

12月11日, 北京大董烤鴨的首家海外分店在紐約曼哈頓開張迎客。

脆皮、甜麵醬、蔥絲、黃瓜……西餐Style的烤鴨, 誘人中透著一點高冷……

這家餐廳的裝飾結合了西餐廳的模式, 但是也保留了傳統的中式風格……

The Manhattan branch has 440 seats, including about 200 on outdoor terraces, sprawled over 17,500 square feet on the building's second and third floors.

曼哈頓分店有440個座位, 其中包括200個室外露臺座位, 二三層占地1.75萬平方英尺(約合1625.8平方米)。

和國內不少烤鴨店一樣, 店裡還是可以看到片烤鴨的師傅……

看餐廳頗為不錯的樣子, 但做什麼菜才是關鍵!我們來看看大董紐約店的功能表。

菜品總共有80多樣, 其中招牌菜烤鴨, 一套“酥不膩”烤鴨98美元(約合人民幣648元), 半隻烤鴨58美元(約合人民幣383元),



DaDong "SuBuNi" Roast Duck

——$98 Whole/ $58 Half

Served with Sugar, Pancakes, Crispy Sesame Buns and Special Sauces

價格不菲, 但並沒有阻擋紐約人民的熱情。

據《紐約時報》11月28日報導, 預定剛開啟了2個小時, 就已經排到明年二月份了……

A few weeks ago, within the first two hours of becoming available, 2,500 reservations were booked through February, overloading the phone lines.

幾個星期之前, 預定開始的兩個小時, 餐廳就收到2500張訂單, 定位排到了明年2月, 訂餐電話都擠爆了。

這麼受歡迎, 可能是因為真的很好吃。 據彭博生活追求欄目(Bloomberg Pursuits)介紹, 大董烤鴨香酥可口、滑而不膩。

DaDong's version of the dish — a combination of lacquered skin and succulent meat, usually wrapped in a pancake with scallions and hoisin sauce — is magnificently crispy but meatier than much of the competition.

大董烤鴨表皮光滑油亮、肉質鮮嫩多汁, 配以蔥絲和烤鴨醬裹在春餅裡, 口感十分酥脆, 比其他品牌的烤鴨更有肉質感。

scallions ['skæljən]:蔥


該報導還介紹了具體吃法, 一份烤鴨可以有四種搭配吃法。 (咽口水jpg.)

Traditional-style comes with pancake, hoisin, and three to four pieces of duck meat (and skin), as well as watermelon radishes, cucumber, and scallion slices.


包上3-4片鴨肉片(或鴨皮), 並搭配水蘿蔔條、黃瓜和細蔥絲。

There's also a sesame-puff bun, a flaky pastry shell that's meant to be stuffed with the duck meat, a pungent garlic paste, and vegetable garnishes.

還有一種吃法是用空心芝麻包, 把鴨肉塞進這種薄皮面點殼內, 並塞入大蒜辣醬和蔬菜配料。


A further option is to dip the duck in a bowl of sugar and eat it plain.


Finally, there's the Kaluga caviar accompaniment, which costs an additional $42 and is meant to be spooned between the skin and the meat.

最後也可以配卡露伽黑魚子, 這份佐料需另花42美元(約合人民幣278元), 可用勺子均勻塗在鴨肉和鴨皮之間。


其實, 在大董烤鴨打入紐約之前, 北京烤鴨早已享譽海外。

作為最有名的北京菜, 烤鴨以色澤紅豔、肉質細嫩、味道醇厚、肥而不膩的特色引誘著國內外無數吃貨。


Imagine the best Peking Duck you’ve ever had. That crispy, amber-toned skin. That juicy, melt-in-your-mouth breast meat. Those deeply nuanced, deeply aromatic flavors, expertly engineered to send your pleasure sensors spinning.

想像一下你吃過的最美味的北京烤鴨。 那酥脆的、泛著琥珀色油光的鴨皮;那多汁的、入口即化的鴨胸肉;那細膩醇厚、回味無窮的肉香,

一切都恰到好處, 讓你的味蕾爆發。

《孤獨星球》(Lonely Planet)還介紹過烤鴨的前世今生:

Peking duck was first mentioned in royal cookbooks during the Yuan dynasty (13th century), but didn’t come to the fore until the early 1900s, when former imperial cooks began opening roast duck restaurants outside the palace walls.

北京烤鴨這道菜早在元朝(13世紀)就已經出現在宮廷食譜中, 但直到20世紀初期, 出了宮的禦廚把烤鴨店開到了皇牆外邊, 北京烤鴨才變得廣為人知起來。


To prepare the duck, chefs first inflate the bird by blowing air between the skin and body. They then prick the skin and pour boiling water over the duck. Some chefs add malt sugar to the skin so that it glows golden brown once roasted.

