

伊莉莎白·吉爾斯(Elizabeth Gillies), 1993年7月26日出生於美國新澤西州霍沃思(Haworth), 本名伊莉莎白·伊根·吉爾斯(Elizabeth Egan Gillies), 昵稱莉茲(Liz), 很多人可能只知道她叫里茲·吉爾斯(Liz Gillies)可能也是這個原因吧!哈哈。

獅子座, 身高1.7米。

里茲不僅僅是一名美國演員, 還是一名歌手和作曲人。 12歲出道, 憑藉著扎實的音樂演出經歷, 15歲時首次出演百老匯經典音樂劇《13》, 飾演露西。 就在《13》演出結束後不久, 參演了尼克(尼克國際兒童頻道)電視劇《 勝利之歌》(Victorious),

該劇2010年上映大獲成功, 里茲因在劇中飾演傑德·韋斯特(Jade West)而受到了廣告青少年和兒童的喜愛, 還演唱了劇中一首歌曲《Give It Up》, 聲音很好聽啊, 夥伴們感興趣的話, 可以搜一下聽聽。

里茲還經常在中客串一些角色, 比如說電視劇《唐納利兄弟》(The Black Donnellys)和動畫片《魔法俏佳人》(Winx Club),

里茲給“達芙妮”配音。 里茲還經常以特約嘉賓的身份參加電視節目錄製, 包括, 《Big Time Rush》和《White Collar》。

除了表演之外, 里茲同樣專注於音樂, 正在籌畫自己的新專輯。 自從學會了鋼琴, 里茲就從未間斷過演唱。 她對古典搖滾樂有著強烈的熱情, 其中一些比較知名的作品,

包括滾石樂隊(The Rolling Stones)的《野馬》(Wild Horses)、約翰·列儂(John Lennon)的《嫉妒的傢伙》(Jealous Guy)、凱特·斯蒂文斯(Cat Stevens)的《父與子》(Father & Son)和特蕾西·查普曼(Tracy Chapman)的《快車》(Fast Car)。






藍綠色眼睛 / 陶瓷般的肌膚


最好的朋友:《勝利之歌》(2010)的聯合主演,愛莉安娜·格蘭德(Ariana Grande)。她們2008年參加百老匯音樂劇《13》演出時相識。



特長:鋼琴 / 鍵盤樂器


I like growing up; I feel like I have an old soul. I like the age to match as much as it can.

My two big date deal breakers are someone with no sense of humor and someone who chews badly. I will never be with someone who never laughs or someone who chews disgustingly, so if either of those things are detected on a date - it's a total deal breaker.

I think dealing with mean girls is just a part of life. I never really took people like that too seriously.

Once you lose the honesty in a relationship, I mean, I think you don't have a relationaship at all.

If you're passionate about something and stick with it, even if your friends aren't doing it, it'll pay off. It can be really rewarding to stick to your guns.

If someone's being less than courteous to you, I don't think you need to pay any attention to them.

I love being a teen because you don't have all the responsibilities of adult yet.

A strong sense of humor, a really awesome personality, and maturity is also really important in a boyfriend. I tend to only be attracted to older guys for that reson. I just love guys who have a really strong sense of who they are.

The food I eat the most is probably steamed, plain white rice. I know its really, really, really boring, but that's honestly the food I eat the most. No, I like cucumber avocado rolls...I love that.

The funny thing about voice over is you can go in in sweatpants and have your hair all messed up, and no one will see you, and you can still deliver the same great product.

I try not to tweet too much; I'm a really spradic tweeter. I will tweet nonstop for, like, 3 days, and then I won't for a month. I don't make it priority at all; if I feel like doing it, I do it, and if not, then I don't care.

In middle school, I was boy crazy and it was the worst! I would always lose, too. I was more into the competition than the boy by the end of it! I just wanted to win!

Hopefully, after Victorious(2010) has lived a long and beautiful life, I would like to go into movies. And I'd like to have a very successful movie career. Ultimately, I'd love to win an Oscar; that's my big goal in life, so that's what I'm going for.








藍綠色眼睛 / 陶瓷般的肌膚


最好的朋友:《勝利之歌》(2010)的聯合主演,愛莉安娜·格蘭德(Ariana Grande)。她們2008年參加百老匯音樂劇《13》演出時相識。



特長:鋼琴 / 鍵盤樂器


I like growing up; I feel like I have an old soul. I like the age to match as much as it can.

My two big date deal breakers are someone with no sense of humor and someone who chews badly. I will never be with someone who never laughs or someone who chews disgustingly, so if either of those things are detected on a date - it's a total deal breaker.

I think dealing with mean girls is just a part of life. I never really took people like that too seriously.

Once you lose the honesty in a relationship, I mean, I think you don't have a relationaship at all.

If you're passionate about something and stick with it, even if your friends aren't doing it, it'll pay off. It can be really rewarding to stick to your guns.

If someone's being less than courteous to you, I don't think you need to pay any attention to them.

I love being a teen because you don't have all the responsibilities of adult yet.

A strong sense of humor, a really awesome personality, and maturity is also really important in a boyfriend. I tend to only be attracted to older guys for that reson. I just love guys who have a really strong sense of who they are.

The food I eat the most is probably steamed, plain white rice. I know its really, really, really boring, but that's honestly the food I eat the most. No, I like cucumber avocado rolls...I love that.

The funny thing about voice over is you can go in in sweatpants and have your hair all messed up, and no one will see you, and you can still deliver the same great product.

I try not to tweet too much; I'm a really spradic tweeter. I will tweet nonstop for, like, 3 days, and then I won't for a month. I don't make it priority at all; if I feel like doing it, I do it, and if not, then I don't care.

In middle school, I was boy crazy and it was the worst! I would always lose, too. I was more into the competition than the boy by the end of it! I just wanted to win!

Hopefully, after Victorious(2010) has lived a long and beautiful life, I would like to go into movies. And I'd like to have a very successful movie career. Ultimately, I'd love to win an Oscar; that's my big goal in life, so that's what I'm going for.






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