


Wugudaochang Tomato Beef Brisket Flavor Purple Potato Noodle


The noodles, made from purple potatoes have a nice texture to them – a little sturdier than your garden variety instant and they were very nice to chew.

麵條是用紫薯做的, 口感特別, 有點筋道, 很有嚼勁。

The broth is a thick beef and tomato affair, with a very luxuriant and rich texture to it – almost creamy in a way.

湯底是濃郁的牛肉番茄湯, 味道豐富, 甚至有點像奶油。

The inclusion of large pieces of tomato and real beef brisket in there was admirable and very enjoyable. Premium bowl of noodles.

大塊的番茄和牛肉讓人饞涎不已, 美味極了。 第一名當之無愧。


JML Spicy King Spicy Pork Instant Noodle


The noodles came out nice and plump and there’s a good amount of them. The broth has a fiery spiciness and great flavor to it.

麵條煮出來飽滿, 份量足。 湯底非常辣, 味道鮮美。

I really have to say the red chillies add a very nice hit of spice and vegetable elements.

不得不說, 紅辣椒增添了一分辣味和蔬菜元素。


Sichuan Baijia Chongqing Noodles Burning Dry Noodles


The noodles are extremely plentiful and really soft and floppy. This is perfect as the seasonings and liquids combine with them very well.

麵條份量十足, 而且很鬆軟。 調味料, 醬汁和麵充分融合, 味道棒極了。

The flavor is like an almost beefy and tasty lasagna but with Sichuan pepper and other spices going on. Moreover, the more you eat, the spicier it gets – heat, upon heat, upon heat! The pain!

味道就像是美味, 厚實的烤寬麵條, 但配上的是花椒和其他調味料。 而且, 這個面皮是越吃越辣, 辣, 好辣, 辣爆了!


JML Spicy King Spicy Chicken Instant Noodle


The noodles came out very nicely – lots of them and of good texture and chew. The broth has a great spiciness – still worthy of the top ten spicy list.

麵條煮出來不僅量多, 而且口感好, 很筋道。 湯底非常辣, 可以名列最辣速食麵榜單的前十。

Sichuan pepper for sure. Nice color and oiliness in the broth as well.

不用說, 肯定是花椒。 湯汁色澤鮮亮, 油香十足。


Sichuan Baijia Chongqing Noodles Spicy Hot Flavor


The noodles are thin and flat with a medium width. They really work well here.

這款速食麵又扁又細, 寬度中等。

The broth is a very spicy beef with a Sichuan pepper hit among others. There are sesame seeds throughout and the bits of vegetables in there were great.

湯底是辛辣的牛肉湯, 配上花椒, 搭配的芝麻和蔬菜粒也很美味。


Wugudaochang Sour Soup & Minced Meat Flavor

Chef’s Grain Naked Oat Noodles


The noodles have a standard instant gauge. They have just the right backbone to them – good texture and chew.

這款速食麵是標準的細長麵條, 口感棒, 嚼勁十足。

The broth is extremely good – a tart beef flavor with good oiliness to it. The carrot and beef are excellent! Like a gourmet vegetable beef noodle.

湯底也非常棒, 酸牛肉味, 配上一股油香。 胡蘿蔔和牛肉也非常美味。 這款速食麵可以說是一流的蔬菜牛肉麵了。

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