



Tuccker(利物浦球迷):過去的已成為歷史,未來的還未曾相遇,但今天卻是上帝的贈禮,於是我們把禮物送給了西布朗。(Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift of God, which is why we give it to west brom.)

CanMelis (利物浦球迷):如果我們想在五月收穫點什麼,不如現在在安菲爾德種些土豆怎麼樣?(We had better to dig up the Anfeild to plant some potatoes, that way we’ll have something to lift in May.)

FLame227(利物浦球迷):不用了吧,我們在場上已經有11個土豆了…(Forget it, we have already got 11 potatoes on pitch!)

Spoofex(曼聯球迷):事實證明,當你買的南安普頓球員太多時,你就變成南安普頓了!(Turns out when you keep buying Southampton players, you start playing like Southampton...)


好像比在防守端大多了…(Thus far VVD has been better going forward than he has been defensively.)

LazarazaL(利物浦球迷):媽媽經常告訴我說,利物浦就像是一盒巧克力,你永遠不知道下一場會輸給誰…(My mom always said Liverpool is like a box of chocolates. You never know which team you're gonna lose to.)

TheRoonaissance(曼聯球迷):機智的渣叔,杜絕再次在決賽輸球的秘訣,就是不進決賽…(Klopp is smart. Won't face the risk of adding another loss in a final to his experience.)

Monreal123(未知主隊球迷):利物浦擊敗了聯賽領頭羊,卻又連續輸給排名墊底和倒數第二的球隊…(Beat the league leaders and then lose to bottom and second bottom.)

Birapoma(利物浦球迷):如果你不能在輸給聯賽倒數第一的時候支持我們,那輸給聯賽倒數第二的時候就別腆著臉回來!(If you can't stand by the team during the loss to bottom team, don't come back when we lose to the second bottom team.)

COYG_Gooner(阿森納球迷):VAR技術為利物浦擋出去的球,可比米尼奧萊多多了…(VAR saved more goals than Migs did this game, damn.)

AccuratelyInaccurate(利物浦球迷):晚上看球也是有好處的,這樣就能直接去酒吧一醉方休了…(Night matches are good because you can then go out after and drink yourselves to death.)


heEsotericRunner(曼聯球迷):克羅斯的進球太經典了,就是愛你這樣傳進球門!(Classic Toni Kroos goal! I love how he just passes it into the net.)


Pagawaan(皇馬球迷):雖然贏了球,但齊祖應該還是很生氣吧,畢竟我們沒有進傳中的球…(We won, but Zidane's head must be steaming mad since we did not score from crosses.)

Barkasia(未知主隊球迷):齊達內好像在跟第四官員理論,想在罰點球的時候傳中呢!(Zidane asking the fourth official if it's legal to cross in a penalty.)

Skadrys(巴薩球迷):這場比賽對巴薩來說怎麼都能獲利…皇馬贏了,那就是幫助巴薩阻擊爭冠對手;要是皇馬輸了…那還有比這更好的事麼?(This match is win-win for Barça. If real wins, nothing changes and Valencia is eliminated from title challenge, if Valencia wins, well, anything can be better?)

AMKXNG(西班牙球迷):要知道,去年瓦倫西亞最終聯賽積分落後皇馬47分之多,而今年瓦倫卻已經在和皇馬的爭四中領先了…(To think Valencia was 47 points behind Madrid last season and now they're playing ahead of Madrid in top 4.)


rodfg150(曼聯球迷):卡迪夫城TMD,早早地在人牆後頭躺個人不就完了嗎,CTMD!(WTF…why they didnt put someone lie behind the wall?)

ExCrack (曼城球迷):如果每次裁判坑爹的時候我都能拿1塊錢,那我應該買一輛什麼顏色的法拉利呢?(If I could have a quid for everytime the ref sucks, what colour would my Ferrari be?)


UncleGuus(切爾西球迷):終於我們不會在下一輪碰見阿森納啦!(Finally we can’t get Arsenal again in the next round.)

Panozen(切爾西球迷):真不想吐槽巴舒亞伊的髮型…要是這能幫他進球,那我還是支持他吧…(I don't really rate Batshuayi’s haircut, but if it helps him score I'm all for it.)


