

近日, Facebook公佈將其在美國的Community Boost專案擴展到歐洲!!這個計畫將會用來進行數字學習培訓, 為歐洲國家的國民傳授互聯網技能、媒體素養與網路安全意識!!而且, Facebook預測在2020年, Community Boost將在歐盟國家培訓30萬人, 尤其是在英國、法國、德國、波蘭、西班牙和義大利。 看來Facebook的教育規劃也是越來越厲害了啊!小紮是準備當個歐洲班主任了嗎?不過, 話說到底什麼是數字學習呢?

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者


數位學習, 通俗些理解就是將學習內容數位化後, 用電腦等終端設備為輔助工具進行的學習活動。 它還包括了混合學習和虛擬學習, 也就是說, 只有在電腦網路和資訊科技發展迅速的時候才能帶動數位學習的。

Digital learning is any type of learning that is facilitated by technology or by instructional practice that makes effective use of technology. It encompasses the application of a wide spectrum of practices including: blended and virtual learning.




圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

看到Facebook的線上學習項目, 大家是不是已經好奇其他大佬們有沒有這樣的“教師夢”呢?還真的有, 阿卡索小編這就帶大家來看看這些大佬們的線上黑科技“教師夢”!

Google Cardboard

說到Facebook, 肯定就不能忘了Google。 這是穀歌的一個以透鏡、磁鐵、魔鬼氈以及橡皮筋組合而成教育工具。 而且Google Cardboard還是可以折疊的智慧手機頭戴式顯示器。

這也是Google在教育領域裡面的一個“先鋒項目”, 據說很多學生都非常喜歡這個VR教育!!

Google Cardboard is a virtual reality (VR) platform developed by Google for use with a head mount for a smartphone. Named for its fold-out cardboard viewer, the platform is intended as a low-cost system to encourage interest and development in VR applications. Users can either build their own viewer from simple, low-cost components using specifications published by Google, or purchase a pre-manufactured one. To use the platform, users run Cardboard-compatible applications on their phone, place the phone into the back of the viewer, and view content through the lenses.





圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

Spell up


只要有Chrome的流覽器就可以玩, 不管是電腦還是手機都可以。 這個Spell up教育的小遊戲還結合了語音辨識和語音合成的技術, 非常考驗個人的詞彙量與聽力能力, 想要邊玩邊學習的朋友們, 可以試試Spell up.

Spell Up is a Chrome Experiment that enables you to improve your English skills by playing a game with your voice. You listen for words in the game and spell them out loud to build up a word tower. The Web Speech API automatically translates what you say into letters and words. The higher the tower gets, the more difficult the challenges: you’re asked to pronounce words correctly, solve anagrams, and guess the correct words by filling in the missing letters.




圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

Harvard Online Courses

近年來名校公開課也是火爆全網, 說到教育又怎能忘了哈佛公開課呢?如今, 就算足不出戶也在輕鬆在家聽名校的課程了。 當然, 除了哈佛大學公開課之外, 還有各種國際名校公開課, 比如斯坦福大學公開課, 牛津大學公開課等等。 對於想學習的職場人士來說, 這是一個相當不錯的選擇!任何時間任何地點, 想學就學!

Harvard offers a variety of open learning opportunities, including online courses and modules. A full list of online courses and other forms of digital learning from across Harvard is available. Through the edX learning platform, founded by Harvard and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), anyone with an Internet connection can gain access to courses from Harvard, MIT, and other partner academic institutions. View classes available from HarvardX or read more about edX.







Minecraft Education Edition is an open-world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is your imagination. Education Edition helps prepare students for the future workplace, building skills like collaboration, communication, critical thinking and systems thinking. The open learning environment gives students the freedom to experiment, encouraging creative self-expression and problem solving.












Minecraft Education Edition is an open-world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is your imagination. Education Edition helps prepare students for the future workplace, building skills like collaboration, communication, critical thinking and systems thinking. The open learning environment gives students the freedom to experiment, encouraging creative self-expression and problem solving.









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