

對於大多數愛狗人士來說, 被狗狗親吻是再常見不過的事了。 一旦被人抱在懷裡, 小傢伙就會激動地想要舔你的臉。 我們知道這樣或許不太好, 但卻很難抵擋住它們的熱情攻勢。 下面就來和小譯一起看看專家對此有什麼建議吧~

Every time I go home to visit my parents, I'm greeted by our Labrador mix, Scout, who has to lick my entire face for several minutes before she calms down. As someone who writes a lot about germs, I know that it's probably not the best idea, but feeling loved by a dog is the best feeling ever. Seriously, who doesn't love puppy kisses?

每次我回家探望父母時, 家裡的拉布拉多 “斯科特”(Scout)都會特別興奮地歡迎我, 在她情緒平靜下來之前, 都一定要把我的臉舔上幾分鐘。 我寫了很多關於細菌的文章, 知道被它們親或許不是個好事, 但是被狗狗所愛卻是最棒的一種感覺。 講真, 誰會不喜歡來自狗狗的親吻呢?

So, is it actually unhealthy to let your dog lick your face?


We spoke to germ expert Kelly Reynolds, associate professor of environmental health at the University of Arizona, to find out if kissing your dog can actually put your health at risk.

我們採訪了亞利桑那大學環境衛生學副教授、細菌專家凱利·雷諾茲(Kelly Reynolds), 想弄明白 “與狗狗親吻是否會危害到人的健康” 這一問題。

First of all, a dog's mouth is not cleaner than a human's mouth — that's a myth.

首先, 狗狗的口腔不如人的口腔乾淨——這是一個錯誤的觀念。

You might've heard at some point in your life that dogs’ mouths are cleaner than humans — this isn't really true. And it's like comparing apples to oranges. "The bacteria counts tend to be similar but the types of bacteria are very different," Reynolds tells BuzzFeed Health. Humans and dogs each have a unique normal flora of bacterial species in their mouths to keep things in balance.

以前, 你可能聽說過, 狗狗的口腔要比人的乾淨。 就像拿蘋果和橘子作比較一樣, 這種說法其實不對。 雷諾茲在接受Buzzfeed採訪時說道, “狗狗和人類口腔中細菌的數量往往是相似的, 但是細菌的類別卻大有不同”。 人類和狗狗的嘴裡都有各自獨特的細菌種類以保持口腔細菌平衡。

However, humans generally practice dental hygiene, whereas dogs do not, unless their owner helps out. Dogs have evolved to compensate for the lack of dental care, Reynolds says, but that alone isn’t enough. “That’s why it’s so common for older dogs to have gum disease, tooth decay, and foul breath,” Reynolds says.

然而, 雷諾茲稱, 人們一般會進行口腔衛生護理, 但狗狗卻不會, 除非主人幫助它們護理口腔。 為了彌補不能進行牙齒護理上的缺憾, 狗狗已經有所進化, 但只有這樣還是不夠的。 “這就是為什麼上了年紀的狗狗常常會出現牙齦疾病、蛀牙和口臭等問題的原因”。

Not to mention, dogs pick up a lot of nasty germs from the environment. They love getting into gross stuff — whether it's the trash, another animal's poop, dead birds, dirty puddles...the list goes on. "Overall, from a health perspective, dogs' mouths are not cleaner," Reynolds says.

更不用說狗狗從環境中又染上的許多令人厭惡的細菌。 狗狗們喜歡接觸那些噁心的東西——不管是垃圾、動物糞便、死鳥、還是骯髒的積水, 這些例子數不勝數。 雷諾茲說, “總體而言, 從健康角度來看, 狗狗的嘴巴並不乾淨。 ”

Actually, there are several kinds of bacteria and parasites in dog saliva that can make you pretty sick.

事實上, 狗狗唾液中的某些細菌和寄生蟲會讓人生重病。

Most of the bacteria in your dog’s mouth are harmless, but there are exceptions. "Dogs can carry a number of zoonotic pathogens, or organisms spread from animals to humans that cause disease," Reynolds tells BuzzFeed Health. You can get these from dog kisses or from contact with infected feces. These include bacteria and parasites, like Salmonella, Pasteurella, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, Leptospira, Giardia, ringworm, and hookworm. Yuck.