做這道菜之前, 廚師要先往鴨子皮下與身體之間充氣。 之後把皮刺破, 開水燙皮。 有的廚師會往鴨子身上澆糖水, 這樣烤熟之後整個烤鴨都呈現出棗紅色澤。


▌ Closed oven style 燜爐烤鴨

Peking Duck is originally roasted in a closed oven, and Bianyifang is the restaurant who keeps this tradition. The closed oven is built of brick and is preheated by burning Gaoliang sorghum straw at the base. The duck is placed in the oven immediately after the fire burns out, allowing the meat to be slowly cooked through the convection of heat within the oven. Controlling the fuel and the temperature is the main skill.

烤鴨最早是燜爐烤制的, 便宜坊一直保持這一傳統。 燜爐用磚砌成, 先用秫秸燒熱, 待無明火之後, 立刻將鴨子掛進爐內,

由爐內熱氣燜烤而成。 掌爐人必須掌好爐內的炭火和溫度。

In closed oven style, duck meat is combined well with the fat under the skin, and therefore is juicy and tender.

這種方法烤出來的鴨肉與皮下肥油完美融合, 肉質細嫩鮮美。

▌Open oven style 掛爐烤鴨

The open oven was developed in the imperial kitchens during the Qing Dynasty, and adopted by the Quanjude restaurant chain. It is designed to roast up to 20 ducks at the same time with an open fire fueled by hardwood from peach or pear trees.

掛爐烤鴨發明於清朝禦膳房, 全聚德是這一派系的傳承人。 這種爐口無門, 可以同時烤20只鴨子, 下面用梨、桃木等果木火烤。

The ducks are hung on hooks above the fire and roasted at a temperature of 270 °C for 30–40 minutes. In open oven style, the fat is usually melted during the cooking process, so the skin is crispy, and can be eaten separately as a snack.

鴨子由鐵鉤掛在爐火上, 在270攝氏度的高溫下烤30-40分鐘。 掛爐烤鴨的肥肉在烤制過程中都已融化, 因此鴨皮酥脆可口, 可單做一道小食食用。

總之, 烤鴨做起來非常複雜, 絕對不是一道家常菜, 但是外國人卻寫了不少文章, 教大家如何自製烤鴨……

美食網站ChefSteps:終極指南!自製酥脆、琥珀光澤的北京烤鴨(預計用時:製作4小時, 共需4-6天)


但慢工出細活。 你是烤鴨鐵杆粉嗎, 敢不敢來試一試?

但是自己做的烤鴨哪有大北京的地道, 於是各國遊客來北京必嘗烤鴨。



不僅遊客為烤鴨瘋狂, 許多外國政要也都是北京烤鴨的粉絲, 比如美國前國務卿基辛格(Henry Kissinger)。

1971年7月, 基辛格作為美國總統尼克森的特使來到北京, 與周恩來總理舉行秘密會談。 周總理請他吃北京烤鴨, 一度緊張的會談氣氛在基辛格吃過這道人間美味後立刻緩和。

據報導, 基辛格曾這樣表達他對烤鴨的熱愛:

“After a dinner of Peking duck, I'll agree to anything.”

“只要給我來一份北京烤鴨, 我願意簽署任何檔。 ”

當然, 北京美食絕不止烤鴨一種, 下面是《孤獨星球》和一些外媒盤點的北京菜, 一起來看看有沒有你愛吃的……

炸醬麵Zhajiang noodles

Firm, drained, hand-pulled wheat noodles are topped with minced-pork in a smoky yellow-soybean paste reduction in this classic Beijing noodle dish.


To balance out the addictive saltiness of the chunky sauce, fresh vegetables are laid to the side - julienned cucumber, crunchy radish and, in modern Beijing, juicy bean sprouts or edamame (fresh soybeans).





bean sprout:豆芽


You lovingly turn the toppings through the noodles to reach the flavour-to-noodle ratio of your liking and quietly slurp away.


豆汁兒Mung-bean milk

Love or hate it. One of Beijing’s most famous and unique flavours is a grey-green drink that locals have proudly adored since the Liao dynasty (907-1125).


Sometimes translated as ‘soymilk’, Beijing’s dòuzhī is actually made from mung beans, has a mild sourness to it and isn’t sweet like soymilk.


You’ll find dòuzhī throughout the city, from street stalls to restaurants, and it warrants a taste to find out if you are a dòuzhī lover or hater.


To help mung-bean milk go down, try it with the usual accompaniment of strips of spicy pickles. Beijingers swear by the health benefits of protein- and fiber-rich dòuzhī and claim that it cools you down on a stifling Beijing summer’s day and warms you up in winter.