Demonictoaste(曼聯球迷):驚!桑切斯加盟曼聯竟是為了奪足總杯!(Break news: Sanchez actually joined United to win FA Cups.)



Jayveesac(阿森納球迷):巴薩球迷們,如此美妙的夢,你們都不想醒了吧!(Barcelona fans may never wake up from this dream.)

OLAAF(巴薩球迷):其實…我現在是不想睡覺,因為我做夢也沒想到會像現在這樣…(I dont want to go to sleep, my dreams cant be like this.)

Eddsters(皇馬球迷):講真,我們現在是贏不了三冠王了吧…(Well, we can't win the treble now.)

re-laxx(皇馬球迷):國王杯嘛,怎麼能算重大賽事?當然我們奪冠的時候除外。(Copa del Rey isn't important to us unless we win it...)

DialSquare (阿森納球迷):很遺憾不能看到萊加內斯和巴黎的典範對決,也就只能湊合看看皇馬踢巴黎了!(Too bad we don't get to see Leganes vs PSG, guess we'll have to settle with Madrid vs PSG.)

DeezNuts(巴薩球迷):哈哈,現在我最喜歡的球隊是萊加內斯!這賽季最喜歡的隊好像有點多…(Leganes is my new favorite team, so many new favorite teams this season.)

Ahmed(皇馬球迷):被萊加內斯淘汰也挺好的,總比再輸給巴薩要強得多吧?其實這是齊祖下的一步大棋!(Better to go out vs Leganes than get humiliated by Barcelona. Zidane playing 4d chess.)

LinXcze(皇馬球迷):皇馬這場比賽送出了44次傳中,卻只有5次是落在了自己人頭上…(Real Madrid attempted 44 crosses against Leganes and only completed 5.)

_zzd(加拿大球迷):我就知道齊達內不行!你看人家莫耶斯,當年可都是81次傳中!(Zidane is amateurs. It should be 81 crosses. Moyes style.)


TopographyDog(巴薩球迷):當後衛防守梅西的時候,感覺就像是一條腿的跛子努力想站在吊床上一樣掙扎…(Defenders may feel like a one legged cripple trying to stand up in a hammock when defending Messi.)

TheMexicanJuan(巴薩球迷):才踢了2分鐘,庫鳥給人的感覺就像在巴薩呆了10年一樣…(2 minutes in and Coutinho is already playing like he's been here for 10 years!)

delayT3(利物浦球迷):分手後的微笑,只是用來掩蓋疼痛的心痕。(I fake a smile to you but feel sorrow in my heart.)

Othersidegi(巴薩球迷):這賽季,烏姆蒂蒂就是最好的後衛!(Name a better defender than umtiti this season…)

Vicribator(皇馬球迷):明明是本澤馬,你沒見他給皇馬對手那麼多關鍵解圍嗎?(Benzema, so many vital clearance for many teams against us.)


callmeWia(巴薩球迷):梅西這場狀態真是不行…也就湊合進個致勝任意球,趕緊把調整狀態應戰瓦倫西亞吧…(Messi was kinda off this game...might just score this free kick to win then go home and concentrate on the Valencia game)

monkeyDteach(利物浦球迷):人牆裡只有一個人沒跳,而梅西的射門就恰好從他頭上飛過去了,這是怎麼做到的…(Only one defender did not jump and messi hits it over him. How??

TheMexicanJuan(巴薩球迷):只有當布斯克茨不上場的時候,你才會明白他才是真大神…(You only realize Busquets is a God until he's not playing.)


Skadrys(巴薩球迷):這場比賽對巴薩來說怎麼都能獲利…皇馬贏了,那就是幫助巴薩阻擊爭冠對手;要是皇馬輸了…那還有比這更好的事麼?(This match is win-win for Barça. If real wins, nothing changes and Valencia is eliminated from title challenge, if Valencia wins, well, anything can be better?)

AMKXNG(西班牙球迷):要知道,去年瓦倫西亞最終聯賽積分落後皇馬47分之多,而今年瓦倫卻已經在和皇馬的爭四中領先了…(To think Valencia was 47 points behind Madrid last season and now they're playing ahead of Madrid in top 4.)


rodfg150(曼聯球迷):卡迪夫城TMD,早早地在人牆後頭躺個人不就完了嗎,CTMD!(WTF…why they didnt put someone lie behind the wall?)

