句諺語:潛力會殺死你。 以犧牲短期或中期利益為代價去換取一個有希望的未來, 這是許多經理和教練被炒魷魚的原因。

There’s an old saying in professional sports that potential will get you killed. Valuing a prospective future at the expense of immediate or medium-term production is a recipe that can get executives and coaches fired.


Does this apply to Minnesota Timberwolves guard Andrew Wiggins?

考慮到近三個賽季他的進步這一點, 這是一個極好的問題。

It’s a fascinating question given that the way he’s evolved through three seasons in the league.

隨著威金斯的經驗更加豐富, 能夠更好地拿捏出手時機, 他的投籃選擇有所進步。 由於他的處理球能力, 他是森林狼現在打擋拆時常規運用的一個點。

Wiggins’ shot selection has improved as he’s gained experience and acquired a better grasp of where to get his looks from, and his ball-handling is now at a point where the Timberwolves can regularly utilize Wiggins in pick-and-rolls.

他演變成了一個頗有效率的得分手, 能在對位中能從對手那占到便宜。 那些力量不足且消極防守的矮個球員在對位威金斯時會陷入麻煩, 因為他會在低位元區域懲罰換防後的他們。

He’s morphed into a somewhat efficient scorer who can take advantage of the opposition in the right matchups. Passive diminutive players that lack strength are in trouble against Wiggins, because he will punish them on switches in the low-post area.

他進攻能力的提升讓絕大多數總經理垂涎三尺, 想要圍繞他建隊。 威金斯才22歲, 他看起來有可能進化成第二個特雷西-麥克格雷迪或者保羅-喬治。

That growth in his offensive game will make most general managers salivate at the idea of building a nucleus around him. After all, Wiggins is only 22 years old, and he seems poised potentially to evolve as the second coming of Tracy McGrady or Paul George.

6尺8的威金斯是聯盟中最具運動天分的球員之一。 在這個越來越多的球隊加快節奏和拉開空間的聯盟裡, 他似乎註定成為一個明星球員。 隨著空間的拉開, 威金斯有了額外的機會在運球後完成進攻, 以及在籃下完成終結。

The 6’8’’ Wiggins is one of the most athletic players in the league, and he appears destined for stardom in a league where more and more franchises are adopting the pace and space identity for their teams. With increased spacing, Wiggins would get additional opportunities to attack off the bounce and finish at the basket.



That isn’t the case yet, though, which is important to note when assessing where he is now and what the future holds.

森林狼三分占比在聯盟排在倒數第三位, 三分出手數倒數第二。 也就是說, 威金斯一直在人堆中穿行, 這導致了他的投籃品質不高。

The Wolves are a bottom-third team in the league when it comes to 3-point percentage and sit next to last in attempts. In other words, Wiggins is consistently navigating in traffic, thus preventing him from consistently manufacturing quality shot attempts.

看看下表中給出的兩英尺內有人防守時他的出手占比, 以及與其他外線得分手比較時他的處境:

Have a look below at the percentage of shots he takes with his defender within zero-to-two feet worth’s of distance, and how he fares when compared to other perimeter scorers:

威金斯是表中唯一一個兩英尺或更短距離內有防守人時投籃出手數超過20%的人。 同時他的投籃命中率倒數第二。

Wiggins is the only player in the group to take over 20 percent of his field goals against a defender within two feet of distance or less. Also, he has the lowest field-goal percentage in that setting.

這其中一部分原因是上文提及的他在人堆中打球, 但是也有一部分歸咎於他自己。 他沒有很好地觀察場上形勢, 這導致他被防守人包圍時會錯失自己的空位隊友。

Part of that is a product of the personnel around him as previously mentioned, but Wiggins deserves some blame as well. He does not view the floor well and as a result will miss some of his open teammates when crowded by defenders.

據NBA.com顯示, 森林狼經常把22號, 同時進化成了一個能夠支配球的球員, 他能策動第二次擋拆, 在比賽裡他的背身也頗具威脅。 威金斯仍在努力去閱讀比賽形勢, 但是這是真正意義上的頭一年, 他必須得去不斷分析防守人群從哪來的。

He has evolved into an average 3-point shooter (was subpar his first two years), has improved as a ball handler to the point where he can run secondary pick-and-rolls and is a legit post-up threat in the right matchups. Wiggins is still adjusting at reading the floor, but it’s really the first year where he’s really had to consistently figure out where the swarms are coming from.

他正在步入一個調整期, 他讓自己轉變成一個全面的球員必須保證訓練量,

甚至可能需要更多訓練。 明尼蘇達主教練兼籃球運營總裁湯姆-錫伯杜也這樣堅信著。

He is going through an adjustment period, and he will have to maintain the workload and potentially even increase it to turn himself into a complete player. Minnesota head coach and president of basketball operations Tom Thibodeau believes so as well.

據明星論壇報(明尼阿裡波斯市)的Jerry Zgoda報導, 錫伯杜說:”我想要威金斯進步, 變得更好, 在攻防兩端都很出色。 他能做到所有他想完成的事。 但是他得投入工作。 “

“I want Wigg to improve, to get better, to be strong on both sides of the ball,” Thibodeau stated, according to the Minneapolis StarTribune’s Jerry Zgoda. “He can make this whatever he wants it to be. But he’s got to work.’’

確實, 他還在進步的過程中,但是目前而言,他比兩年前的表現要好上幾光年。威金斯過去十場比賽讓人們窺見了他可能擁有的未來。他場均28.9分,4.1個籃板,2.1個搶斷,整體命中率達到了50.2%,其中長距離命中率38.9%

Sure, he’s a work in progress, but he’s light years ahead of where he stood two seasons ago at this point. Heck, Wiggins’ last 10 games offer a glimpse into what the future might possibly hold. He’s averaging 28.9 points, 4.1 rebounds and 2.1 steals on 50.2 percent shooting overall and 38.9 percent from long range.


That’s Kawhi territory folks.


That’s the biggest issue plaguing Wiggins in Year 3.




One easily forgets how young and inexperienced he is, and thus expect him to join the elite now while forgetting that most of the top players in the league truly ascended right around their third seasons in the NBA.


As much as one would like for Wiggins to become a terrorizing once-in-a-generation force, it will take at least another year before it’s known for sure whether he has that in him. The process may be mundane on some level, but he has continuously augmented his repertoire, which suggests Wiggins will improve on a year-to-year basis and reach the elite.


The potential coupled with production is there, and that tells me Wiggins will be good for a long time coming.


That’s what we should all make of him.





Sure, he’s a work in progress, but he’s light years ahead of where he stood two seasons ago at this point. Heck, Wiggins’ last 10 games offer a glimpse into what the future might possibly hold. He’s averaging 28.9 points, 4.1 rebounds and 2.1 steals on 50.2 percent shooting overall and 38.9 percent from long range.


That’s Kawhi territory folks.


That’s the biggest issue plaguing Wiggins in Year 3.




One easily forgets how young and inexperienced he is, and thus expect him to join the elite now while forgetting that most of the top players in the league truly ascended right around their third seasons in the NBA.


As much as one would like for Wiggins to become a terrorizing once-in-a-generation force, it will take at least another year before it’s known for sure whether he has that in him. The process may be mundane on some level, but he has continuously augmented his repertoire, which suggests Wiggins will improve on a year-to-year basis and reach the elite.


The potential coupled with production is there, and that tells me Wiggins will be good for a long time coming.


That’s what we should all make of him.




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