
一群熱心公益事業的孩子們的心聲 ICANIDO我行我述


I can 我行, 每個孩子都是平等的個體, 他們只是與眾不同。 我們每個人也都行, 舉手之勞幫助他們。 I do 我述, 我講, 我做, 我在行動。 講述更多殘障孩子的真實故事, 呼籲全世界來關注關心他們的成長, 和回歸社會的幫助。



大家好, 我是I CAN I DO 小組的leader, 邱雯熠Eva。

平時是個性格比較開朗的妹子, 喜歡文學, 喜歡電影, 喜歡音樂, 喜歡旅行。 沒事的時候喜歡窩在沙發上, 抱著汪享受人生。 有幸去過很多地方旅行, 每一次旅行都有新的收穫, 也相信人生就是一場不停歇的旅途。

遇到一群志同道合的夥伴, 一起做想做的事情,


Hello everyone, I’m the leader of I CAN I DO program, Eva Qiu.

I’m an optimist who love literature, movie, music and travelling.When I have free time, I love sitting in sofa, spend time with my dog, Xiaobao.

It’s lucky to have chance travelling such a lot of place, every travel teaches me a lot. Also, I believe the life is an endless trip.

Meet someone who have the same dream, do what we want to do is such a good experience. Thanks CTB gave me this chance.

副隊長:DUKE Wang


大家好, 我是I Can I Do的聯合發起人Duke Wang

我國籍隸屬美國, 是美籍華人的後代, 現在在美國一所高中讀書。

作為I Can I Do的副隊長, 我感到萬分榮幸和激動。 因為我有這樣一個難得的契機去幫助以及支持那些有特殊需求的孩子們並且使他們在國際上獲得交流的機會。 這想必會使他們受益頗多。

再一次, 我對於加入I CAN I DO感到興奮與榮幸。

Hello, I'm Duke.

I'm second gereration, Chinese American and I attend Blaymazen(音譯) High School in the unite state, American.

I very excited to work as I CAN I DO as it's co-founder because working the opportunity to help support kids with special needs and allow them to communicate internationally. And it's will very helpful when they grow older.

Once again, I really excited to work with I CAN I DO.




大家好, 我是沈思昀。 我在這個團隊裡主要擔任的職務是書記。

而我參加這個項目的原因, 一是因為這個項目十分令我感興趣。 特殊青少年需要我們的關懷, 但這並不代表他們只是坐吃山空的人, 他們同樣需要與平常人一樣的權利和機會去做他們自己喜歡的事。

二是因為這個項目很有意義, 能夠真正説明到有需要的人。


而在公眾號裡, 你會看到一個個關於這些特殊孩子的故事, 讓大眾更加瞭解、關注他們。 、

我行我述, 你願意加入我們嗎?

Hello everyone, I am Sandy Shen. In this team, I work as the secretary.

To talk about why I attend this project, the first reason is that I am interested in it. Retarded adolescents need our care. That, however, does not mean they are just takers. They also need the right and chance to do something they enjoy in.

For the second reason, it is very meaningful to do this project. It enables us to give a hand to people who really need help.

In the official account, my job is to manage and arrange the articles and videos.

You can see plenty of stories about the retarded adolescents which make the public learn and pay closer attention to them.

I CAN I DO, would you like to join us?

宣傳 委員:


Yunjie Cai

大家好, 我是蔡雲傑, 我負責傳媒和宣傳的工作。

如今越來越多的新媒體平臺, 使我們可以運用新媒體的力量來發聲。 我們通過靈活運用新媒體技術以及平臺資源來為大家講述那些特殊青少年的故事, 讓更多的人能夠關注到, 幫助到他們, 使得這個特殊的群體能真正進入公眾的視野之中。

Hello everyone, I am Yunjie Cai. My work is to deal with the professional things of media and give publicity to the public.

Nowadays, there are more and more new media platforms which enable us to voice by using the power of these platforms.

We talk about the stories of the retarded adolescents to everyone through using the new media technology and online resource integration platform flexibly, which makes more people focus on and help the adolescents so that this group of people can really get in front of the public side.

宣傳 委員:蔣浩然


我是蔣浩然, 我在I can I do這個項目裡擔任藝術宣傳。 我的愛好有唱歌,

畫畫, 寫作等等。

我希望我對音樂的熱愛能使需要幫助的兒童們的故事更加廣為流傳。 我期待能以不同的藝術形式, 例如作曲, 編寫說唱, 例如短片, 攝影作品, 例如短文, 亦或詩詞, 讓每一個弱小的個體, 迸發出無窮盡的力量。 讓更多人知道他們的故事, 從而讓更多的資源來給他們提供幫助和機會。

社會對於他們來說也許是一個素未謀面的陌生人, 而我們所做的, 就是盡可能的展現社會的光明, 與我們大家一同給予的溫暖。

My name is Emmanuel Jiang. I am responsible for artistic advertising field in the project I CAN I DO. I am interested in music, painting, writing and so on.

Hopefully, I will try my best to make the story of children who need help more widespread with my love of art. I plan to take variety of art forms, for instance, composing, rapping, VCR, photographs, brief articles, or poems to make each of the cute kids burst into great energy. Therefore, more and more people getting to know about their stories, and amounts of resources, which supply them supports and opportunities, will increase.

Although society to special kids seems like an unfamiliar world they have never seen before, we will definitely show the brightness of the society and warmth from the whole public.

學習 委員:杜康


你好, 我是杜康。 我是I CAN I DO 的學習委員。 我是一名就讀于Carlun高中的中國國際生。

我很高興能參與I CAN I DO這個專案並作為其中的一員去説明有需要的特殊兒童。


Hi, my name is Kang.

I'm the commissary in charge of studies in the team I Can I Do.

I'm a Chinese international students in Carlun High School.

I'm very excited to work with I CAN I DO, as a member of the team and want to help those kids in need.

I'm very appreciate this opportunity.

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