


這裡的堅持究竟該怎麼用英文表達。 有次跟家裡聊天,隨嘴問了下堅持用英文怎麼說,

把我給弄懵了,堅持 insist on? go on?


Keep it up. 把它堅持下去,不鬆勁。

例子: Keep it up! you will make it. 請堅持下去!你會成功的。

2. Stick at it. Stick with it. 堅持下去。

例子:You will find it hard at first, but sitck at it. 剛開始你會發現有點難,但要堅持下去.

3. Hang in there. 堅持下去。

例子:Hang in there, you never know what you might achived. 堅持下去,你永遠都不會預料有什麼樣的收穫。

4. Don't quit! 別放棄,堅持下去!

例子:Don't quit, your dream will come true. 別放棄(堅持下去),你的夢想會實現的。

5. Don't give up! 堅持下去,別放棄。

例子:No, Don't you give up? 不,難道你放棄了嗎(難道你不堅持下去了嗎)?

6. Insist on, persist in 堅持下去。前者側重意見主張,後者更側重行動行為。

例句:We insist on an optimistic attitude to life. 我們堅持要求一個樂觀的生活態度。

He persists in the study of English. 他堅持學習英語。

口語中,Keep it up,Don't give up! 還是相對比較多的。