
「賽事預測」南非 VS 塞內加爾

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南非 VS 塞內加爾

10/11/2017 世界盃非洲區預選賽

塞內加爾 勝 [信心度 6/10]


塞內加爾將與小組墊底的南非進行比賽, 但事實上, 南非目前積4分, 與第二名和第三名只有2分之差, 塞內加爾與南非之間4分的差距也並非難以逾越, 少賽一場的主隊完全可以通過一場勝利躍居至小組第二的位置。

塞內加爾始終保持著良好的狀態, 這是他們在本場比賽中被更為看好的主要原因, 非洲勁旅將在繼客場擊敗維德角之後再獲一場勝利。 值得一提的是, 塞內加爾在最近的8場正式比賽中只輸掉1場, 而南非近五場比賽只取得1勝1平3負的戰績。

塞內加爾將在本場比賽中全取三分, 擴大自己在小組中的領先優勢, 並擊碎南非躍升至D組次席的夢想。

South Africa - Senegal

10th/Nov 17:00 BST WC Qualification Africa

Senegal [Confidence 信心度 6/10]

The leaders have a tough mission to deal with. Senegal will face the rock bottom team in this Group D but actually, considering that South Africa hold four points and they are just two points below the second and the third, we can affirm that even four points that Senegal hold over South Africa are not enough, because an unexpected host's win will set them as the second of this group due to these two clubs count with a game in hand.

Senegal should win this game because in general terms, they are a great International team of the African football and also they will reach this fixture after obtain an away triumph over Cape Verde. Moreover, they have been defeated just once in their last 8 games in all competitions. Otherwise, South Africa have obtained three defeats, one draw and one win in their last five meetings.

Senegal catching three points in here make sense to let them resume in the leadership and stopping a possible South African's jump into the second position.

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