

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.沒有人不想和你同坐一輛豪華轎車, 但你需要的, 卻是轎車壞了還會和你一起搭巴士的人。

Love me little and love me long——不求情意綿綿, 但求天長地久。

Some things are unable to retain the please let go, let it go free, it will be more beautiful.——有些東西留不住了就請放手吧, 給它自由, 它會更加美麗。

But put your mind, there is no wisdom; heart put, but others, there is no mercy.——心裡放不過自己, 是沒有智慧;心裡放不過別人, 是沒有慈悲。

Many things because distant and beautiful, many things because of beautiful and distant. Not because of distant and give up, just because going up and distant. ——許多事因為遙遠而美麗,

許多事因為美麗而遙遠, 不是因為遙遠而放棄, 只是因為放棄而遙遠。

Live without expectations, and you won’t be disappointed. You won’t have to worry about things you can’t control. You will just flow and accept things as they are.沒有期望, 也就不會失望。 不必為你無法控制的事情而擔心。 坦然面對和接受事實。

Lost themselves once, is to make yourself better recognizing the path ahead after.—— 迷失了自己一次, 是為了讓自己以後更好認清前方的路。

Whether it is happiness or sorrow, it would finally become memories of life. 一生中無論快樂與悲傷, 最後都將成為回憶。

To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there。 感受夢的火焰, 感覺飛舞瞬間, 當一切浪漫遙遠, 永恆依然。

Happiness is a life-style choice, not a mood.——快樂,是一種生活方式的選擇,而不僅是一種情緒。

Happiness is a life-style choice, not a mood.——快樂,是一種生活方式的選擇,而不僅是一種情緒。

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