

2017年5月,國際學術權威刊物自然出版集團旗下子刊《Heredity》線上發表了北京大學生命科學學院姚蒙研究組題為“Low genetic diversity and strong population structure shaped by anthropogenic habitat fragmentation in a critically endangered primate,Trachypithecus leucocephalus”的封面文章。研究首次利用微衛星和線粒體DNA全面分析了野生白頭葉猴種群的遺傳多樣性、遺傳結構及導致遺傳分化的環境因素。


棲息地片段化很可能造成野生種群遺傳多樣性降低、遺傳分化加劇。白頭葉猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)是生活在廣西壯族自治區西南部喀斯特石山地區的我國特有物種。其野生種群目前僅餘約1, 000只,只分佈在由左江、明江和四方嶺圍繞的狹小地區,已被列為我國一級保護動物和世界自然保護聯盟(International unio for Conservation of Nature, IUCN)紅色名錄的極危級(Critically Endangered, CR)物種。


研究分析了來自白頭葉猴主要分佈區崇左和扶綏的41個社群(social groups)的214份獨立個體樣品,






Habitat fragmentation may strongly impact population genetic structure and reduce the genetic diversity and viability of small and isolated populations. The white-headed langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) is a critically endangered primate species living in a highly fragmented and human-modified habitat in southern China. We examined the population genetic structure and genetic diversity of the species and investigated the environmental and anthropogenic factors that may have shaped its population structure. We used 214 unique multi-locus genotypes from 41 social groups across the main distribution area of T. leucocephalus, and found strong genetic structure and significant genetic differentiation among local populations. Our landscape genetic analyses using a causal modelling framework suggest that a large habitat gap and geographical distance represent the primary landscape elements shaping genetic structure, yet high levels of genetic differentiation also exist between patches separated by a small habitat gap or road. This is the first comprehensive study that has evaluated the population genetic structure and diversity of T. leucocephalus using nuclear markers. Our results indicate strong negative impacts of anthropogenic land modifications and habitat fragmentation on primate genetic connectivity between forest patches. Our analyses suggest that two management units of the species could be defined, and indicate that habitat continuity should be enforced and restored to reduce genetic isolation and enhance population viability.