

“每日學英語”多平臺更新, 關注後, 讓英語學習成為一種習慣!

Have you ever thought life would be better anywhere other than where you are right now? Maybe some of your thoughts go something like this:


Life will be better once I'm out of debt.

I can't wait until I'm retired because then I can do what I want when I want.

If only I lived somewhere warm I could exercise all year round and I would be so fit.

If I could just lose 10 pounds I know I would feel better.

還清債務, 生活會更好。

我急不可耐的想要退休, 那樣就可以隨時做想做的事情了。

真希望生活在一個溫暖的地區, 我可以一年四季堅持鍛煉, 我將會更健康。

如果我可以減掉10磅的體重, 我會感覺更好。

Truth is some of your problems may go away once you have met all of your "if only" and "better when's", but it won't make the perfect life that fairy tales are made of. New problems will arise and you'll likely find yourself wishing for this "perfect" life to be different still. We can only imagine that the grass will be greener on the other side because it's only when we live it do we actually see it for what it really is.


但是那絕對不是童話故事中製造的完美生活。 新的問題會出現, 你仍會發現自己希望對“完美”生活加以改變。 我們想像別處的草地比此處的更綠, 因為, 只有當我們生活在此處時, 我們才會知道它真正的樣子。

Whatever ideal you have in mind about an alternate lifestyle, location, financial situation etc ... rest assured that each one will be met with it's own unique set of problems.

只有當意識中不同的生活方式、居住地、財務狀況等等你都體驗過後, 才會確信每種生活都會遇到所屬的問題。

So what can you do about this? Choose to be content with what you already have.


ideal /aɪ'dɪəl/ adj. 理想的;完美的;n. 理想;典範

alternate /ˈɔ:ltəneɪt/ adj. 交替的;輪流的; n. 替換物

financial situation /faɪ'nænʃ(ə)l/ /sɪtjʊ'eɪʃ(ə)n/ 財務狀況、經濟狀況

assure /ə'ʃʊə/ v. 保證;擔保;使確信

unique /ju: 'ni: k/ adj. 獨特的, 稀罕的

be content with /kən'tent/ 對...滿意

Look around you and be truly grateful for all that you see. Realize that there are people less fortunate than you and right now, rightly or wrongly, they are wishing for your exact lifestyle. Think back to 2 years ago, what were you wishing for then? Where did you want to be? Odds are you were largely wishing to be right where you are now. Life happens so gradually that you tend to lose all perspective of achievements, growth and progress.

環視周圍, 真誠地感激你看到的一切。 要認識到周圍還有不如你幸運的, 他們正在或對或錯的追逐你當下的生活方式。 回想兩年前, 那時你的願望是什麼?你想去哪?很可能那時你期盼的就是現在的自己。 生活常常會使你漸漸遺失所有對目標的憧憬、成長和進步。

fortunate /'fɔ: tʃ(ə)nət/ adj. 幸運的;僥倖的;吉祥的

odd /ɒd/ n. 奇數;怪人;奇特的事物

gradually /'grædʒʊlɪ/ adv. 逐步地;漸漸地

perspective /pə'spektɪv/ n. 觀點;遠景

achievement / ə'tʃi: vm(ə)nt/ n. 成就;完成;達到;成績

growth /grəʊθ/ n. 增長;發展;生長

progress /'prəʊgres/ n. 進步, 發展;前進

It's great to dream big. But those dreams should not cloud the greatness you have in front of you right now. Consider the truth is the grass being the greenest right under your feet.

有夢想固然好。 但是這些夢想不應該遮蔽自己現在的成就。 要知道現在你腳下的草才是最綠的。

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