


總會有人因為薪資、工作內容、發展空間或其他原因選擇去嘗試一份新工作。 但新入職的前幾周總會比較痛苦——不熟悉公司環境、不熟悉工作內容與流程、或是不能快速融入公司氛圍,


In everyone's career, they usually try to get a new job because of salary, job content, development prospects, or other reasons. The first few weeks is always the hardest time because you might not familiar with the company environment, the work content and processes, or the working atmosphere.

但是有一件重要的事情, 將讓你在入職後膽戰心驚的第一個星期中節省許多時間, 做到從容思考, 還能促進職場進步和職業發展。


There’s another key point that you wish somebody had told you from the beginning. It's something that would have saved a lot of time and deliberation during those scary first few weeks, and it's something that would have catalysed career progression and professional development since then.



在不熟悉新工作的情況下, 向有經驗的人請教是最實用且方便的方式。 但很多人並不願意去主動提問。 其實, 害怕提問的原因有很多。 和大多數孩子一樣, 小時候的你可能很好學, 想要更多地去瞭解世界, 總是向父母提出問題, 但是得到的答案要麼是毫無頭緒的“我不知道”, 要麼就是令人失望的“就是如此”。

It is the most practical and convenient way to consult an experienced person without when you have no clue of new job. There are, many reasons why you’re afraid to ask questions. Like most kids you were pretty inquisitive and, wanted to learn more about the world, kept asking our parents to explain things. Questions would either be answered with a clueless “I don’t know” or a frustrated “just because”

上學時, 你可能害怕自己提出的問題答案太明顯,

而在同學面前顯得自己很愚蠢。 不幸地是, 這種恐懼也跟著到了職場, 特別是在從事新工作的時候——那時候你可能已經深陷對“新工作”的緊張和自我懷疑之中了。

At school, asking questions in class wasn’t the “cool” thing to do. Either that, or you were afraid of looking stupid in front of our peers by asking something obvious. Unfortunately these fears have followed us to the workplace, especially when starting a new role – a time where you are already swamped with “new job” nerves and self-doubt.

另外, 很多人還會認為提太多問題會顯得很多事和無禮, 太麻煩他人, 並且還要小心不要因為問了太多問題而冒犯別人。

Another factor at play here is that it is often seen as nosey or rude to ask too many questions, as if you’re prying or being improper. After all, you have to be careful not to offend by asking too many questions.

所以, 要想重新變得好問, 就必須要克服三個影響因素——必須認識到提問並不惱人、尷尬和無禮。 實際上, 在許多工作場合中, 這對你的成功至關重要。

So you have three pretty major influences that you have to overcome and ignore in order to become more inquisitive again – you have to learn that it’s not annoying, embarrassing or rude to ask questions. In fact in many professional situations it’s actually critical to your success.



Hays每年培訓幾百名新人, 並且很歡迎他們提出任何問題, 無論問題看起來多麼簡單。 實際上, 每當有人站出來就某個事情提出問題的時候, 我們經常可以看見其他新人臉上寬慰的表情,

他們也很高興能有人有勇氣問這個問題。 有句話雖然很老套但是卻千真萬確——“世上沒有愚蠢的問題”。

Hays trains hundreds of new recruits every year, and will welcome all questions, no matter how silly they seem. In fact, when somebody pipes up and asks something, often see the visible relief on the faces of the other new starters, glad that somebody has the guts to ask this question. It’s clichéd but true – ‘there’s no such thing as a stupid question.’

那麼, 當你逐漸適應了新職位後, 是不是就應該停止提問了呢?當然不是。 當你在完成一項工作或者進行一個大項目的時候, 提問可以讓你明確目的和充分瞭解上級對你的期望。 否則, 你就會冒著浪費時間、丟失方向和讓你的老闆失望的風險。 所以, 千萬不要憑著猜想去做事。

What about as you become more comfortable in your new role, should you stop asking questions then? Absolutely not. When completing an important task or working on a big project, it’s important to clarify objectives and fully understand what’s expected of you. If you don’t, you run the risk of wasting time, missing the mark and disappointing your boss. so don't do things only with your assumptions.

另一個重要的事情就是要記住, 專家們從不停止學習。 所以當你們不斷進步、不斷晉升的時候, 也不要停止提問。 世界總是在不斷變化, 所以瞭解訊息和知曉最新的發展和趨勢也很重要。 對領導而言, 很重要的一點就是要保持聯繫,

並從全域的角度來給予團隊指導和幫助。 如果你沒有跟上腳步, 你就有著與他人失去聯繫的風險。 這會導致人們對你的能力失去信心, 或者更糟——會讓別人把你甩在身後。

Another important thing to remember is that experts never stop learning, so even as you progress and become more senior, you should never stop asking questions. The world around us is always changing so it’s important to keep informed and up-to-date with the latest developments and goings-on. It’s important that a leader stays connected and on top of things to provide direction and support to the team and if you don’t keep up, you run the risk of getting out of touch. This could lead to people losing faith in your abilities or, worse still, having others over-take you.



用特殊疑問句:如果你想要知道更為詳盡的資訊或者其它的解釋, 那麼就用特殊疑問句提問。 這類問題可以用“可以請你告訴我……嗎?”、“可以請你描述一下……嗎?”、“可以請你解釋一下……嗎?”、“如何”這樣的話作為開頭, 讓他人做出具體的回答。

Ask open questions: If you need more detailed information, or an alternative explanation, ask open questions. These types of questions could begin with “tell me” “describe” “explain” “how” and so forth, and demand an open answer.

必要的話也要使用一般疑問句:另一方面, 如果只是想得到簡單的“是”或“否”的回答, 那就可以用“你是否……?”、“你會不會……?”、“我可以……嗎?”這類的問句。 注意, 不要提出太多一般疑問句, 這會限制你所獲得的資訊,


Also use closed questions when needed: On the other hand, if you just need to get simple yes or no answer, opt for closed, to the point questions such as “are you” “ will you” “ can I” “ should I” and the like.

使用確認式問句:這是檢驗你對問題理解的絕佳方法, 同時也清楚地表達了你腦中所想。 這類問題的開頭可以是“我這樣理解對嗎?……”

Use reflective questioning: This is a great way to check your understanding, and clarify what you know in your own mind. These questions could start with “Can I check I have got this right…”



每次只問一個問題:有時候會一次問多個問題, 這會使被提問者感到迷惑, 所以他們大概只會回答你提出的最後一個問題, 這就會讓你無法得到重要的資訊或者不得不再問一遍。

Ask one question at a time:Sometimes we can ask multiple questions in one go, which becomes confusing to the other person, and means they’re likely to only answer the last question you asked. This results in you losing important information, or having to backtrack and repeat yourself.

不要提問之後嘗試自己回答問題:比如“你想讓我怎麼做——我覺得你想讓我做X或Y或…”可能你猜的都不是答案, 這也會讓回答你問題的人感到很沮喪。

Don’t ask a question, and then try to answer it yourself: For example “what do you want me to do – I think I should do X or Y or…” It might not be either of those options, and it can be very frustrating for the other person trying to answer you.

記筆記:記筆記很重要, 因為這樣你就可以在之後再進行查詢, 而不是重複向他人請教同一個問題。

Take notes:It’s important to take notes so you can refer back later. Don’t ask others the same question repeatedly.

Take notes:It’s important to take notes so you can refer back later. Don’t ask others the same question repeatedly.

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