
W:法國將推最強校園手機禁令 校長學生都不買帳

coworking spaces

法國政府日前宣佈, 將從2018年9月起禁止所有中小學生在校園使用手機, 這本該是讓校方和家長稱快的消息, 但是沒想到法國的校長和家長都不買帳, 原因何在呢?

The French government is to ban students from using mobile phones in the country’s primary, junior and middle schools.


Children will be allowed to bring their phones to school, but not allowed to get them out at any time until they leave, even during breaks.

學生可以把手機帶到學校, 但一直到放學前都不能動用手機, 即使是課間休息時間也不行。

A proposed ban was included in Emmanuel Macron’s successful presidential election campaign this year.


Jean-Michel Blanquer, the French education minister, said the measure would come into effect from the start of the next school year in September 2018. It will apply to all pupils from the time they start school at age of six – up to about 15 when they start secondary school.

法國教育部長讓-蜜雪兒•布朗凱說, 這一措施將從2018年9月新學年開始時生效。 下到剛入學的6歲小學生, 上到15歲的中學生,


Blanquer said some education establishments already prohibited pupils from using their mobiles.

布朗凱說, 一些教育機構已經禁止學生使用手機。

早在2010年法國《教育法》就曾出臺相關法令:在幼稚園、小學和初中, 教學活動期間及校內規定場所內禁用手機。 法國教育部長布朗凱不久前接受媒體採訪表示, 禁用手機是為了保護學生, 避免他們被手機和視頻分散了學習的注意力。

“Sometimes you need a mobile for teaching reasons … for urgent situations, but their use has to be somehow controlled,” he told RTL radio.

他告訴RTL電臺說:“有時候, 出於教學目的或者在緊急情況下需要用到手機, 但是手機的使用應該有度。 ”

The minister said the ban was also a “public health message to families”, adding: “It’s good that children are not too often, or even at all, in front of a screen before the age of seven.”

教育部長表示, 這一禁令也是“發給家庭的公共健康訊息”。 他補充道:“孩子7歲前不應該經常看螢幕, 最好乾脆不看。 ”

那麼, 法國人買帳嗎?你大概以為學校要舉雙手贊成, 但是意見最大的就是校長們。

The French headteachers’ union was skeptical that the ban could be enforced.法國校長聯盟對於這一禁令能否順利推行表示懷疑。

“This new announcement from the [education] ministry leaves us dubious because we’re having trouble understanding what is the real issue here. In general, we’re used to them being logical and pragmatic about things, and here, we can’t find the logic or the pragmatism in the announcements,” said Philippe Vincent, the union’s deputy general secretary.

法國校長聯盟的副秘書長菲力浦•文森特說:“教育部的這則新通知讓我們感到疑惑, 因為我們難以理解他們到底想幹啥。 一般來說, 我們都習慣於有邏輯性和實用性的檔, 但是我們從這則通知中找不到任何邏輯或實用性。 ”

法國學生們也對禁令能否推行表示懷疑, 有的學生甚至表示, 這麼做根本毫無意義。

Outside one middle school in the centre of Paris, pupils asked about the measure seemed unimpressed. “I don’t understand how it will work. Who will take the phones, where will they put them … how will we get them back?” said one 13-year-old boy.

法國市中心的一所中學外面, 受訪學生似乎對新措施無動於衷。 一個13歲的男孩說:“我搞不懂這個事要怎麼開展。 誰來收手機, 他們要把手機放在哪……我們怎麼拿回來?”

At another school, Mathilde, 12, said: “It’s ridiculous. At my school, we don’t use them in class or during recess, so what’s the problem? If anyone’s caught using one in the toilets or at lunchtime, the phones are confiscated immediately and the person is given detention.”

在另一所學校, 12歲的馬蒂爾德說:“太荒謬了。 在我的學校, 我們在課堂上和課間都不用手機, 所以根本就不存在這一問題。

如果有人被發現在廁所裡或午飯時用手機, 手機就會被立即沒收, 用手機的人還要被罰留校。 ”

事實上, 法國學生在學校用手機非常普遍。 有調查稱, 擁有手機的法國青少年中, 一半人在課堂上使用過手機。 法國家長們雖然不贊成在學校用手機, 但是對手機禁令也是喜憂參半。

Parents seemed uncertain too. “It’s probably a good idea when the kids are in school, but they can’t ban them bringing them to school,” said Sabine. “My daughter goes to school and comes home on her own, and at this time of year it’s dark so early, so I want her to have a phone with her. It’s reassuring.”

家長們似乎也不確定這是不是好事。 “孩子在學校不用手機也許是個好主意, 但他們不能禁止孩子帶手機到學校, ”薩賓說, “我女兒獨自上學和回家, 現在這個季節天黑得很早, 所以我希望她帶著手機。 這樣讓人放心。 ”

She added: “But rather than a ban, wouldn’t it be better to install a signal blocker in schools?”

她還說:“不過, 相比這種禁令, 在學校裝個信號遮罩器是不是更好?”

然而, 最大的問題還是, 手機寄存櫃要放在哪?學校沒有地兒啊。

Blanquer has already suggested schools could install lockers for phones, though many city centre schools have little room for them.



“Are we going to transform a school into a giant locker?” said Vincent. “I’ve done a little calculation myself: 5,300 state schools with an average 500 pupils each, that makes around 3 million lockers.”

“難道我們要把學校變成一個巨大的寄存櫃?”文森特說:“我自己粗略計算了一下:全法國5300所公立學校, 每所學校平均500名學生, 這意味著大約300萬個寄存櫃。 ”

誰來收發和保管手機也是個很麻煩的問題, 萬一手機丟了呢?時間成本和人力成本也是要考慮的因素。

Parents’ organisations say any ban would pose a significant logistical problem.家長聯盟說, 任何禁令都會面臨嚴重的後勤問題。

“How is the school going to stock them? And how are they going to make sure they’re given back to the owner at the end of school?” Gérard Pommier, head of the Federation of Parents in State Schools.


Education officials are now studying how the mobile ban can be put into effect.教育部官員目前正在研究如何推行手機禁令。

“In ministerial meetings, we leave our phones in lockers before going in. It seems to me that this as doable for any human group, including a class,” Blanquer said in September.

布朗凱在九月份時說:“在舉行部長會議時, 我們在進入會議廳前會將手機放進寄存櫃中。

在我看來, 這種做法對於任何人類團體都是可行的, 包括學校課堂。 ”

The minister has also supported the introduction of school uniforms, but has said he is opposed to the measure being obligatory throughout the country.布朗凱還支持引進校服, 但他反對在全國強制推行。

He has also announced that each school must set up a choir before January 2019. Le Parisiennewspaper said the government had set aside €20m for the measure. Government officials said joining the choir would be voluntary and a “complement to obligatory music lessons” that exist already.

布朗凱還宣佈, 在2019年1月前, 每個學校都必須成立一個合唱團。 《巴黎人報》稱, 政府為此預備撥款2000萬歐元(合1.56億元人民幣)。 政府官員稱, 合唱團為自願參加, 是對現有的“音樂必修課的補充”。


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