狗狗嘴裡的大多數細菌是無害的, 但也有例外。 雷諾茲接受採訪時稱, “狗狗可以攜帶許多人畜共患病原體或有機體, 能夠由動物傳染給人類並致病”。 人們會通過與狗狗親吻或接觸到受感染的糞便而被感染。 這其中包括沙門氏菌、巴斯德菌、彎曲桿菌、隱孢子蟲、鉤端螺旋體、鞭毛蟲、癬蟲和鉤蟲在內的細菌和寄生蟲。 咦, 太噁心了!

These pathogens are common, Reynolds says, and your dog can pick them up anywhere — from sniffing other dogs (and their poop), contaminated food or water, streams or ponds — but you can’t always tell when they do. "These can make your dog sick (usually with diarrhea), but oftentimes the dog will carry them asymptomatically," Reynolds says. So you may not even realize that your pup caused your stomach bug. The only way to find out what your dog is carrying is by sending a stool sample to your veterinarian for testing.

雷諾茲還說,這些病原體很常見,狗狗會在任何地方染上——嗅探其他的狗狗(以及它們的糞便)、接觸受污染的食物、水、溪流或池塘——但是主人卻沒辦法老告訴它們不能這樣做。“這些行為會讓狗狗生病(通常是腹瀉),但是,有時候狗狗會毫無症狀地攜帶著這些病菌。” 所以,人們甚至不會意識到,自己的胃病是狗狗引起的。查明狗狗攜帶著哪種細菌的唯一辦法就是,將寵物糞便樣本發給獸醫進行檢測。

These pathogens can infect anyone — sometimes without symptoms — but people with weaker immune systems face a higher risk.


What’s the likelihood of your dog making you sick? "It really depends on your individual health and the dog’s health," Reynolds says. People can also carry some of these bacteria (like Campylobacter) asymptomatically too, Reynold says, so even if your dog spreads them to you it doesn't always mean you'll get sick — especially if you have a robust immune system. But asymptomatic carriers can still infect other people and make them sick.

你的狗狗讓你患病的可能性有多大呢? 雷諾茲稱 “這取決於個人和狗狗的健康狀況”。人們也可能毫無症狀地攜帶一些細菌(比如彎曲桿菌),所以即使狗狗把這些細菌傳染給你了,也並不意味著你就會生病,尤其是如果你有一個強大的免疫系統。但是無症狀的細菌攜帶者仍然可能感染其他人,致其患病。

Immunocompromised people have a higher risk of getting sick from zoonotic pathogens, Reynolds says. These include the elderly, pregnant women, people with HIV/AIDs, people receiving chemotherapy, transplant patients, etc. These people should not let dogs lick their face and should always wash their hands after petting or handling dogs, Reynolds says. If you are concerned about contact with dogs and your health, always talk to your doctor.


And there's no evidence that swapping spit with your dog will improve your immunity.


Reynolds says, "Humans can't even gain immunity from some of the pathogens dogs carry, like the parasites for example, so they can just repeatedly infect you," she says. Simply put, humans are not meant to tolerate some of the bacteria dogs carry in their saliva. "It's best to avoid them if you can." You don’t need to stop letting your dog lick you entirely, but you should try to keep your face and any open wounds off-limits.

雷諾茲稱,“人類不會從狗狗身上所攜帶的某些病原體中獲得免疫力,比如寄生蟲,所以這些細菌可以反復感染人”。簡而言之,人體無法抵擋狗狗唾液中所攜帶的一些細菌。“最好的辦法就是儘量避開與狗狗親吻。” 這並不是意味著完全不讓狗狗舔你了,而是應該儘量避免讓狗狗舔到臉部以及傷口處。

If you're still going to let your dog lick your face, at least try to avoid getting slobber on your actual mouth, wash your face afterward, and definitely don't do it when your dog is sick.


"The pathogens really enter your body through the mucus membranes on your face — so the mouth, nose, and eyes," Reynolds says. So keep the dog’s tongue away from those areas. And if your dog licks other parts of your face, wash the saliva off with soap and water afterward. You should also wash your hands right after a dog licks them, or at least before touching your face and eating, since this is another way that pathogens can enter your body.

雷諾茲還說道,“病原體通過人臉上的黏膜進入身體,也可以通過嘴巴、鼻子和眼睛進入身體。” 所以,要避免狗狗的舌頭接觸這些部位。如果狗狗舔了臉上的其他部位,之後也要用肥皂和清水洗掉唾液。此外,在狗狗舔了你的雙手之後,也應該立即洗手,或者至少要在摸自己的臉和吃東西之前去洗手,這也是可以避免病原體進入身體的一種方式。

And seriously, do not let your dog lick your face when it is sick or it has diarrhea. They may look mopey and cute, but just wait until they are better. Same goes if you’re sick or immunocompromised — you can enjoy your dog’s affection, but don’t let them kiss you.



