

MONDAY is “Game of Thrones” night at The Collective’s Old Oak building. Millennials congregate in TV rooms around the 11-storey, 550-person block. Some gather at the cinema, lounging on bean bags decorated with old graphics from Life magazine. Nothing gets residents out of their rooms like the hit TV show. This is not a student dorm, however. It is home.

在合居公寓The Collective's Old Oak, 週一是“權力遊戲”之夜。 千禧一代的年輕人聚集在一棟有11層樓, 共550住戶的大廈裡的電視室。 一些人則聚集在電影室,

懶洋洋地躺在用《生活》雜誌上的舊照片裝飾的豆袋懶人沙發上。 唯有這部熱門電視劇才能讓人們走出自己的房間。 然而, 這不是學生宿舍, 這是他們的家。

The Collective is a pioneer of a new property format known as “co-living”. Instead of self-contained flats, residents live in tiny rooms with 12 square metres of floor space. Most contain just a bed and a bathroom. During a two-night stay your correspondent could barely fit his shoulders into the shower cubicle.

The Collective是一種稱為“合居”的新的住宅模式。 住戶們生活在面積為12平方米的小房間裡, 而不是獨立的公寓。 其中大部分只有一張床和一間浴室。 就算你的朋友只是想在這裡過兩夜, 他連擠進浴室隔間的可能都沒有。

It is outside these rooms that the building makes its pitch. It comes with a gym, spa, libraries, a good restaurant and a cinema. Residents get access to all of these amenities, as well as their room, for a rental payment of £800-£1,000 ($1,033-$1,292) a month. That includes all bills and high-speed Wi-Fi; they pay extra for meals in the restaurant. Residents have come up with their own services, too. The Collective houses a “library of things”, or a shared repository of useful objects—hammers, tape measures and even tents.

在這些房間以外的設施是這棟住宅最大的賣點, 如有健身房、水療館、圖書館、美味的餐館和電影院。 住戶們只需每月支付800 -1000歐元(約合1033-1292美元), 就可以使用所有的設施, 當然也包括他們自己的房間。 這些費用裡還包括所有帳單, 高速無線網路的費用, 不過不包括在餐廳裡的餐費。

住戶自己也能安裝一些服務性設施。 The Collective的房子就像是一個“物料庫”, 或者說是一個共用倉庫, 住戶們共用著一些有用的物品, 如錘子, 卷尺, 甚至是帳篷。

Rising rents have opened up a gap in the market. The ratio of average rents to incomes in London rose from a quarter to a third between 2004 and 2014. In New York, average rents have grown from 29% of average income in 2002 to 34% in 2014. Most young professionals moving to thriving cities face a difficult choice between spending a big share of their income on renting their own place, or moving in with strangers in a shared house to save money. The Collective offers something different.

不斷上漲的租金讓市場出現了缺口。 從2004年到2014年, 倫敦的平均房租與收入的比率從1:4上升到1:3。 同樣, 紐約的平均房租對平均收入的占比從2002年的29%增漲到2014年的34%。 大多數來到繁榮城市的年輕白領都面臨著一個艱難的選擇:是把大部分收入花在租一套公寓房上, 還是為了節省開支, 選擇與陌生人合租。 The Collective提供了另外一種選擇。

Old Oak, the firm’s first building in north-west London, has been 97% occupied for most of this year. The Collective is putting up two more co-living buildings in London, one in Stratford and one in Canary Wharf. The notion of tiny rooms and shared luxury services is fairly new and little tested, but the property industry is paying attention. Jack Sibley of TH Real Estate, a property investment manager, calls it “one of the most promising ideas for the future of living to emerge for some time”.

老橡樹(Old Oak)是該公司在倫敦西北部的第一棟建築。 今年大部分時間裡, 老橡樹的出租率高達97%。 The Collective在倫敦建造了另外兩個合居住宅, 一個位于斯德拉特福德,

一個位於金絲雀碼頭。 小型住房和共用豪華服務的概念是全新的, 幾乎沒有經過考驗, 但房地產行業正在關注這類住宅。 房地產投資經理傑克•西布利(Jack Sibley)稱, 這是未來一段時間內有關居住問題的最具前景的想法之一。

The next step for Reza Merchant, The Collective’s founder, is expansion abroad. He is close to striking deals on buildings in Boston and New York, and is talking to developers in Berlin, where historically low rents have been rising fast for the city’s young, creative types. The Collective has no real competitors in Britain but its move to America will see it run into Ollie, a co-living firm in New York.

The Collective創始人雷紮•賣錢特(Reza Merchant)計畫是向海外擴張。 他即將收購波士頓和紐約的樓房。 他還將與柏林的開發商商談, 因為對於在柏林富有創造力的年輕人來說, 以往的低租金正在快速上漲。 The Collective在英國並沒有真正的競爭對手, 但在進軍美國市場時, 將會遇到紐約的一家合居公司Ollie的挑戰。

Both of Ollie’s existing co-living buildings are smaller than Old Oak (the largest of its kind in the world). But the American firm will soon run a co-living space over 13 floors of a building in Long Island City in the borough of Queens. It is being developed by Quadrum Global, a property investment company, whose financial models predict that co-living will substantially outperform conventional rented flats in future because the return per square foot is so high.

