

利維坦按:說實話, 現在回頭再來看看, 當年蘇聯率先登月成功的假設並不像你想像的那麼不切實際。 美國人第一次登月是在1969年7月, 而在1966年2月, 蘇聯的太空探測器“月球9號”雜誌摘錄了他的話語, 並立刻在讀者群中激起了巨大反響。 有讀者評論, 朝聖者們知道自己要去的地方絕對安全, 執行單程計畫的火星探索者們可就沒這種保證了。 另有讀者批評克勞斯的計畫簡直就是“世風日下”“道德淪喪”的體現。


"The One-Way Manned Space Mission," IAS Paper No. 62-131, John M. Cord and Leonard M. Seale; paper presented at the Institute of Aerospace Sciences National Summer Meeting held in Los Angeles, California, 19-22 June 1962

"At IAS meeting. . . One-Man, One-Way Moon Trip Urged," W. Wilks, Missiles and Rockets, 25 June 1962, pp. 16-17

"Morality and the Moon," John M. Cord and Leonard M. Seale, Letters, Missiles and Rockets, 30 July 1962, p. 8

"The One-Way Manned Space Mission," John M. Cord and Leonard M. Seale, Aerospace Engineering, December 1962, pp. 60-61, 94-102

The Pilgrim Project, Hank Searles, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964

Countdown, directed by Robert Altman, screenplay by Loring Mandel, Warner Bros. Pictures, 1968

"One-Way to Mars," George William Herbert, AAS-96-322, The Case for Mars VI: Making Mars an Affordable Destination, Kelly R. McMillen, editor; proceedings of the sixth Case for Mars Conference held at the University of Colorado at Boulder, 17-20 July 1996

"Science Observation," Lawrence M. Krauss, Science News, 20 October 2009, p. 4

"Feedback – One-way ticket to Mars," Science News, 21 November 2009, p. 29


“利維坦”(微信號liweitan2014), 神經基礎研究、腦科學、哲學……亂七八糟的什麼都有。 反清新, 反心靈雞湯, 反一般二逼文藝, 反基礎, 反本質。


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