

想當年, 菊花還只是一種花……

但今天, 給大家分享的菊花, 不僅僅是花。

咳咳, 注意, 這是篇文化推送。


The name "chrysanthemum" is derived from the Ancient Greek:

chrys (gold) and anthemon (flower).


They are native to Asia and northeastern Europe.


Chrysanthemum plays a significant role and symbolism across many cultures around the globe.


In Europe, chrysanthemum symbolizesdeath and in Asia, it is a symbol of love & cheerfulness (depending on the color of the flower).

在歐洲, 菊花象徵著死亡, 在亞洲它是愛與快樂的象徵(取決於花的顏色)。

In China, they hold an annual chrysanthemum festival in Tongxiang, near Hangzhou as well as an ancient town (Xiaolan Town of Zhongshan City) whose nickname is Ju-Cheng, which means “chrysanthemum city”.

在中國, 杭州附近的桐鄉和中國古鎮(中山市小欖鎮)每年都會舉辦菊花會。 小欖鎮, 又稱“菊城”, 意為“菊花之城”。

In Japan, chrysanthemum is a symbol of the Emperor and the Imperial Family.

在日本, 菊花是皇帝和皇室的象徵。


Chrysanthemum is used to treat chest pain, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, fever, cold, headache and dizziness.

菊花用於治療胸痛, 高血壓, 2型糖尿病, 發燒, 感冒, 頭痛, 頭暈。

As a beverage, chrysanthemum is very popular as a summertime tea in southern China.

作為一種飲料, 菊花在中國南方作為夏季茶很受歡迎。

Edible chrysanthemums食用菊

Chrysanthemum are boiled into a sweet tea, known in China as“Juhuacha”. It is meant to have a cooling effect and is used on warm days and to treat fevers and isused as a quick healing method after a flu episode.

菊花被煮成一種甜茶, 在中國稱為菊花茶。 這茶能清熱降暑, 治療發燒, 是流感後恢復的快速良方。

Be careful, Dutch chrysanthemums are only meant for decorative use and (sadly) cannot be eaten.

值得注意的是, 荷蘭菊只用於裝飾, 不能吃。

所以, 菊花是可以很好吃的!

Chrysanthemum "Bran" is made of chrysanthemum and sugar. Usually people heat dried chrysanthemum petal, sugar and little water together into a paste, then cool it. They then smash it into pieces. This is a basic ingredient in other chrysanthemum food.

“菊花糠”由菊花和糖製成。 通常人們將菊花花瓣, 糖和少許水一起加熱成糊狀, 然後冷卻, 再把花瓣粉碎。 這是其他菊花美食的基本材料。

Chrysanthemum "meat" is not actually the meat of chrysanthemum, but fat pork. Usually the crystal fat pork cured together with chrysanthemum "Bran" and plenty of sugar.

“菊花肉”其實不是菊花的肉, 而是豬肉。 人們通常把水晶肥豬肉, 菊花糠和大量的糖一起加工處理。

Chrysanthemum glue pudding is glue pudding with chrysanthemum "Bran" and red bean paste as filling. It is often served in chrysanthemum soup.

菊花水欖由菊花糠和紅豆沙作餡。 經常在菊花湯中一起食用。

Xiaolan deep-fried fish ball enjoys a high reputation not only for the chrysanthemum used as side dishes but also for the delicious Zhongshan-growndace. The cooking way of deep-fried fish ball can be traced back to ancient time. The ball is made of fish meat that has been finely pulverized with different spices. After deep-fry, it often goes with edible chrysanthemum and raw cabbage leaves. If eaten with clam sauce, the fish ball will be more unique in taste.

小欖炸魚球以美味聞名, 不僅以菊花為配菜, 還有中山鯪魚為主要原料。 炸魚球的烹飪方式可以追溯到古代。

魚球是用魚肉, 混合不同的香料精細粉碎製成的。 油炸後, 經常配以食用菊和生白菜葉食用。 如果用蛤蜊醬吃, 魚球的味道會更加獨特。






愛你萌(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~


美化編輯 | Kilinno

封面圖片 | 小魚

審核校對 | 小津

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