

那些絕情的人, 都曾經在乎得太深。

Those who are heartless, once cared too much.

我的身邊並不擁擠, 你來了就是唯一。

The space around me is not crowded, you're the unique one when you come into my life.


沒有想要放棄的念頭 。

I plan to love you for a long time , and never think of giving up on you.

願你身畔有一人, 始終小心護住你的孩子氣, 愛著你, 像深巷傳來酒香, 聞之即醉。

May you have a person by your side, always be careful to protect your childish, love you, like the deep lane smell of wine, smell of drunk.

“不忘初心, 方得始終。 ”用英文怎麼說?

Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.

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