Ollie現有的兩棟合居樓都比老橡樹小——後者是全球同類建築中最大的)。 不過, 這家美國企業很快就會在皇后區長島市的一棟13層樓建築裡經營一家合居空間。

這幢樓正在由房地產投資公司Quadrum Global建造。 這家地產公司通過財務模型預測, 由於每平方英尺的回報非常高, 合居住宅的市場將大大超過傳統的出租公寓。

WeWork, a private firm that is the world’s largest provider of shared workspaces and is valued at an estimated $20bn, has a residential arm, WeLive, that is running co-living units out of a leased building on Wall Street in Manhattan. It has joined forces with a property firm in Seattle called Martin Selig to construct a new 36-storey building, 23 floors of which will be dedicated to co-living.

WeWork是全球最大的共用辦公室創業企業, 估值約為200億美元。 該公司旗下的子公司WeLive在曼哈頓華爾街的一幢租賃大樓裡運營合居公寓。 它與西雅圖的一家房地產公司馬丁·塞利格(Martin Selig)合作, 建造了一幢36層的新樓, 其中有23層用來打造合居公寓。

The model will get tweaked as developers see what works and what doesn’t. Mr Merchant is using data gathered from Old Oak to refine The Collective’s new buildings. Rooms will be slightly larger, because the tiny square footage is one of the main reasons residents give for moving on. Sensors monitor use of the common spaces, and in the new complexes the kitchens will all be on one floor, rather than scattered around the building. Most of Old Oak’s shared spaces are in fact fairly empty; the liveliest area is the launderette, where residents mingle and watch TV as they wait for washing cycles.

開發商會審視哪種模式可行, 並加以調整。 雷紮•賣錢特(Reza Merchant)利用從老橡樹收集到的資料來改進新的合居建築。 房間將會變得稍微大一些, 因為住戶會離開的一個主要原因是面積過小。 在公共空間裡會有感測器監測,

而在新的住宅樓中, 廚房將全部位於一層, 而不是分散在大樓裡。 老橡樹的大部分公用空間裡實際上沒什麼人;最熱鬧的地方在自助洗衣間, 住戶在等待洗衣時會聚在一起看電視。

Maria Carvalho, a social-sciences academic at the London School of Economics, moved into the building because she wanted to live with other people, but did not want to have to find roommates. “I would call it a hipster commune, not a hippy commune,” she says. She particularly likes meeting friends walking home from the train station but says kitchen utensils often go missing. (With too many co-livers to be able to know everyone personally, CCTV is used in these areas as a guarantor of good conduct and cleanliness.)

倫敦經濟學院(London School of Economics)的社會科學學者瑪麗亞·卡瓦略(Maria Carvalho)搬來住的原因是她想和人住在一起, 又不想找室友。 她說:“我把它叫做潮人公社, 而不是嬉皮士公社。 ”她特別喜歡那些從火車站步行回家的朋友, 但她說廚房裡用具經常不見。 (鑒於合居人數數量之多, 無法瞭解每個人的情況, 在共用區域安裝了監控攝像頭, 這能很好的保證住戶的良好行為以及公寓的整潔。 )

The Collective and other companies like it have a choice to make, says Roger Southam of Savills, a property firm. They could continue focusing on incoming workers to big cities, providing minimal private living space alongside attractive shared areas. But Mr Southam sees much more potential if co-living spaces can give residents slightly more private space, allowing them to attract people already living in cities. Starting from the smallest of rooms and working up may let co-living firms hit upon the perfect balance of shared and private space. Who, after all, doesn’t want a cinema in the basement?

在房地產公司工作大衛斯(Savills)的羅傑·索索姆(Roger Southam)表示, the Collective和其他公司都有機會。 他們可以繼續把注意力集中在大城市的外來務工人員身上, 在極具吸引力的共用區域旁提供最低限度的私人生活空間。羅傑·索索姆(Roger Southam)認為,如果共同生活空間能給居民更多的私人空間,能夠吸引更多城裡人,那麼合居住宅就更具潛力了。從最小的房間開始,向上發展,最終做到共用空間和私人空間的完美平衡。畢竟,誰不想在地下室擁有自己的私人影院呢?










在極具吸引力的共用區域旁提供最低限度的私人生活空間。羅傑·索索姆(Roger Southam)認為,如果共同生活空間能給居民更多的私人空間,能夠吸引更多城裡人,那麼合居住宅就更具潛力了。從最小的房間開始,向上發展,最終做到共用空間和私人空間的完美平衡。畢竟,誰不想在地下室擁有自己的私人影院呢?










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