ExCrack (曼城球迷):如果每次裁判坑爹的時候我都能拿1塊錢,那我應該買一輛什麼顏色的法拉利呢?(If I could have a quid for everytime the ref sucks, what colour would my Ferrari be?)


UncleGuus(切爾西球迷):終於我們不會在下一輪碰見阿森納啦!(Finally we can’t get Arsenal again in the next round.)

Panozen(切爾西球迷):真不想吐槽巴舒亞伊的髮型…要是這能幫他進球,那我還是支持他吧…(I don't really rate Batshuayi’s haircut, but if it helps him score I'm all for it.)


Demonictoaste(曼聯球迷):驚!桑切斯加盟曼聯竟是為了奪足總杯!(Break news: Sanchez actually joined United to win FA Cups.)



Jayveesac(阿森納球迷):巴薩球迷們,如此美妙的夢,你們都不想醒了吧!(Barcelona fans may never wake up from this dream.)

OLAAF(巴薩球迷):其實…我現在是不想睡覺,因為我做夢也沒想到會像現在這樣…(I dont want to go to sleep, my dreams cant be like this.)

Eddsters(皇馬球迷):講真,我們現在是贏不了三冠王了吧…(Well, we can't win the treble now.)

re-laxx(皇馬球迷):國王杯嘛,怎麼能算重大賽事?當然我們奪冠的時候除外。(Copa del Rey isn't important to us unless we win it...)

DialSquare (阿森納球迷):很遺憾不能看到萊加內斯和巴黎的典範對決,也就只能湊合看看皇馬踢巴黎了!(Too bad we don't get to see Leganes vs PSG, guess we'll have to settle with Madrid vs PSG.)

DeezNuts(巴薩球迷):哈哈,現在我最喜歡的球隊是萊加內斯!這賽季最喜歡的隊好像有點多…(Leganes is my new favorite team, so many new favorite teams this season.)

Ahmed(皇馬球迷):被萊加內斯淘汰也挺好的,總比再輸給巴薩要強得多吧?其實這是齊祖下的一步大棋!(Better to go out vs Leganes than get humiliated by Barcelona. Zidane playing 4d chess.)

LinXcze(皇馬球迷):皇馬這場比賽送出了44次傳中,卻只有5次是落在了自己人頭上…(Real Madrid attempted 44 crosses against Leganes and only completed 5.)

_zzd(加拿大球迷):我就知道齊達內不行!你看人家莫耶斯,當年可都是81次傳中!(Zidane is amateurs. It should be 81 crosses. Moyes style.)


TopographyDog(巴薩球迷):當後衛防守梅西的時候,感覺就像是一條腿的跛子努力想站在吊床上一樣掙扎…(Defenders may feel like a one legged cripple trying to stand up in a hammock when defending Messi.)

TheMexicanJuan(巴薩球迷):才踢了2分鐘,庫鳥給人的感覺就像在巴薩呆了10年一樣…(2 minutes in and Coutinho is already playing like he's been here for 10 years!)

delayT3(利物浦球迷):分手後的微笑,只是用來掩蓋疼痛的心痕。(I fake a smile to you but feel sorrow in my heart.)

Othersidegi(巴薩球迷):這賽季,烏姆蒂蒂就是最好的後衛!(Name a better defender than umtiti this season…)

Vicribator(皇馬球迷):明明是本澤馬,你沒見他給皇馬對手那麼多關鍵解圍嗎?(Benzema, so many vital clearance for many teams against us.)


callmeWia(巴薩球迷):梅西這場狀態真是不行…也就湊合進個致勝任意球,趕緊把調整狀態應戰瓦倫西亞吧…(Messi was kinda off this game...might just score this free kick to win then go home and concentrate on the Valencia game)

monkeyDteach(利物浦球迷):人牆裡只有一個人沒跳,而梅西的射門就恰好從他頭上飛過去了,這是怎麼做到的…(Only one defender did not jump and messi hits it over him. How??

TheMexicanJuan(巴薩球迷):只有當布斯克茨不上場的時候,你才會明白他才是真大神…(You only realize Busquets is a God until he's not playing.)
