

"Giving up doesn't always mean you’re weak; sometimes it means you're strong enough to let go." – Unknown放棄不總是意味著你軟弱, 有時候說明你足夠強大去放手。

Sometimes following your heart means breaking someone else's.有時候, 跟隨自己的心意味著傷害別人的心。

Don't fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you. 攻擊你的敵人並不可怕, 可怕的是那些擁抱著你的假朋友。

Life is too short to spend time regretting. If it's not the end, smile and keep on going.生命太短, 沒時間留給遺憾。 若不是終點, 請微笑一直向前。

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and take whatever comes. 抱樂觀的態度, 做最壞的打算,


What significance is there in gaining the world if it means losing yourself?即使賺了全世界, 卻失去了自己, 又有什麼意義呢?

Making bad decisions is a part of life. Blaming others for your bad decisions is immature. 人這一生難免做錯幾次決定, 但若因此責怪他人, 未免太幼稚。

I‘m not perfect, but I keep trying cause that's what I said I would do from the start. 我並不完美, 但我會一直努力下去, 因為這就是我最初想要堅持做的事。

There are some things that the more you try to forget, the more firmly you remember them. When there's something you can't accomplish, the only thing you can do is never forget it.有些事情你越想忘記, 就會記得越牢。 當有些事情你無法得到時, 你惟一能做的, 就是不要忘記。

Don't fall in love with someone you know you can't have. 別愛上一個你明知道擁有不了的人。

Don't fall in love with someone you know you can't have. 別愛上一個你明知道擁有不了的人。

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