
一人我飲酒醉,One man is drunk with me

一人我飲酒醉One man is drunk with me

醉把佳人成雙對Drunken is paired with a good man

兩眼是獨相隨Two eyes are only with each other

只求他日能雙歸But we can double return

嬌女我輕扶琴I feel the light Fu Qin

燕嬉我紫竹林Yan hee I zizhulin

我癡情紅顏I'm crazy about it

心甘情願Be most willing to

千里把那尋君尋A thousand miles to search for the king

說紅顏癡情笑Say a red smile

曲動琴聲琴聲妙The sound of the musical sound of the piano

我輕狂太高傲I was too proud

懵懂無知太年少Ignorance is too young

棄江山忘天下Forgetting the world by abandoning the river

斬斷情絲無牽掛Cut the threads without care

千古留名傳佳話Famous story

兩年征戰已白髮Two years of war have been haired

一生征戰何人陪Who is accompanied by a lifetime war

誰是誰非誰相隨Who run which is right and which is wrong

戎馬一生為了誰Who spent his whole life to

我能愛幾回恨幾回I can love a few times for a few times

敗帝王鬥蒼天Defeat the emperor to fight the sky

奪得皇位以成仙Won the throne to become immortal

豪情萬丈天地間A great passion between heaven and earth

我續寫另類帝王篇I renew the alternative monarch

紅塵事我已斬斷I have cut off the red dust

久征沙場人心亂Long march in the sand

當年揚名又立萬The name of the year and the ten thousand

我為這一戰無遺憾I have no regrets for this war

相思我愁斷腸I worry heartbroken love

眼中我淚兩行Two lines of tears in my eyes

多年為君一統天下Years for the monarch

為的是戎馬把名揚As is the famous military

鈴蘭寄語:上次不知道是誰說要這首歌的翻譯的。 閑著無聊, 弄出來玩玩。


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