

China’s fast-paced economy has helped create a number of massive consumer brands with growing market clout.中國快節奏的經濟已經衍生出了一批大型消費品牌,


Technology giants Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu—often referred to as the BAT companies—are typically ranked among the world’s most valuable based on metrics like brand value and share of worldwide digital ad revenues.科技巨擘騰訊、阿裡巴巴和百度 - 通常被稱為BAT公司 - 如果以品牌價值和全球數字廣告收入份額為標準,這幾家公司都算得上是全世界最有價值的品牌。

According to a March 2017 report by Kantar Millward Brown, Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu rank among the top five most valuable brands in China.Kantar Millward Brown公司2017年3月的一份報告顯示,中國五大最有價值品牌,


The report, which measured brand value using a forecast of each company’s future earnings and growth potential, placed Tencent at No. 1 thanks to a 2017 brand value of $106.18 billion.該報告通過預測每個公司未來盈利和發展潛力來衡量品牌價值。2017年騰訊的品牌價值為1061.8億美元,排名第一。

Alibaba came in second in terms of brand value ($58.01 billion), while Baidu had the fifth highest brand value at $23.89 billion.阿裡巴巴的品牌價值(580.1億美元)排在第二位,百度的品牌價值為238.9億美元,排名第五。

Many of the brands in Kantar Millward Brown’s list came from the telecom, banking, retail or technology sectors.Kantar Millward Brown名單上的許多品牌都來自電信、銀行、零售或技術行業。

Alibaba, for example, attributes much of its success to its ecommerce platform.例如,阿裡巴巴因其電子商務平臺而大獲成功。

But many of the top brands on this China-specific list also recognize a significant share of their revenues from sources like digital advertising.不過,還有很多出現在這份中國特色名單上的許多頂級品牌,


In fact, eMarketer’s 2017 estimates of the top companies worldwide ranked by net digital ad revenue share bears this out.事實上,eMarketer2017年根據數位廣告淨收入占比預估的全球頂級公司也證實了這一現象。

It’s no surprise that Google and Facebook still control the lion’s share of digital ad revenues, with a combined 49.2% of the worldwide market in 2017.毫無意外,Google和Facebook仍然控制著絕大部分數位廣告份額,兩家公司2017年全球數字廣告份額總和為49.2%。

But China’s Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent come in third, fourth and fifth, respectively, accounting for 15% of net digital ad revenues worldwide this year.而中國的阿裡巴巴,百度和騰訊分列全球第三、第四和第五,


As long as consumer incomes in China continue to grow, and the country’s companies maintain their marketing push to reach them, it seems likely these three digital behemoths will remain important players in China’s digital economy.只要中國的消費者收入持續增長,且中國的公司一直用行銷的手段去迎合消費者的收入增長,那這三個數字經濟巨擘仍將扮演中國數字經濟中的重要角色。


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