These pathogens are common, Reynolds says, and your dog can pick them up anywhere — from sniffing other dogs (and their poop), contaminated food or water, streams or ponds — but you can’t always tell when they do. "These can make your dog sick (usually with diarrhea), but oftentimes the dog will carry them asymptomatically," Reynolds says. So you may not even realize that your pup caused your stomach bug. The only way to find out what your dog is carrying is by sending a stool sample to your veterinarian for testing.

雷諾茲還說,這些病原體很常見,狗狗會在任何地方染上——嗅探其他的狗狗(以及它們的糞便)、接觸受污染的食物、水、溪流或池塘——但是主人卻沒辦法老告訴它們不能這樣做。“這些行為會讓狗狗生病(通常是腹瀉),但是,有時候狗狗會毫無症狀地攜帶著這些病菌。” 所以,人們甚至不會意識到,自己的胃病是狗狗引起的。查明狗狗攜帶著哪種細菌的唯一辦法就是,將寵物糞便樣本發給獸醫進行檢測。

These pathogens can infect anyone — sometimes without symptoms — but people with weaker immune systems face a higher risk.


What’s the likelihood of your dog making you sick? "It really depends on your individual health and the dog’s health," Reynolds says. People can also carry some of these bacteria (like Campylobacter) asymptomatically too, Reynold says, so even if your dog spreads them to you it doesn't always mean you'll get sick — especially if you have a robust immune system. But asymptomatic carriers can still infect other people and make them sick.

你的狗狗讓你患病的可能性有多大呢? 雷諾茲稱 “這取決於個人和狗狗的健康狀況”。人們也可能毫無症狀地攜帶一些細菌(比如彎曲桿菌),所以即使狗狗把這些細菌傳染給你了,也並不意味著你就會生病,尤其是如果你有一個強大的免疫系統。但是無症狀的細菌攜帶者仍然可能感染其他人,致其患病。

Immunocompromised people have a higher risk of getting sick from zoonotic pathogens, Reynolds says. These include the elderly, pregnant women, people with HIV/AIDs, people receiving chemotherapy, transplant patients, etc. These people should not let dogs lick their face and should always wash their hands after petting or handling dogs, Reynolds says. If you are concerned about contact with dogs and your health, always talk to your doctor.


And there's no evidence that swapping spit with your dog will improve your immunity.


Reynolds says, "Humans can't even gain immunity from some of the pathogens dogs carry, like the parasites for example, so they can just repeatedly infect you," she says. Simply put, humans are not meant to tolerate some of the bacteria dogs carry in their saliva. "It's best to avoid them if you can." You don’t need to stop letting your dog lick you entirely, but you should try to keep your face and any open wounds off-limits.

雷諾茲稱,“人類不會從狗狗身上所攜帶的某些病原體中獲得免疫力,比如寄生蟲,所以這些細菌可以反復感染人”。簡而言之,人體無法抵擋狗狗唾液中所攜帶的一些細菌。“最好的辦法就是儘量避開與狗狗親吻。” 這並不是意味著完全不讓狗狗舔你了,而是應該儘量避免讓狗狗舔到臉部以及傷口處。

If you're still going to let your dog lick your face, at least try to avoid getting slobber on your actual mouth, wash your face afterward, and definitely don't do it when your dog is sick.


"The pathogens really enter your body through the mucus membranes on your face — so the mouth, nose, and eyes," Reynolds says. So keep the dog’s tongue away from those areas. And if your dog licks other parts of your face, wash the saliva off with soap and water afterward. You should also wash your hands right after a dog licks them, or at least before touching your face and eating, since this is another way that pathogens can enter your body.

雷諾茲還說道,“病原體通過人臉上的黏膜進入身體,也可以通過嘴巴、鼻子和眼睛進入身體。” 所以,要避免狗狗的舌頭接觸這些部位。如果狗狗舔了臉上的其他部位,之後也要用肥皂和清水洗掉唾液。此外,在狗狗舔了你的雙手之後,也應該立即洗手,或者至少要在摸自己的臉和吃東西之前去洗手,這也是可以避免病原體進入身體的一種方式。

And seriously, do not let your dog lick your face when it is sick or it has diarrhea. They may look mopey and cute, but just wait until they are better. Same goes if you’re sick or immunocompromised — you can enjoy your dog’s affection, but don’t let them kiss you.



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