

首先歡迎大家關注下老高(高先生說點高興事), 以便每天獲取老高的原創資訊。

為了給大家提供一些比較有意義的內容, 老高會不斷的從學習提升、生活經驗、真實案例出發來給大家提供各式各樣的內容, 如果喜歡請持續關注, 若內容不符合興趣也請提出, 老高會儘量改進。 今天老高整理了十篇有點意思的中外雙語小故事, 希望能讓你有一個有趣的閱讀體驗。

圖片來源於網路, 如有侵權請聯繫刪除

一、A fox and a goat

An unlucky fox fell into a well, It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself.

A goat came. He asked the fox:”what are you doing? The fox said : "There will be no water, so I jumped down to get some water. Why don’t you jump down, too?"

The goat jumped into the well.

But the fox jumped on the goat’s back and out of the well. "Good-bye, friend," said the fox. "Remember next time don’t trust the advice of a man in difficulties."

Thank you!


一隻不走運的狐狸, 失足掉到了井裡。 井很深, 他無法跳出來。

一隻山羊經過這裡, 便問狐狸在井下做什麼。 狐狸說:“哦, 你沒有聽說嗎?這裡將要大旱, 因此我跳進來取水, 為什麼你不下來一起喝呢?”

山羊相信了狐狸的話, 就真的跳進井裡。 狐狸立即跳上山羊的背, 又一跳, 跳上了井沿。

“再見, 朋友, ”狐狸說, “記住, 不要相信一個身陷麻煩的人的建議。

二、Draw a Snake and Add Feet to It

Long long ago, several people had a jar of wine among them and all of them wanted to drink it by himself. So they set a rule that every one would draw a snakeon the ground and the man who finished first would have the wine. One man finished his snake very soon and he was about to drink the wine when he saw the others were still busy drawing, so he decided to draw the feet to the snake. However, before he could finish the feet, another man finished and grabbed the jar from him, saying, "Who has ever seen a snake with feet?” The story of "Draw a snake and add feet to It.” tells us going too far is as bad as not going far enough.


古時幾個人分一壺酒。 他們都想獨自喝完那壺酒, 所以就定了一個規矩:每人在地上畫一條蛇, 誰畫得最快, 這壺酒就歸誰。 有一個人很快就把蛇畫好了。 他正打算喝這壺酒時, 看見別人都還在忙著畫, 就決定給蛇再畫上幾隻腳。 結果, 他的蛇腳還沒加完, 另一個人已經把蛇畫好了。 那人一下把酒壺奪了過去, 說:“有誰見過長腳的蛇?”。 這個故事告訴我們這樣的道理:做得過分和做得不夠都是不對的

三、The Fox and the Crow

One day a crow stood on a branch near his nest and felt very happy with the meat in his mouth. At that time, a fox saw the crow with the meat, so he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan to get the meat. However, whatever the fox said to the crow, the crow just kept silent. Until the fox thought highly of the crow’s beautiful voice, the crow felt flattered and opened his mouth to sing. As soon as the meat fell down to the ground, the fox took the meat and went into his hole.


有一天,一隻烏鴉站在窩旁的樹枝上嘴裡叼著一片肉, 心裡非常高興。 這時候, 一隻狐狸看見了烏鴉, 饞得直流口水, 非常想得到那片肉。 但是, 無論狐狸說什麼, 烏鴉就是不理睬狐狸。 最後, 狐狸讚美烏鴉的嗓音最優美,

並要求烏鴉唱幾句讓他欣賞欣賞。 烏鴉聽了狐狸讚美的話, 得意極了, 就唱起歌來。 沒想到, 肉一掉下來, 狐狸就叼起肉, 鑽回了洞

四、 Plugging One’s Ears While Stealing a Bell

Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to steal his neighbor’s doorbell. However, he knew clearly that the bell would ring and catch the other people’s attention as long as he touched the bell. So he thought hard and suddenly hit on a clever “idea”. He plugged his ears with something, thinking that everything would go well when he stole the bell. Unfortunately to his disappointment, the bell still rang loudly and he was caught on the spot as a thief.


從前, 有一個人想偷鄰居門上的鈴, 但是他知道一碰到鈴, 鈴就會響起來, 被人發現。 他想啊想, 終於他想出一個“妙極”, 他把自己的耳朵用東西塞起來, 就聽不見鈴聲了。 但是當他去偷鈴時, 鈴聲仍舊響起來, 他被別人當場抓住

五、To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow

Once upon a time, there was an old farmer who planted a plot of rice. After he planted the seedlings, every day he went to the field to watch the seedlings grow. He saw the young shoots break through the soil and grow taller each day, but still, he thought they were growing too slowly. Eventually he got impatient with the young plants and suddenly he hit upon an idea that one by one, he pulled up the young plants by half an inch. The next early morning, the young man couldn’t wait to check his “achievement”, but he was heart-broken to see all the pulled-up young plants dying.


從前, 有個農夫, 種了稻苗(seedlings)後, 便希望能早早收成。 每天他到稻田時, 都發覺那些稻苗長得非常慢。 他等得很不耐煩。 想了又想, 他終於想到一個“最佳方法”, 他將稻苗全都拔高了幾分。 第二天, 一早起身, 他迫不及待地去稻田看他的“成果”。

哪知, 卻看到所有的稻苗都枯萎了。

圖片來源於網路, 如有侵權請聯繫刪除

六、Midway Tactics

Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue.

