

人總有脆弱的時候, 病不需要太多的浪漫和語言。

When people are always vulnerable, they don't need too much romance and language.

累了, 有一個擁抱可以依靠:痛了, 有一句懂得可以舒緩。

Tired, there is a hug can rely on: pain, there is a way to know can be slow.

即使兩眼相望, 也是一份無言的喜歡。

Even if you look at each other's eyes, it's an unspoken love.

即使默默思念, 也是一份踏實的心安。

Even if I miss it silently, it is a solid heart.

時間, 會沉澱最真的情感:風雨, 會考驗最暖的陪伴。

Time, will precipitate the most true emotion: wind and rain, will test the warmest company.

走遠的, 只是過眼雲煙:留下的, 才是值得珍惜的情緣。

Go away, just leave, as trassient as a fleeting cloud is the treasure of love.

來得熱烈, 未必守得長久:愛得平淡, 未必無情無義。

It may not be long: warm, love too dull, not heartless.

眼睛看到的許是假像, 心的感受才最真實:耳朵聽到的許是虛幻, 心的聆聽才是最重要。

What the eye sees is the illusion, the heart's feeling is the most true: the ear heard is illusory, the heart listening is the most important.

時間會告訴我們, 簡單的喜歡, 最長遠:平凡中的陪伴, 最心安:懂你的人, 最溫暖。

Time will tell us, simple like, the longest: ordinary company, the most heart: understand you people, the warmest.

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