炒肝兒Stir-fried pork liver

If you like liver, then this sauteed pork-liver in a thick soup will have you licking your lips, literally.


The traditional way to eat chǎo gānr is by sipping its salty mushroom broth directly from the bowl. You may need the spoon for the chewy lungs andintestines.



This Beijing speciality isn’t subtle – it’s sprinkled with raw garlic and is served for breakfast. Yes, breakfast.


爆肚Quick-fried Tripe

Quick-fried Tripe is one of the best examples of old Beijing local snack. Tripe is from the stomachs of a bull or a lamb. It should be washed very clean, and then cut into stripes and put them into a pot of boiling water to cook thoroughly.


By adding cooking oil, sesame sauce, Chinese vinegar, chili oil, bean paste and small pieces of vegetables, the dish is ready to serve.


焦圈Fried Rings

Fried Ring is a household snack in Beijing . It resembles a yellow bangle. Local Beijingers love jiaoquan and usually have it for breakfast with douzhi.


To make good jiaoquan, one must pay attention to what wheat they use. It is said the Zhangjiakou wheat is the best choice as the wheat is red and can make for the crispy taste. Mixing edible alkali into the wheat is also suggested.


edible alkali:食用堿

豌豆黃Pea Flour Cake

As one part of Beijing culture, pea flour cake is a sort of traditional snack of Beijing, taking in spring under Beijing custom. It is light yellow and tastes sweet and cool, just smelting in your mouth.


Its making process is as follows: grind up the pea, take off the skins, clean them up, boil until soft, frozen-up, finally cut into pieces. It is said that pea flour cake is favored by Empress Dowager Cixi, hence even more famous.



炸醬麵Zhajiang noodles

Firm, drained, hand-pulled wheat noodles are topped with minced-pork in a smoky yellow-soybean paste reduction in this classic Beijing noodle dish.


To balance out the addictive saltiness of the chunky sauce, fresh vegetables are laid to the side - julienned cucumber, crunchy radish and, in modern Beijing, juicy bean sprouts or edamame (fresh soybeans).





bean sprout:豆芽


You lovingly turn the toppings through the noodles to reach the flavour-to-noodle ratio of your liking and quietly slurp away.


豆汁兒Mung-bean milk

Love or hate it. One of Beijing’s most famous and unique flavours is a grey-green drink that locals have proudly adored since the Liao dynasty (907-1125).


Sometimes translated as ‘soymilk’, Beijing’s dòuzhī is actually made from mung beans, has a mild sourness to it and isn’t sweet like soymilk.


You’ll find dòuzhī throughout the city, from street stalls to restaurants, and it warrants a taste to find out if you are a dòuzhī lover or hater.


To help mung-bean milk go down, try it with the usual accompaniment of strips of spicy pickles. Beijingers swear by the health benefits of protein- and fiber-rich dòuzhī and claim that it cools you down on a stifling Beijing summer’s day and warms you up in winter.



炒肝兒Stir-fried pork liver

If you like liver, then this sauteed pork-liver in a thick soup will have you licking your lips, literally.


The traditional way to eat chǎo gānr is by sipping its salty mushroom broth directly from the bowl. You may need the spoon for the chewy lungs andintestines.



This Beijing speciality isn’t subtle – it’s sprinkled with raw garlic and is served for breakfast. Yes, breakfast.


爆肚Quick-fried Tripe

Quick-fried Tripe is one of the best examples of old Beijing local snack. Tripe is from the stomachs of a bull or a lamb. It should be washed very clean, and then cut into stripes and put them into a pot of boiling water to cook thoroughly.


By adding cooking oil, sesame sauce, Chinese vinegar, chili oil, bean paste and small pieces of vegetables, the dish is ready to serve.


焦圈Fried Rings

Fried Ring is a household snack in Beijing . It resembles a yellow bangle. Local Beijingers love jiaoquan and usually have it for breakfast with douzhi.


To make good jiaoquan, one must pay attention to what wheat they use. It is said the Zhangjiakou wheat is the best choice as the wheat is red and can make for the crispy taste. Mixing edible alkali into the wheat is also suggested.


edible alkali:食用堿

豌豆黃Pea Flour Cake

As one part of Beijing culture, pea flour cake is a sort of traditional snack of Beijing, taking in spring under Beijing custom. It is light yellow and tastes sweet and cool, just smelting in your mouth.


Its making process is as follows: grind up the pea, take off the skins, clean them up, boil until soft, frozen-up, finally cut into pieces. It is said that pea flour cake is favored by Empress Dowager Cixi, hence even more famous.


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