The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!"

The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!"

The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE".


三個互相爭生意的商店老闆在一條商業街上租用了毗鄰的店鋪。 旁觀者等著瞧好戲。

右邊的零售商掛起了巨大的招牌, 上書:“大減價!”“特便宜!”



中間的商人隨後準備了一個大招牌, 上面只簡單地寫著:“入口處”。

七、Very Pleased to Meet You

During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers.

One evening she met Captain Humphreys at a dance. He said to her, "I‘m going abroad tomorrow, but I‘d be very happy if we could write to each other." Joan agreed, and they wrote for several months.

Then his letters stopped, but she received one from another officer, telling her that he had been wounded and was in a certain army hospital in England.

Joan went there and said to the matron, "I‘ve come to visit Captain Humphreys."

"Only relatives are allowed to visit patients here," the matron said.

"Oh, that‘s all right," answered Joan. "I‘m his sister."

"I‘m very pleased to meet you," the matron said, "I‘m his mother!"

在第二次世界大戰中, 有許多年輕的婦女在軍營中服役。 瓊.飛利浦斯是其中之一。 她在一個大軍營中工作, 當然遇到了許多男士, 包括軍官和士兵。

一天晚上她在舞會上遇到了軍官漢弗雷斯。 他對她說, “我明天就要出國, 但如果我們能夠相互寫信, 我會很高興。 ”瓊同意了, 於是他們幾個月裡一直通著信。

後來, 他再沒有來信。 她收到了另一個軍官的信, 告訴她, 他受傷了, 住在英格蘭的某個部隊醫院裡。

瓊到了醫院, 她對護士長說, “我來看望軍官漢弗雷斯。 ”

“這裡只有親屬可以探望病人。 ”護士長說。

“噢, 是的, ”瓊說, “我是他的妹妹。 ”


八、Two Soldiers

Two soldiers were in camp. The first one‘s name was George, and the second one‘s name was Bill. George said, "have you got a piece of paper and an envelope, Bill?"

Bill said, "Yes, I have," and he gave them to him.

Then George said, "Now I haven‘t got a pen." Bill gave him his, and George wrote his letter. Then he put it in the envelope and said, "have you got a stamp, Bill?" Bill gave him one.

Then Bill got up and went to the door, so George said to him, "Are you going out?"

Bill Said, "Yes, I am," and he opened the door.

George said, "Please put my letter in the box in the office, and..." He stopped.

"What do you want now?" Bill said to him.

George looked at the envelope of his letter and answered, "What‘s your girl-friend‘s address?"









九、 Five Months Older

The Second World War had begun, and John wanted to join the army, but he was only 16 years old, and boys were allowed to join only if they were over 18. So when the army doctor examined him, he said that he was 18.

But John‘s brother had joined the army a few days before, and the same doctor had examined him too. This doctor remembered the older boy‘s family name, so when he saw John‘s papers, he was surprised.

"How old are you?" he said.

"Eighteen, sir," said John.

"But your brother was eighteen, too," said the doctor. "Are you twins?"

"Oh, no, sir," said John, and his face went red. "My brother is five months older than I am."








十、West Point

My father, brother and I visited West Point to see a football game between Army and Boston College. Taking a stroll before kickoff, we met many cadets in neatly pressed uniforms. Several visting fans asked the recruits if they would pose for photographs, "to show our son what to expect if he should attend West Point."

One middle-aged couple approached a very attractive female cadet and asked her to pose for a picture. They explained, "We want to show our son what he missed by not coming to West Point."






八、Two Soldiers

Two soldiers were in camp. The first one‘s name was George, and the second one‘s name was Bill. George said, "have you got a piece of paper and an envelope, Bill?"

Bill said, "Yes, I have," and he gave them to him.

Then George said, "Now I haven‘t got a pen." Bill gave him his, and George wrote his letter. Then he put it in the envelope and said, "have you got a stamp, Bill?" Bill gave him one.

Then Bill got up and went to the door, so George said to him, "Are you going out?"

Bill Said, "Yes, I am," and he opened the door.

George said, "Please put my letter in the box in the office, and..." He stopped.

"What do you want now?" Bill said to him.

George looked at the envelope of his letter and answered, "What‘s your girl-friend‘s address?"









九、 Five Months Older

The Second World War had begun, and John wanted to join the army, but he was only 16 years old, and boys were allowed to join only if they were over 18. So when the army doctor examined him, he said that he was 18.

But John‘s brother had joined the army a few days before, and the same doctor had examined him too. This doctor remembered the older boy‘s family name, so when he saw John‘s papers, he was surprised.

"How old are you?" he said.

"Eighteen, sir," said John.

"But your brother was eighteen, too," said the doctor. "Are you twins?"

"Oh, no, sir," said John, and his face went red. "My brother is five months older than I am."








十、West Point

My father, brother and I visited West Point to see a football game between Army and Boston College. Taking a stroll before kickoff, we met many cadets in neatly pressed uniforms. Several visting fans asked the recruits if they would pose for photographs, "to show our son what to expect if he should attend West Point."

One middle-aged couple approached a very attractive female cadet and asked her to pose for a picture. They explained, "We want to show our son what he missed by not coming to West Point."





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