

Introduction 部分要對論文研究的領域做一簡要介紹,要涉及研究的意義,

現在的問題在哪裡,你是如何去解決問題的。一般先從大面上說起,然後再轉到你研究的課題,再闡明現在的問題是什麼,及你是如何去研究這個問題的。這些一般都是比較簡要的描述,詳細的探討通常放在Discussion 部分進行。在Introduction 部分你要回答以下幾個問題,並把這幾個問題作為粗略提綱列出來。通過文獻檢索,根據自己的知識積累,逐步豐富:

1. 對某個領域現在是什麼情況;





描述研究本課題的必要性時,一句或最多兩句話就可以。根據實驗結果寫前言,有目的的寫,需要什麼樣的新結果。結尾可以用三句話: 我們做了什麼,發現了什麼和科研的意義。

Introduction 開頭的幾句話要使用題目中的關鍵字,以便使文章直接進入主題,把讀者引入到你的研究課題中去,不要寫與主題無關的字句。比如文章的題目是“A New Strategy to Improve the Production Yield of Insulin”,開頭的第一句話中就應有Insulin。


Introduction 的寫法上最常出現的有兩種格式。一種是先描述某個領域的進展情況,再轉到存在的問題,然後闡述作者是如何去研究和尋找答案的。現舉一個簡單的例子:

Heatshock proteins (HSP) are induced when a cell undergoes various types of environmental stresses like heat,cold and oxygen deprivation.They are involved in a variety of biological functions,such as protein folding,translocation,and immune presentation.


However,the exact mechanism of how they exert their biological functions remains unclear.In this study,we carried out kinetic experiments to investigate the conformational changes in the structure of HSP's substrates.



Early diagnosis is critical in cancer treatment and cure.In the case of breast cancer,the survival rate was increased dramatically when therapeutic drugs were administered in the early stages of the cancer.


To address the need for early diagnosis of breast cancer patients,we have developed two sensitive and specific immunoassays to qualify protein Y activity and protein Y concentrations in both urine and plasma.



Starts with background description,followed by"xxxx remains unknown",“xxxx is less studied","there is a need to xxxx".Therefore,"we investigated xxxx*"We found that xxx" and"our results provides insights (unique method) to xxx"



Six Cloned Calves Produced from Adult Fibroblast Cells after Long-term Culture


Genetic manipulation of mouse embryonic stem cells has revolutionized mouse genetic research.However,embryonic stem cells are not available in other species.Fortunately,animal cloning using cultured somatic cells offers the possibility of targeted genetic manipulations like those performed in the mouse,those somatic cells remain competent for cloning after prolonged culture.Live clones have been obtained from adult somatic cells in sheep (1),mice(2),and cows(3,4).Furthermore, transgenic animals have been produced by cloning gene -transfected fetal somatic donor cells (5,6) (開始先介紹動物克隆的現狀).

However,to date,successful somatic cell cloning has been largely limited to the Use of the donor cells either fiesh (2),or after short-tem(under 10 passages) in vitro culture( I,3-6),which would not allow targeted gene manipulations(然後用however這個轉折詞,寫出現在的不足之處)

This stud was conduced to test the cloning competence of skin fibroblast cells after prolonged in vitro culture,using an aged(17-year-old) elite bull.In this paper,we report that normal live clones were produced from cultured adult somatic cells in a cattle model after up to 3 months of culture (passage 15).Our finding offerspromise for producing site-specific genetically modified animals such as"gene knockout" animals by somatic cell cloning (第三段寫我們做了什麼,發現了什麼和科研的意義)